Page 10 - The Jewish Voice - May '24
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Page 10, The Jewish Voice

      Local Happenings from page 8                         Avi has produced multiple films, conferences, social
                                                        media, and podcasts that have turned him into a social
      Chabad PBG Hosts IDF                              media celebrity and a recognized spokesperson for Israel
                                                        and the Jewish people.
      Reservist                                            After the acapella Friday night services welcoming
                                                        Shabbos, Avi spoke about the devotion and love of the
         Chabad of Palm Beach Gardens recently held a Friday   citizens of Israel in serving in the IDF. He spoke about how
      Night Live event with the theme From Gaza, with Love. IDF   the center of the battlefield is not necessarily geographic,
      reservist Avi Abelow is an unapologetic advocate for Israel,   but actually in our minds and hearts. He explained that
      editor of IsraelUnwired, and founder and CEO of The Pulse   the theater of this war is a battle of faith and the courage
      of Israel. He provides the Torah-based, politically incorrect   to believe in G-d in response to rising anti-Semitism.
      truth about Israel and the Jewish people.
                                                        The Donald M. Ephraim                              the Festival’s centerpiece, received honorable mention.

                                                        Film Festival Announces                            Shaina Silver-Baird, who stars in this rollicking music-
                                                                                                           filled comedy, performed as part of the centerpiece’s
                                                        Audience Award                                     festivities.
                                                                                                              Director Mike Cheslick’s comedy Hundreds of Beavers
                                                           The Donald M. Ephraim Sun & Stars International   also received honorable mention in its Palm Beach County
                                                        Film Festival (SASIFF), presented by MorseLife earlier   premiere. The wacky comedy is an extravagant homage
                                                        this year, announces the Audience Award will be given   to Looney Tunes cartoons and silent film comedy with a
                                                        to the documentary God & Country.                  crazed spirit of wickedness all its own.
                                                           The film by Oscar-nominated producer Rob Reiner                             Photo credit: MorseLife
                                                        and Emmy-nominated director Dan Partland offers a
                                                        wide-ranging look at the historical roots and dangers of   Supporting Adults Struggling
                                                        merging religion and politics.
                                                           “God & Country is an important and timely film   with Mental Illness, Disabilities
                                                        that clearly resonated with the audience at the sold-out
                                                        screening,” said SASIFF Founder Donald M. Ephraim.      For siblings Jane Terker Perelman and Bruce Terker, Ferd &
                                                        “We were pleased to give the film its Palm Beach County   Alpert Jewish Family Service is family. The two, who both live
                                                        premiere as one of the 25 captivating and award-winning   in the Northeast, first came in contact with Alpert JFS through
                                                        films in this year’s Festival.”
                                                           The Canadian film Less Than Kosher, which served as   Local Happenings on page 11


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