Page 11 - The Jewish Voice - May '24
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The Jewish Voice, Page 11

      Local Happenings from page 10                     movies, festivals, cooking, nutrition, exercise, yoga – they are
                                                        living a fuller life. Having the ability to offer this to adults who
      their sister Beth, who has                        can’t live on their own is very special and we are truly grateful.”
      been a resident at Melvin                            Without Alpert JFS, Jane and Bruce acknowledge they
      J. & Claire Levine                                would have had to relocate Beth to the Northeast to be closer to
      Jewish Residential &                              them. Instead, thanks to Alpert JFS and its programming, Beth
      Family Service in West                            is able to stay in her home and her siblings have tremendous
      Palm Beach for almost                             piece of mind. “It’s not just that she’s safe and cared for, she
      25 years. The cutting-                            is enjoying herself,” Jane adds. “It’s priceless. Now with the
      edge program provides                             new expansion, it can only get better and more fulfilling.”
      a continuum of services                              Jane and Bruce are now encouraging others to consider
      for adults struggling with                        donating to the Alpert JFS 50th Anniversary Campaign, having
      mental illness as well as                         personally and spiritually benefited from the experience. “In
      those who are learning                            terms of philanthropy, if you can make a difference that is
      and/or developmentally   Bruce  Terker, Beth  Terker, and   immediate and sustained in someone’s life and provide them
      disabled. Its goal is   Jane Terker Perelman      with a life that they would otherwise not have – to me that is
      to optimize residents’                            a beautiful thing. You don’t always see the direct benefits of
      potential, enabling them to lead fulfilling lives in a less   philanthropy, but in this case we really are. We are seeing the
      restrictive environment.                          difference it makes in real time. And that’s compelling.”
         While Beth lived in the residences at Alpert JFS, her parents      Like so many others, Jane and Bruce look forward to the
      always lived nearby and regularly visited her, ensuring Beth   years ahead and Alpert JFS’ continued growth. “The last 50
      was watched over and cared for. However, after both parents   years have provided comfort and joy and solace and refuge
      passed away within weeks of each other five years ago, Beth   and safety to so many people,” added Jane.” Here’s to the
      was seemingly alone in South Florida. According to Jane, that   next 50 and exponentially growing the number of people
      is exactly when the staff at Alpert JFS became family.  who have benefited.”
         “The staff, and especially Chief Clinical and Impact Officer                                      walls, Temple Israel actively seeks partnerships across South
      Dr. Elaine Rotenberg, were so lovely and kind, and inclusive,”   Temple Israel: Building             Florida, believing that true repair requires collective action.
      she said. “They even came to my parents’ funeral services. And                                          One way Temple Israel exemplifies its dedication to
      since their passing, the team at Alpert JFS has become truly   Bridges Through Tikkun Olam           nurturing bright futures and breaking down barriers to success
      an extended family, to my sister and my brother and me. That                                         is through initiatives like Reading Buddies at Pleasant City
      has made all the difference in the world.”           Rooted in the Jewish principle of tikkun olam, repair of the   Elementary School. Volunteers offer invaluable support to
         In honor of their parents, Jane and Bruce made a significant   world, Temple Israel embraces a philosophy of manifest social   and direct engagement with young learners, recognizing
      donation to the Center of Belonging and Wellbeing, which   justice, seeking to mend the world through compassionate   the transformative power of literacy in shaping future
      officially opened in the Fall of 2023. The center has created   community engagement. Venturing outside of the synagogue   opportunities.
      an inclusive and supportive environment where all individuals                                           Collaboration serves as a cornerstone of  Temple
      can thrive and achieve their full potential. It is also the hub of                                   Israel’s endeavors, demonstrated by their partnerships with
      social interaction for adults with disabilities in the Levine JRFS                                   organizations across the county, including local Jewish
      Supportive Living program, while also serving the broader                                            institutions, and by their support for Israel. By organizing
      community of those with disabilities and/or chronic mental                                           insightful discussions and exhibitions with the Jewish
      illness through the launch of its new Day Socialization program.                                     Federation of Palm Beach County, the two organizations foster
         Jane and Bruce believe the center truly embodies the                                              unity within the Jewish community and beyond, showcasing
      exceptional care that Beth, who is now 67, has received. “The                                        solidarity during times of challenge. The congregation’s
      work they are doing is really important,” added Jane. “They                                          partnership with agencies like Alpert Jewish Family Service
      are taking adults with disabilities and giving them a life that is                                   reflects a broader commitment to community care. By donating
      fuller, richer, more involved, more community based. Between
      all the activities – the Kravis Center, trip to Orlando, bowling,                                    Local Happenings on page 12

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