Page 8 - The Jewish Voice - May '24
P. 8

Page 8, The Jewish Voice                                             BW

      Local Happenings from page 7                                                                         of Palm Beach County, added, “This event series is more
                                                                                                           important than ever as we continue to reaffirm our pride
                                                                                                           and solidarity in the State of Israel and celebrate it as a
                                                                                                           vibrant and creative society, while reinforcing Federation’s
                                                                                                           commitment to Jewish peoplehood.”
                                                                                                              IsraelDays began with a variety of free events in honor
                                                                                                           of Yom HaShoah, Holocaust Remembrance Day, at the
                                                                                                           Mandel JCC in Boynton Beach and Palm Beach Gardens,
                                                                                                           highlighted by a discussion with Holocaust survivor Eta
                                                                                                           Levin Hecht, who shared her experience entering into a
                                                        Steve Kessel and  Adam  Dr. Stuart and Mrs. Susan   ghetto with her parents in July 1941 until she eventually
                                                        Ferezy                   Feldman                   made it to the United States. Other highlights included a
                                                                                                           film screening of the award-winning documentary “999:
                                                                                                           The Forgotten Girls,” and a presentation by Dr. Thomas
                                                                                                           M. Cimarusti showcasing videos of Holocaust survivors,
                                                                                                           musical performances in the concentration camps, and select
      A scene from Clematis Street 50 years ago                                                            songs played in the ghettos.
                                                                                                              To remember and honor Israel’s fallen soldiers and
         • Jewish Addiction Outreach & Support                                                             victims of terrorism during Yom Hazikaron, Israel’s
         • Domestic Abuse Support                                                                          Memorial  Day,  the  public  is  invited  to  hear  first-hand
         • Relationships and Decisions Teen Fellows                                                        accounts of Israel post-October 7 from a panel including
         • Career Connections                                                                              two current IDF soldiers on May 13 and 14 at 7 p.m. Other
         • And more                                                                                        programs include a Shabbat dinner for young adults on
         According to Alpert JFS, the need for services continues                                          May 17 hosted by Federation’s Israel emissary Honey Levy,
      to grow as the population expands in Palm Beach County.                                              and the Taste of Memories program, which provides the
      Emerging from the pandemic, unprecedented economic   Jack and Eva Cohen, Len and Barbara Schwartz, Steve   community a unique opportunity to honor the lives of five
      and mental health challenges have left thousands of people   Rappaport, Sandy Hack                   fallen soldiers by preparing their favorite recipes.
      struggling to get by, with more people turning to the agency                                            IsraelDays concludes with ceremonies celebrating
      for help than ever before.                                                                           Israel’s 76th year of independence during Yom Ha’Atzmaut,
         “By making a gift to the Alpert JFS 50th Anniversary                                              Israel’s Independence Day, at the Mandel JCC in Boynton
      Campaign, donors are investing in individuals and families                                           Beach and Palm Beach Gardens. During these free
      during their most challenging times,” said Gary Hoffman,                                             events, guests can enjoy Israeli music, dancing, vendors,
      Alpert JFS board chair and president. “It is our goal to                                             a performance by Y-Studs a cappella group, engaging
      foster a community where each person, no matter their age,                                           conversations with IDF Soldiers, Israeli food, activities for
      background, or current situation, can reach their potential                                          children, and more. The event is on May 19 at the Mandel
      and find a path to a safe, secure, and stable life.”                                                 JCC, Boynton Beach, from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m., and at the
         For 50 years, Alpert JFS has maintained the gold standard                                         Mandel JCC, Palm Beach Gardens, from 2 to 4 p.m.
      of social service delivery in Palm Beach County – most                                                  For more information, to register for IsraelDays
      recently being named the 2023 Hats Off Nonprofit of the                                              programs as well as resources, videos, music and more,
      Year (Large Category) by Nonprofits First – and, through the                                         please visit
      launch of its 50th Anniversary Campaign, plans to remain   Dancing to the songs of Neil Diamond      Calendar of Events:
      the hallmark of excellence for the next 50 years and beyond.                                         All IsraelDays events are free and open to the public.
                                                         Blankets of Love Annual                           Advance registration required.
      Beth David Holds                                                                                     Soldiers in Uniform: A Program in Honor of Yom HaZikaron

      Fundraising Gala                                   Luncheon                                          Monday, May 13
                                                             Si n c e  2 0 2 0                             7 p.m.
         The Temple Beth David community came out in full   T em pl e  Judea                               Mandel JCC, Boynton Beach, 8500 Jog Rd.
      force to support the synagogue’s ongoing programming   members have
      and community engagement at their annual fundraiser at   donated  over  1,000                        Tuesday, May 14
      Eastpointe Country Club. Denim and Diamonds was the   knitted, crocheted,                            7 p.m.
      theme for an evening of good food and dancing to the sounds   and quilted Blankets                   Mandel JCC, Palm Beach Gardens, 5221 Hood Rd.
      of Nearly Diamond, a Neil Diamond tribute band.    of  Love. The                                        Soldiers in Uniform: Hear first-hand accounts of Israel,
         The decor and dress for the evening featured black, denim,   blankets are donated                 post-October 7, from a panel including two current IDF
      and lots of sparkle. There were silent and live auctions during   to St. Mary’s Children’s Hospital, Harmony House, and   soldiers. Ofir is a combat soldier from Rehovot, Israel, and
      which golf memorabilia, restaurant certificates, and beautiful   other local agencies and homeless shelters.   Yarden is a lone soldier and combat medic from Boston.
      jewelry donated by Golden Anvil in Jupiter were auctioned off.                                       Yarden’s mother will join us to deliver her account of current
         The successful event honored congregants Lisa                                                     life from a mother’s perspective.
      Schulman and Steve Hein for their many years of service
      and commitment to the temple community.                                                              Israel Around the Table
                                                                                                           Friday, May 17
                                                                                                           7 p.m. Shabbat dinner
                                                                                                           Location will be provided after registration.
                                                                                                              Join with other young Jewish adults to experience a
                                                                                                           communal Shabbat dinner, hosted by Honey Levy, the Israel
                                                                                                           shlicha (Israel emissary) in the Palm Beaches. This event
                                                                                                           is organized by Jewish Federation of Palm Beach County’s
                                                                                                           partner OneTable.

      Rabbi  Bensimhon  with                                                                               Taste of Memories (Virtual Program)
      honorees Dr. Lisa Schulman  Rabbi Bensimhon with Debra                                                  An impactful way to commemorate Yom HaZikaron,
      and Steve Hein           Binder                    IsraelDays Annual Series                          Israel’s Memorial Day, for fallen soldiers and victims of
                                                         Provides Opportunities to                         terror. Learn about the life of five fallen soldiers who gave
                                                                                                           their lives in the aftermath of October 7 by preparing their
                                                         Connect with State of Israel and                  favorite family recipes in the unique Taste of Memories
                                                                                                           program. Learn more about this and other virtual programs
                                                         its People                                        at

                                                            With plentiful opportunities for the community to deepen   Yom HaAtzmaut: Israel Independence Day Celebration
                                                         its connection with Israel, the popular series IsraelDays   Sunday, May 19
                                                         returns with powerful free experiences and events   10 a.m.-12p.m.
      Lisa Schulman and Steve  Steve Hein and sons, Daniel   throughout Palm Beach County April and May. Led by the   Mandel JCC, Boynton Beach, 8500 Jog Rd.
      Hein                     and Joel                  Mandel JCC and Jewish Federation of Palm Beach County,
                                                         there are a number of ways to learn, honor Israel’s history,   2-4 p.m.
        ATTENTION READERS                                and celebrate its independence. Programs coincided with   Mandel JCC, Palm Beach Gardens, 5221 Hood Rd.

                                                                                                             The entire community is invited for a day of celebrating
                                                         three special days of memory and celebration: Yom HaShoah
          This Jewish Community newspaper is monthly     to honor Holocaust survivors; Yom HaZikaron, Israel’s   Israel’s miraculous 76th Independence Day. During this
                                                                                                           free event at the Mandel JCC campus in Boynton Beach
        direct mailed to 8,000 homes. Please support your   Memorial Day, which commemorates fallen soldiers; and   and Palm Beach Gardens, guests will hear a performance
                                                         Yom HaAtzmaut, to celebrate Israel’s Independence Day.
         Jewish businesses and newspaper by advertising      “While we are facing adversity on a global scale,   by Y-Studs a capella group, enjoy Israeli food, dancing,
              and sending your events and photos!        IsraelDays sends a powerful message of unity and   activities for children, shop from Israeli vendors, and have
                 We appreciate your business.
                                                         community as we all join together in unwavering support   a chance to engage in conversations with IDF soldiers. For
                       561-741-7770                      of Israel,” shared Jesse Rosen, president and CEO of   more information call 561.712.5221.
                  Mandel JCC.
                                                            Michael Hoffman, president and CEO, Jewish Federation   Local Happenings on page 10
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