Page 14 - Boca ViewPointe - May '24
P. 14

Page 14, Viewpointe                                                   May 2024
      Magen David Adom | Empowering Communities

      To Respond To Emergencies

      Dear Friends,                                         The innovative concept entails training Community   volunteers  are  recruited  to  take  part  in  the  project  —
         This  month  I  want  to                        Emergency Response Teams (CERT) and equipping them   medical professionals as well as people with no previous
      share  with  you  an  article                      with first-aid supplies that are stored in advance within   medical background. Magen David Adom offers a six-
      reposted from  Haaretz in                          each  community. These  supplies  are  easily  accessible   hour basic course for lay volunteers who want to be part
      their annual The Power of                          during emergencies, so that the local response team will   of their local Community Emergency Response Team.
      Giving issue.                                      be able to initially provide vital care without having to   The course trains them to provide rudimentary treatment
         On  October  7,                                 be dependent on external help.                    to trauma victims, including how to apply bandages and
      most  roads  leading  to                              Ultimately, MDA plans to establish 1,000 CERTs all   tourniquets and how to administer CPR. They also learn
      communities  under  attack                         over Israel, with a special emphasis on communities in   how to call for help and how to coordinate the evacuation
      were  blocked,  so  that                           the most volatile areas, such as along the northern border,   of the wounded to safer locations for further treatment.
      some medical teams were                            near the Gaza Strip, in Judea and Samaria, and close to      Last year, Magen David Adom’s Training Department
      unable  to  reach  wounded                         other borders.                                    taught basic first-aid skills and emergency care procedures
      Israelis. Magen David Adom lost no time in launching   Recruiting volunteers                         to around 350,000 people all over Israel. Now, through the
      an innovative initiative aimed at ensuring that never      Several  hundred  CERTs  have  already  become
      again would terror victims have to wait for life-saving   operational in the last few months. In each community,   Magen David Adom on page 15
      emergency care.

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      Magen Project drill in Modi’in. Credit: Magen David Adom
                                                                                Geriatrics (2002).
         The  horrific  events  of  October  7th  produced  many
      previously  unimaginable  situations. Among  the  many             Steven E. Reznick, MD, FACP
      shocking occurrences that day, most of the roads leading
      to the communities under siege were blocked by terrorists               Voted a “Best Doctor”
      and were too dangerous to use. Although Magen David                           by his peers.
      Adom (MDA) responded quickly, dispatching EMTs and
      paramedics from all over the country to the Gaza Envelope,
      treating  and  evacuating  the  thousands  of  people  who             Call to request a complimentary meeting
      were wounded proved to be extremely challenging. First
      responders who drove to the affected communities essentially                            with Dr. Reznick.
      risked their own lives in order to try to save others.
         October 7th proved yet again that Israel faces very
      unique challenges that other countries would never have                              561.368.0191
      to  confront.  Magen  David Adom,  Israel’s  emergency
      services system, has always been aware of this reality and,
      consequently, has built an impressive network of people                        7280 W. Palmetto Park Road | 205N
      and  services  highly  experienced  in  handling  routine                              Boca Raton, FL 33433
      emergencies as well as the all-too-frequent wars, terror                 
      attacks and other violent incidents.
      Resources within the community
         Immediately  following  October  7th,  MDA  decided
      to fast-track a project that had previously been on the
      back burner: establishing community-based emergency
      response  teams  throughout  Israel  capable  of  treating
      local victims of terror attacks when it isn’t possible to
      evacuate them to hospitals in a timely manner. Named
      the  Magen  Project,  its  goal  is  to  ensure  that  in  the
      future,  if  communities  are  under  siege  and  the  arrival
      of  professional  first  responders  is  delayed,  life-saving                                                                                                                              Operating as
      treatments can be administered on location.

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                                                             7050 W. Palmetto Park Rd, # 21                                          Fax: 561-447-8868
                                                             Boca Raton, FL 33433                                  

      Preparing first-aid supplies for community response teams.                            ANIMAL CLINICS OF FLORIDA
      Credit: Magen David Adom
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