Page 2 - The Jewish Voice - May '24
P. 2

Page 2, The Jewish Voice
      Passover Principles in Action:

      Unity and Change at the PEACE Nehemiah Assembly

         Last month, the Palm Beach Convention Center became                                               to one’s own action. By contrast, freedom “to” identifies
      a nexus of communal harmony and shared purpose, hosting                                              the possibility to determine and achieve individual or
      the PEACE Nehemiah Assembly. This significant gathering                                              collective purposes autonomously.
      brought together over 900 individuals from various faith                                                The notion of positive liberty is at the heart of being
      communities  united  under  a common  goal:  to  address                                             Jewish. For example, the rabbis taught, “There is no free
      pressing social issues that impact everyone in the vicinity.                                         person but he or she who studies Torah” (Avot 6:2) — to
      The event was not only a display of interfaith solidarity                                            study, to question, to improve one’s life through education,
      but also a powerful reminder of our responsibilities toward                                          to pay attention to what is important most in life, to keep
      our neighbors. Amid this congregation of dedicated souls,                                            your heart open and not be stubborn like Pharoah.
      Rabbi Feivel Strauss, associate rabbi of Temple Judea,                                                  On Passover, “freedom to” means to retell the story of
      delivered a poignant closing prayer that encapsulated the                                            the Exodus. It’s about the freedom to pass on traditions,
      spirit of the assembly.                                                                              to educate the next generation, and to use one’s liberty for
         Rabbi Strauss eloquently voiced the collective aspirations                                        spiritual and moral growth. The holiday prompts Jews to
      and commitments of the attendees. His words were not just   Sheriff Ric Bradshaw, underscored the significance of the   consider not only the historical aspects of their liberation
      prayers but a call to action. His remarks came at the end of   assembly and the issues at hand. These endeavors, as he   but also how they can use their freedoms today to advocate
      the two-hour assembly that highlighted the ongoing efforts   noted, are not only about advocating for change but about   for justice, help the oppressed, and contribute to a better
      of the community in tackling critical issues such as police-  fostering a community where “great things happen” through   world. It’s a call to action, reminding us that freedom
      community relations, affordable housing, and mental health.   unity and collective action.           comes with the responsibility to make ethical choices and
      The presence of influential community leaders, including      The rabbi’s message was particularly resonant in the   to aid those who are still in chains.
                                                        context of Passover, a time when the Jewish community      These dual themes of Passover also encourage
                                                        reflects on the themes of liberation and freedom. There is   reflection  on  both  personal  and  communal  freedoms.
        MorseLife Presents from page 1                  a strong connection between the historical Exodus from   “Freedom from” can be seen in the context of overcoming
                                                        Egypt and the contemporary struggles for justice. The story   personal limitations or societal constraints, while “freedom
                                                        of Passover is not merely a historical account but a living   to” challenges individuals and communities to think about
                                                        narrative that compels us to consider what our newfound   how they can use their liberties to effect positive change
                                                        freedom enables us to do. It challenges us to not only   in the world.
                                                        celebrate our liberation from past oppressions but to actively      Passover embodies a holistic view of freedom, teaching
                                                        engage in liberating others from the social and economic   that liberation from oppression is not the end goal but the
                                                        pharaohs of today.                                 beginning of a journey toward fulfilling one’s duties to
                                                           Isaiah Berlin famously distinguished between two basic   God, community, and oneself. It’s a yearly reminder that
                                                        concepts of freedom, namely freedom “from,” or negative   freedom is not only about escaping from the negative, but
                                                        freedom, and freedom “to,” or positive freedom. Freedom   also about embracing the positive opportunities that come
                                                        “from” consists in the absence of obstacles or constraints   with being free.

        The Best Things in Life are Free, the Second Best are
        Very, Very Expensive by Stephanie Doppelt Fisher

        in New York, The Pergande Gallery in Aspen, The
        Sandra Neustadter Gallery in Delray Beach, and the
        Carousel Du Louvre in Paris as well as in Venice,                                                                              $
        Greece, Monaco, and London. She will be exhibiting                              $                   $ 100 off                    250
        in Paris just prior to the Olympics. Her art and                                  39Usually  95
        sculptures were on view for years on Worth Avenue                             serviCe Call with           any new             uv light with any
        at the Roni Lynn D. Gallery as well as H.T. Stuart                              any a/C repair          water heater          new installation
                                                                                                                                         ( 750 value)
        Jewelers.                                                                    Call for serviCe       Call for serviCe       Call for serviCe
           The three older generations had previously                                561-741-2825           561-741-2825           561-741-2825
        displayed their work in a joint show, Three Generations                     Not valid with any other discounts,   Not valid with any other discounts,   Not valid with any other discounts,
        of Love and Art, that was on exhibit for six weeks at                       offers, or coupons. Limit 1 discount   offers, or coupons. Limit 1 discount   offers, or coupons. Limit 1 discount
        the Armory Art Center in West Palm Beach. The new                           per transaction. Expires 6/10/24.  per transaction. Expires: 6/10/24.  per transaction. Expires:6/10/24.
        exhibit of paintings, sculptures, and sketches includes
        contributions from six of Katz’s great grandchildren:
        Leah, Joshua, Sasha, Gigi, Summer, and Joey.
           “Who would think that four generations could be
        together this way,” Roni Lynn Doppelt said. “Family    Are you ready for
        is everything. It’s such a blessing to me and it’s a gift
        that I’m going to experience. I never thought this
        could happen and it’s a dream come true.”            Cataract Surgery?
           The exhibit was open only to MorseLife residents
        and is one of the independent living activities       We’re ready for you!
        featuring fun and fascinating social, cultural, and
        educational programs.
                                Photo credit MorseLife                                                                         When it’s time,
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