Page 12 - The Jewish Voice - May '24
P. 12

Page 12, The Jewish Voice

      Local Happenings from page 11                                                                           One of the most
                                                                                                           poignant moments
      resources and organizing events like the transformative                                              of the seder was
      musical “Freedom Song,” Temple Israel engages with issues                                            the singing of the
      of addiction, homelessness, and mental health, recognizing the                                       Four Quest ions,
      interconnectedness of human struggles.                                                               traditionally asked
         The Temple’s dedication to addressing local needs is                                              by the younges t
      evident in their involvement with organizations like the CROS                                        person present. These
      Ministries, The Lord’s Place, and Inner City Innovators. Through                                     questions probe the why’s and how’s of Passover
      volunteer work and donation drives, they provide vital support                                       practices, underscoring the importance of curiosity
      to vulnerable populations, embodying the Jewish value of                                             and inquiry in Jewish tradition. Rabbi Strauss shared
      compassion in action. Whether collecting supplies for inner-city                                     a profound teaching: “There is nothing less significant
      youth, advocating for the unhoused, or collecting food for those                                     than an answer to a question that has not been asked.”
      facing food insecurity, Temple Israel actively seeks to uplift                                       This  sentiment resonated  deeply  with  the  participants,
      marginalized voices and enact meaningful change.                                                     emphasizing that the essence of freedom lies in the ability
         TI’s dedication to social justice extends beyond local                                            to ask questions.
      borders, as evidenced by their Civil Rights Journeys. By                                                Furthermore, Rabbi Strauss introduced the congregation
      retracing the steps of the Civil Rights Movement and fostering                                       to the concept of “Dayenu,” a Hebrew word that translates
      interfaith dialogue, they honor a legacy of activism and inspire                                     to “it would have been enough.” This part of the seder
      meaningful change in the present day. This year, Temple Israel                                       expresses gratitude for the multitude of blessings
      is hosting its second annual trip alongside Inner City Innovators                                    bestowed by God, teaching a lesson in appreciation and
      Founder Ricky Aiken and Reverend Kevin Jones to further                                              contentment. Through “Dayenu,” the attendees learned to
      community connections.                                                                               acknowledge and celebrate each step of their ancestors’
         Temple Israel’s tireless efforts exemplify the transformative                                     journey toward freedom, a lesson that transcends religious
      potential of collective action and compassion. By embracing                                          boundaries.
      the principles of tikkun olam, manifest social justice, they not                                        Pastor Graeser reflected on the seder as a “profound
      only repair the world but also build bridges of understanding                                        learning experience” for his congregation. He mentioned
      and solidarity across communities. As they continue to expand      Passover, or Pesach, commemorates the Israelites’   that religion is “caught, not taught” and that the Passover
      their partnerships and initiatives, Temple Israel stands as a   Exodus from Egypt, and it is observed through the seder,   seder is a model for how spirituality and religious
      beacon of hope, reminding us that true repair begins with a   a ritual feast that involves the retelling of this ancient   practices can be shared with our youth.
      commitment to service and empathy.                story. For many members of Holy Spirit Lutheran Church,      The collaboration between Temple Judea and Holy
                                                        their familiarity with the Exodus story had been limited   Spirit Lutheran Church stands as a testament to the power
      Harmony and Horseradish:                          to biblical text. However, having recently returned from   of interfaith dialogue and shared experiences. By inviting
                                                                                                           Rabbi Strauss to lead the Passover seder, the church
                                                        a trip to Israel last year, the desire to transform historical
      The Story of an Interfaith                        knowledge into a living memory was stronger than ever.   members not only gained insight into Jewish traditions
                                                                                                           but also experienced the universal themes of freedom,
                                                        This led to the idea of inviting Rabbi Strauss to lead a
      Passover Experience                               seder, not just as a meal but as a vivid educational and   inquiry, and gratitude that Passover embodies.
                                                        spiritual experience.                                 This memorable event underscored the importance of
         In a unique interfaith  gathering  that  bridged      The gathering was centered around the Hagadah,   coming together to learn from one another, celebrating
      communities and faiths, Rabbi Feivel Strauss, associate   the  text  that  guides  the  Passover  seder. The  Hagadah,   both  our  differences  and  our  common  humanity. As
      rabbi at Temple Judea, led an engaging Passover seder   which literally means “retelling,” is not merely read but   communities continue to seek ways to connect and
      at Holy Spirit Lutheran Church, hosted by Pastor Jim   experienced, allowing participants to immerse themselves   understand each other, such gatherings shine as beacons
      Graeser. This special event came on the heels of the church   in the narrative of liberation and redemption. “The   of hope, demonstrating the potential for unity and mutual
      members’ intensive study group on the book of Exodus,   Passover seder is not something to read about but to   respect across diverse faiths.
      sparking a profound interest in experiencing the Jewish   experience,” Rabbi Strauss emphasized, highlighting the
      tradition of Passover firsthand.                  dynamic nature of this tradition.                  Local Happenings on page 13

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