Page 7 - The Jewish Voice - May '24
P. 7

                                                                                                                                      The Jewish Voice, Page 7
                                                        Federation’s Women in
      Local Happenings from page 6                                                                            “GL Homes takes great pride in supporting Jewish
                                                        Business Event Draws                               Federation of Palm Beach County and empowering women
         •  Gleaning  at                                                                                   in business by giving our time and energy to make our
      a local farm: 4,000                               Dynamic Leaders                                    community a better place,” shared Alsofrom. “It is our hope
      pounds of red peppers                                                                                that the impressive women in attendance found inspiration
      gleaned from a local                                 More  than  50                                  and received advice they can share with their friends and
      farm by more than 50                              professional  women                                colleagues.”
      volunteers of all ages,                           across all industries                                 Federation’s Business and Professionals group brings
      in a partnership with                             gathered together for                              together talented local professionals to create a unique impact
      Cros  Ministries. The                             Jewish Federation of                               and lend their expertise to tackle the community’s most
      produce was donated                               Palm Beach County’s                                critical challenges and priorities.
      to Palm Beach County                              Women in Business                                                 Photo credit Tracy Benson Photography
      Food Bank.                                        Luncheon, as part
         • PB&J Food Drive:                             of its Business and
      Hundreds of containers                            Professionals group.                               Alpert JFS Celebrates
      of kosher nut butters                             The event was                                      50 Years of Impact in
      and jelly were donated                            generously sponsored
      to Alpert  Jewish                                 by GL Homes.                                       Palm Beach County
      Family Service’s Food                                The working
      Pantry.                                           l unc h provi de d                                    Ferd & Gladys
         • Art Project with                             guests  an  exclusive                              Alpert Jewish Family
      Seniors: Local children                           opportunity  to  hear                              Service of Palm Beach
      brought giant smiles to                           from GL Homes Chief                                County  is  celebrating
      the faces of MorseLife                            Operating Officer                                  the organization’s 50-
      residents while                                   Marcie DePlaza, a 33-year                          year anniversary with
      enjoying  a  succulent                            veteran of the homebuilding                        a special Honoring
      plant-making party                                industry who shared her                            Our Past, Securing
      thanks to our friends                             secrets to success in a male-                      Our Future campaign.
      at PJ Library.                                    dominated industry. GL                             For half a century, the  David, a client of the Alpert Jewish
         Additional                                     Homes  Vice President of                           Palm Beach County- Family Service Mentoring 4 Kids
      community members                                 Community Relations Sarah                          headquartered non- program, enjoys quality time with
      added to the day by                               Alsofrom moderated the                             sectarian nonprofit  his mentor, Andy.
      hopping on the Big Red                            inspiring and motivating                           agency has provided
      Bus to donate blood,                              conversation. The  event                           wraparound services to ensure the well-being of people of
      making Passover                                   was  chaired  by  Mindy                            all ages, stages of life, and backgrounds, including children,
      cards for  seniors at                             Steiner Nichols and Lesley                         families, and survivors of the Holocaust. Today, Alpert JFS
      MorseLife, and                                    Sheinberg.                                         provides comprehensive human services to approximately
      creating homemade                                                                                    12,500 people each year from Boynton Beach to Vero Beach
      DIY  fleece  blankets                                                                                – with the need continuing to grow.
      to help provide an                                                                                      “When Alpert JFS was founded in 1974, there were
      extra layer of comfort                                                                               limited services for the support we provide to individuals
      to local shelters for                                                                                with mental health challenges, vulnerable seniors, families
      women and animals.                                                                                   facing food insecurity, and people with disabilities, and there
                                                                                                           was little coordination among agencies,” said Marc Hopin,
      Cousin of Israeli Hostage                                                                            chief executive officer of Alpert JFS. “In our 50 years as a
                                                                                                           multi-disciplinary agency with over two dozen programs and
      Speaks at Emanu-El                                                                                   services, we have addressed these issues by establishing a
                                                                                                           more efficient and effective system of delivering care to those
         Leat Corinne Unger,                                                                               in need.”
      the cousin of Omer Shem                                                                                 Key programs and services offered by Alpert JFS include:
      Tov, one of the 134 Israeli                                                                             • Counseling and Psychiatry
      hostages who are being                                                                                  • Care Management
      held by Hamas in Gaza,                                                                                  • Bereavement Support
      shared Omer’s story at                                                                                  • Mental Health First Aid
      Temple Emanu-El of                                                                                      • Alpert JFS Kosher Food Pantry
      Palm Beach last month.                                                                                  • Holocaust Survivors Assistance
         Leat spoke about her                                                                                 • Levine Jewish Residential & Family Service
      cousin Omer being a hero                                                                                • ElderCare360 and JFSComForCare Home Care
      on  October 7,  because                                                                                 • Adult Day Socialization Program at the Alpert JFS
      “he refused to leave his                                                                             Center for Belonging and Wellbeing
      friends behind.”                                                                                        • Mentoring 4 Kids Program
         Omer Shem Tov, age
      21, was attending the
      Nova Music Festival on
      October 7 when Hamas
      terrorists struck. He was
      among dozens abducted
      from the concert and
      thrown into a dirty, white
      pickup truck. Despite
      being able to share
      his location with his
      parents, who noticed the
      movement toward Gaza,
      they never heard from
      him again. However,
      they were able to identify                                                                           Eric, a resident of the Melvin J. & Claire Levine Jewish
      him from tattoos seen on                                                                             Residential & Family Service Apartment Program, assembles
      Hamas videos. One of                                                                                 Rosh Hashanah food packages to be delivered to young
      the released hostages mentioned that Omer, who suffered                                              families.
      from asthma and celiac disease, was alive when she was
      freed on day 55.                                                                                     Local Happenings on page 8
         Leat has been speaking across the United States to
      raise awareness of the hostages still in captivity and has
      been actively involved in diplomatic conversations with
      ambassadors and  members  of  Congress  regarding  the
      ongoing hostage crisis. She is a passionate humanitarian                                              Captain’s was established in 1980 servicing
      activist who has dedicated every waking moment since                                                  Palm Beach County and is a privately
      October 7 to reuniting Omer with his family.                                                          owned and managed company.
         Rabbi Michael Resnick of Temple Emanu-El stated,                                                   Captain’s is committed to providing
                                                                                                            dependable, reliable and professional
      “Being there to hear Omer’s heartbreaking story is one                                                ground transportation to and from all
      way we can show Leat, who is in contact with all of the                                               South Florida Airports and Seaports.
      families of the hostages, that we deeply care and that we                                                To reserve your vehicle:     PBCVH212
      will not stop advocating for them until all the hostages                                              561-798-2180 or 800-634-7890
      come safely home.”
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