Page 15 - The Jewish Voice - May '24
P. 15

The Jewish Voice, Page 15

      Local Happenings from page 14                                                                        laughter as “sisters” bonded together. The Hagadah featured
                                                                                                           the inspiring stories of the five heroines of the Passover story:
      JFS Names Director of                                                                                Miriam, Yocheved, the midwives Shifra and Puah, and Batya
                                                                                                           (Pharaoh’s daughter).
      Mental Health First Aid                                                                                 Participants also reflected on 10 “modern” plagues our
                                                                                                           society suffers from today, such as inequality, intolerance, and
         As the director of Mental                                                                         apathy. They reimagined “Dayenu” as an anthem for women
      Health First Aid (MHFA) at                                                                           who need to say “it’s enough” when others ask them to take on
      Alpert JFS, Courtney Marx
      will oversee the program,
      outreach,  and its rollout
      to community groups,
      organizations, businesses,
      and individuals across Palm
      Beach County. MHFA teaches
      participants how to assist
      someone experiencing a
      mental health or substance
      use challenge or crisis. This training provides skills needed to
      reach out and provide initial support to someone developing
      a mental health or substance use challenge and help connect
      them to the appropriate care. Alpert JFS originally introduced
      MHFA in Palm Beach County in 2014. Since then, Alpert JFS
      has enlisted over 80 trainers who have taught the program to
      over 13,000 community members.
         In her new role, Marx is excited about educating community
      members about mental illness and working to reduce the stigma
      of mental illness. She has a drive and passion for helping
      individuals in the community succeed – whether that involves
      mental health, vocational skills, or financial health.
         Originally from Maryland, Marx has years of experience in
      operations and management of nonprofit organizations. With
      a background in the culinary arts, she has a degree in pastry
      arts from La Academie De Cuisine and has taken on roles
      that utilize both her experience in the kitchen as well as her
      management skills, having most recently worked as project
      manager for nonprofit Florida Organic Growers and as director
      of food and beverage at Saint John’s Program for Real Change,
      a vocational training program in Sacramento, CA.

      Sisterhood Seder

         Temple Judea’s Sisterhood organized a meaningful and
      interactive women’s seder to kick off the Passover season.
      Led by Cantor Abbie Strauss and Rabbi Rose Durbin, the
      night was filled with introspection, beautiful music, and                                            Local Happenings on page 16

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                                             like I would treat my own mother.”

                                                                  Andrew Levy

             Andrew Levy                                                      3 3 3 3
             7100 Fairway Dr. Suite 44
             Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33418
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