Page 9 - Boca ViewPointe - May '24
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May 2024                                                       Viewpointe, Page 9
      Boca Raton Public Library Presents

      The Art Exhibit, “Searching For Beauty In Natural Shades”

      By Henry “Kike” Fals

      April 22 To May 31, 2024                           culture of both. He often                         colors, hues, and shades vary with the minerals and oxides
                                                         portrays landscapes and                           found in these elements. His art is sometimes referred to
         The Boca Raton Public                           flowers, still lifes of fruit                     as “environmentally friendly Earth art,” since it is entirely
      Library presents a new                             and vegetables, and figures                       biodegradable and totally recyclable.
      art exhibit, “Searching                            with  Pre-Columbian                                  “Searching for Beauty in the Natural Shades,” a free
      for Beauty in the Natural                          characteristics. His unique                       exhibit, will run from April 22 to May 31, 2024, in the
      Shades,” by Henry                                  art pieces are primarily                          second floor art gallery at the Spanish River Library, 1501
      (Enrique) James Fals,                              held by collectors in South                       NW Spanish River Blvd, Boca Raton, FL 33431.
      also known as “Kike” in                            America.                                             The Boca Raton Public Library provides outstanding
      the art world. As the son                             Kike paints with a hand-prepared custom mixture of soils,   library services, resources, and programs that meet the
      of a Columbian father                              clays, and rocks with no binders, fillers, thinners, additives,   educational, recreational, cultural, and informational needs
      and an American mother, he shares in the education and   preservatives, or artificial coloring agents of any kind. The   of the Boca Raton community. 
      Boca Raton Public Library Presents The Art Exhibit,

      “Photographs Of The Mind’s Eye” By Alan Goldberg

      May 6, 2024 To June 14, 2024                       will be exhibited again at
                                                         Art Basel/Miami Art Week
         The Boca Raton Public                           and at the NY Art Expo for
      Library presents a new art                         his second year.
      exhibit, “Photographs of                              Mr. Goldberg says:
      the Mind’s Eye,” by Alan                           “Composition, I learned,
      Goldberg. He has been                              is innate. In our mind’s eye
      exhibiting his photography                         we see things the way we
      since 2014, first as a                             want them to be and not
      traditional photographer                           necessarily how they are.
      and in the last few years                          Some people are realists and others, artists. I find myself      “Photographs of the Mind’s Eye,” a free exhibit, will run
      as an artist. John Haffey                          somewhere in between the two. I took up photography as I   from May 6, 2024 to June 14, 2024, in the lobby gallery at
      of Art World News has described Mr. Goldberg’s art as   could not capture the world as I saw it as an artist. I wanted   the Boca Raton Public Library’s Downtown Library location,
      “refreshingly unique and beautiful.” As of 2023, his art had   to express myself in a new and unusual way. Some of my   400 NW 2nd Avenue, Boca Raton, FL 33432.
      been exhibited at Galeria Azur in Miami and in galleries   harshest critics were photographers that did not share the      The Boca Raton Public Library provides outstanding
      in Palma, Spain; Berlin, Germany; Zug, Switzerland; and   same vision or were purists and yet I pursued my art. It   library services, resources, and programs that meet the
      Dubai, United Arab Emirates. His art was exhibited at Art   was not until I moved to Florida that my perspective of   educational, recreational, cultural, and informational needs
      Basel/Miami Art Week in 2022 and 2023. This year, his art   photography and art were recognized.”    of the Boca Raton community. 

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