Page 16 - The Jewish Voice - May '24
P. 16

Page 16, The Jewish Voice

      Local Happenings from page 15

      too much. Members of Sisterhood shared the names of women
      in their family, going back as many generations as they could
      remember, and also shared impactful moments from their lives
      that were both sweet (like charoset) and bitter (like maror).
         Everyone in attendance enjoyed a delicious springtime meal
      with Passover desserts such as macaroons and candy matzah,   ability to provide every soldier with all the upgrades they need.
      and of course those in attendance received wonderful afikomen   After the generals told us of their specific requests, the group
      prizes. The evening ended with everyone arm-in-arm singing   proudly presented them with four base cameras as well as two
      “Miriam’s Song” and “You Shall Be a Blessing” (both written   surveillance drones. These items were purchased by the IDF
      by Debbie Friedman), feeling empowered as Jewish women   and sponsored by the shul.
      and as leaders in our community. The seder was a memorable
      evening where the Sisterhood sent prayers to our sisters in Israel
      and reflected on the substantial impact that we, as Jewish women,
      have had and will continue to have on our world today.

                                                                                                           Local Happenings on page 17

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      Chabad’s Emotional

      Mission to Israel

         Leaders of the Chabad of Palm Beach Gardens recently
      set out to Israel for a whirlwind 72-hour visit in support of the  We’re here to help.
      soldiers of the IDF. Rabbi Dovid and Chana Vigler were joined
      by three of Chana’s brothers as they set off to visit their youngest   Accident insurance complements your Florida Blue Health Plan. Call to learn more
      brother, Shmaya, who lives in Israel, to wish him well before   about insurance plans from USAble Life.
      he deploys to Gaza.
         The mission was to support the IDF soldiers in two ways: By   M&A Insurance and Financial Services Inc.
      personally delivering financial aid for equipment upgrades that
      Shmaya’s commander had requested and by providing spiritual   561-440-9940
      and emotional support to the soldiers.
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      soldiers, the generals told us that budget limitations restrict the   and operates separately from Florida Blue.
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