Page 14 - The Jewish Voice - May '24
P. 14

Page 14, The Jewish Voice

      Local Happenings from page 13

      They provide pet companionship for senior people and fully
      support that relationship by covering all veterinary expenses,
      providing regular check-ins, and giving a peace of mind that
      the pet will always have a home, no matter what.
         Join The Pet Cottage for a fun and exciting afternoon where
      you can meet the pets, talk to volunteers, learn more about
      current volunteer opportunities, and hang out with pet lovers.
         Bring a much-needed supply (paper towels, wee wee pads,   Eli Cecil taking a picture of Murano                   Fabiano Zanchi, master Venetian
      or laundry detergent) and get some Pet Cottage Swag! Light   glassblower Davide Salvadore with his                  chandelier  maker,  works  with  the
      refreshments will be provided. Please RSVP by emailing   son, Marco                One of Dan’s large vessels       Benzaiten staff. The Pet Cottage, 561-818-5025,                               This year their On the Veranda, held at the National   Auction offering original oils, limited edition prints, and
                                                        Croquet Club, garnered a huge amount of accolades due to   glass art with opening bids starting at way below wholesale
      Emanu-El Hosts IDF                                the picturesque setting, the fact that it’s casual, the great   costs! This is a great opportunity to obtain fine art at rock
                                                                                                           bottom prices. All money raised will go toward their summer
                                                        food, silent auction items, and dance band. After all, what’s
      Recovering Soldiers                               not to like! Coming off that success, they decided to have   programming for underserved kids and teens.
                                                        an additional fun fundraiser at the center called Cabaret at      Visit or call (561) 508-7315.
         Sheba  Tel HaShomer is Israel’s largest and most   the Benz. This was so well received that they’ve decided      Hours are Tuesday through Saturday, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.
      comprehensive hospital, renowned for their numerous   to repeat it annually.
      medical breakthroughs. In peacetime, Sheba treats nearly 20      Their last fundraiser of the season will be an Online Art   Local Happenings on page 15
      percent of Israel’s diverse population. Since October 7, this
      number has significantly increased, treating the majority of
      the injured soldiers and civilians (many who are now in its
      rehabilitation center) as well as former hostages, assisting
      with reunification with their families.
         Amidst a world of devastation, Sheba and its physicians
      and staff provide much-needed hope and innovative surgeries.
      Among these miracle workers is Yoel Har-Even, a retired
      lieutenant commander of the IDF’s surgeon general’s office,
      who now serves as the director of Sheba Global.
         On May 22 at 7 p.m., Temple Emanu-El of Palm
      Beach will be hosting Har-Even along with two injured
      and now recovering IDF soldiers. Joining them will be
      one of Sheba’s lung transplant surgeons, who served as a
      combat soldier during Swords of Iron (the IDF’s campaign
      against Hamas in the Gaza Strip.) These speakers will share
      their heartbreaking and inspiring stories of courage and
      resilience. They will encourage hope and pride, which our
      community both craves and deserves.

      One More Stellar Season
      for the Benzaiten Center

      for Creative Arts

         Once again the Benzaiten Center hits the ball out of the
      park! Having been in business just nine short years, people all
      over Palm Beach County are discovering this gem of a cultural
      center. There is no other place in the county where novices
      and professional artists can go to learn about and create fine
      art glass. Yes, there are a few other hot shops in the area that
      offer classes, but what the Benzaiten Center offers goes way
      beyond that. Founded and run by a professional artist, J.B.
      Berkow, the center also offers in-depth, six-week classes,
      workshops with some of the most respected glass artists in the
      world, and equipment rentals to professional artists who don’t
      want the headache or expense of building their own studio.
      They also run a tremendous outreach program for the seniors
      in our community, plus an extensive children and young adults
      programs for the underserved community. “We see at least
      1,000 kids through our doors each year free of charge,” says   INNOVATIVE CARE FOR EVERY
      Berkow, adding, “Sparking these children’s imaginations lasts
      a life time … that’s what it’s all about!”                     NEUROLOGICAL CONDITION
         This year every one of their five Artists Blow-Outs
      were a sell out! These events showcase the center’s visiting
      artists who demonstrate their glassblowing prowess for
      three hours accompanied by a local band, two drink              At Cleveland Clinic Weston Hospital, our team of renowned
      tickets, and nibbles. For the first eight years the cost for   neurologists and neurosurgeons provide comprehensive care
      these events was kept at a mere $15 per person. But as
      word of these dynamic events spread, attendance exploded           for every neurological condition. From stroke recovery
      even after raising the price to $20. Now after breaking            and epilepsy treatments to specialized spine care and
      all attendance records, they’re going to have to raise the
      price next year to $25 per person! Two of the visiting                brain tumor surgery, our experts are here for you.
      artists came from Murano, Italy, this year. One was an
      11th-generation glassblower and the other was a mere
      third-generation glass blower. Both artists held a week-              Advanced neurological care is in your community.
      long workshop; each workshop was sold out within days
      of their online posting.

                                                                       Call 877.463.2010 to schedule an appointment, or visit

                                                                  to learn more.

      The crowd at Dan Alexander’s blow-out
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