Page 12 - Boca ViewPointe - May '24
P. 12

Page 12, Viewpointe                                                   May 2024
      Brain Games At Edgewater:

      Boosting Cognitive Reserve For Healthy Aging

      By Lisa Sileo                                         Edgewater at Boca Pointe’s brain game sessions offer      Cognitive  wellness  isn’t  just  about  attending
                                                         residents not only mental stimulation but also socialization   classes—it’s  also  lifestyle.  Geisenheimer  emphasized
         At Edgewater at Boca Pointe, an Acts Retirement-Life   and camaraderie—a vital component of cognitive health.   the importance of stepping out of one’s comfort zone and
      Community, residents have found a unique way to keep their   By  incorporating  both  individual  and  group  activities,   challenging the brain regularly.
      minds sharp and agile.                             the  classes  provide  opportunities  for  problem-solving      “If you enjoy reading nonfiction, try reading historical
         A highly popular weekly brain games session, led by   and navigating challenges collectively, further bolstering   fiction, If you read the New York Times, varying it up and
      Laura Geisenheimer, a Speech-Language Pathologist, M.S.,   cognitive resilience.                     try the Wall Street Journal or The Economist or whatever it
      CCC-SLP, has become a cornerstone of cognitive wellness      Residents who have experienced the benefits first-hand,   is that interests, and perhaps challenges you,” she said.
      for many residents.                                keep returning to the brain game classes. Much like exercise      Whether it’s trying a new genre of books or switching up
                                                         and nutrition, it’s not too late to focus on your brain for   news sources, embracing novelty is key to keeping the brain
                                                         healthy aging.                                    agile and adaptable.
                                                            “One resident shared, when she first joined the class, she      By investing in cognitive reserve, Edgewater residents
                                                         felt really lost and struggled to keep up. But she told me,   who attend these classes are working their brains, which may
                                                         ‘Every time I come, it’s easier and easier, and now I’m able   ultimately help them enjoy a higher quality of life for years
                                                         to reach higher levels of accuracy.’”             to come. 

                                                          Scott Cohen is Here to Help!

                                                          Your fellow Boca Pointe Resident is available to
                                                          help with Property Insurance Claims to ensure
                                                          your insurance company treats you fairly!

                                                           Do You Have an INSURANCE CLAIM?
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                                                                       Your insurance company has experts on their side – SHOULDN’T YOU?
                                                                          Call Scott directly (954) 937-1224 /
         “I try to make my classes upbeat, fun, and interactive so   Policyholders who hired public adjusters for non-catastrophe claims received 574% more money than those who did not hire a P.A, Filing a claim can
      they want to keep coming,” said Geisenheimer. And indeed,   not legally affect your coverage. This is a solicitation if you have filed a claim and are happy with your settlement please disregard this advertisement.
      residents do keep coming back, drawn not only by the
      engaging nature of the classes (along with Geisenheimer’s
      infectiously enthusiastic and positive attitude) but also by
      the promise of boosting their cognitive reserve—a crucial
      aspect of healthy aging.
         Geisenheimer explained the concept of cognitive reserve
      using a simple analogy: “Your cognitive reserve is like having
      extra gas in the tank.” Just like a car running low on fuel, our
      brains may encounter challenges or “traumas” throughout
      life, whether it’s a hospitalization, stress, or other unforeseen
      events. However, having a robust cognitive reserve allows
      us to navigate these challenges more effectively, preventing
      rapid cognitive decline.
         The importance of cognitive reserve cannot be overstated.
      Researchers  at  Harvard  Medical  School  have  found
      individuals with greater cognitive reserve are better equipped
      to stave off symptoms of degenerative brain diseases like
      Alzheimer’s or Parkinson’s. It’s like having a backup system
      for the brain, enabling it to improvise and find alternate ways
      of functioning.

          Current Events


           The Current Events Group meet every Monday from
        10am-11:30am at the BPCA office. The members consist
        of both men and women and all Boca Pointe residents are
        invited to attend. If you would like more information or
        to sign up, please call 516-835-2670. 
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