Page 16 - Boca ViewPointe - May '24
P. 16

Page 16, Viewpointe                                                   May 2024
      Session Ends With Many Changes For All Associations

      By Donna DiMaggio                                  Timeshare Bill                                    DBPR’s  Division  of  Hotels  &  Restaurants  to  regulate
      Berger, Attorney                                      HB  429  expands  certain  regulations  of  timeshare   vacation  rental  platforms. The  good  news  is  that  the
                                                         properties and allows the managing entity of a timeshare to   legislation  specifically  does  not  preempt  or  supersede
         The  2024  Florida                              take action against occupants who violate the documents,   community covenants.
      Legislative Session ended                          are in possession of controlled substances, and/or engage      SB 1049 creates a new disclosure requirement related
      on  March  8th,  and  it  was                      in conduct that disturbs the peace or is threatening to the   to flood damage prior to executing a contract for sale. The
      one of the busiest sessions                        life and safety of others.                        disclosure must be in writing, and it must state whether the
      in memory in terms of                              Mobile Home Bills                                 property has suffered damage from temporary or permanent
      producing new community                               HB  613  expands  the  alternative  dispute  resolution   flooding from inland or tidal waters, excessive rainfall, or
      association legislation. The                       process  for  disputes  between  mobile  homeowners  and   rapid accumulation from any established source.
      following  are  just  a  few                       park owners and provides access to the mobile home park      As you can see from the foregoing lengthy list of bills,
      of the bills which passed which will impact all sorts of   and the mobile homes for live-in health care aides.  it will be crucial for you to speak with your association
      communities.  Please  remember  that  these  bills  do  not      HB  939  provides  that  a  mobile  home  title  must  be   attorney  about  the  operational  changes  you  need  to
      become law until they have been sent to the Governor   retired when it is encumbered by a mortgage on the mobile   implement to comply with these new laws. Among other
      who then has fifteen (15) days to sign a bill, veto a bill,   home and the real property upon which it is situated.  items on your “to-do list”, you will also need to confirm
      or allow a bill to pass into law without his signature. As   Miscellaneous Bills                     that  you  have  sufficient  D  &  O  coverage  and  fidelity
      such, we may not know the final outcome for some bills      SB  280  limits  the  ability  of  local  government  to   bonding in place. Being a board member or licensed CAM
      until May or June.                                 regulate  short-term  vacation  rentals  but  does  permit   has never been a stress-free endeavor, but today’s climate
         Notably, SB 278, the Estoppel Certificate bill did not   occupancy limitations. The legislation provides for the   makes those roles even riskier. 
      pass which is a win for both community associations and
      their management teams.
         Here are some of the bills you should be discussing
      with your association counsel.
      Condominium Bills:
         HB 1021 by Representative Vicky Lopez is known
      colloquially  as  the  Condo  3.0  bill  but  it  goes  well
      beyond  the  scope  of  its  predecessors,  SB4D  and  SB   RAYMOND JAMES WELCOMES SOUTH FLORIDA
      154, by, among other items, expanding the enforcement
      jurisdiction of the Division of Condominiums; creating   FINANCIAL ADVISOR MANAGING $105 MILLION
      new  standards  for  CAMS;  imposing  new  funding  and
      notice requirements related to structural integrity reserve
      studies  (SIRS);  imposing  mandatory  board  member     Raymond James recently welcomed financial advisor Thera Elliott to
      educational  requirements;  imposing  new  penalties  for   Raymond James Financial Services (RJFS) – the firm’s independent advisor
      voting fraud; and requiring associations who manage 25
      or more units to maintain an association website where   channel – according to Todd Gartrell, Southeast division director for RJFS.
      specific  association  documents  must  be  posted.  It  is     Elliott arrives from Wells Fargo, where she previously managed
      important to note that the 12/31/24 deadlines for older
      threshold  buildings  (3  stories  or  higher)  to  conduct  a   approximately $105 million in client assets. Operating as Elliott Wealth
      milestone  inspection  and  a  structural  integrity  reserve   Strategies in Boca Raton, Florida, she is joined by office manager and
      study (SIRS) were NOT extended. These are very tight
      deadlines  that  your  board  must  meet  or  you  will  be   sales assistant Joy Lynn McGarity. Together they serve a variety of clients,
      considered by law to be in breach of your fiduciary duties.   including business owners, healthcare professionals, women investors,
      Additionally,  this  bill  now  requires  all  condominium
      directors to undergo a 4-hour certification class as well as   retirees and families, with personalized planning to help meet their
      one hour of annual training. This bill also requires boards   financial goals.
      to hold meetings at least quarterly and allows owners to
      ask a variety of questions at those meetings even if those     “Raymond James stands out in the industry for its distinguished
      topics are not listed on the meeting’s agenda. Lastly, the   reputation and client-first approach, which provides me with the freedom
      bill criminalizes the failure to permit bona fide document
      inspections two or more times a year. The bill provides   and flexibility to run my practice in a way that best suits my clients. In
      for $6 million in funding and 65 new employees for the   addition, its robust investment, banking, trust and insurance capabilities
      Division to enforce these new requirements.
         HB 1029 creates the “My Safe Florida Condominium   backed by a team of estate planning professionals can be highly beneficial
      Pilot  Program”  within  the  Department  of  Financial   to clients and business,” said Elliott.
      Services (DFS). This legislation will create a state-funded
      inspection  program  to  determine  mitigation  measures     With nearly 20 years of industry experience, Elliott began her career in
      that hopefully will reduce a property’s vulnerability to   financial services and banking in 2006 and most recently spent 16 years at
      hurricane damage and provide for mitigation grants to
      retrofit  the  condominium  property. There  is  a  cap  of   Wells Fargo, where she became a financial advisor. A Florida native, she
      $170,000 for each association seeking this grant.    is a graduate of Florida Atlantic University with a degree in accounting
      HOA Bills
         HB  293  requires  HOAs  to  adopt  specifications  for   and finance.
      hurricane protection and prohibits HOAs from denying an
      owner’s installation or replacement of certain hurricane   About Raymond James Financial Services
      protections including storm shutters, metal roofs, erosion   Raymond James Financial Services, Inc. (RJFS), member FINRA/SIPC, is a financial services firm supporting independent
      controls, and other forms of hurricane protection.   financial advisors nationwide. Since 1974, RJFS provides a wide range of investment and wealth planning-related services
         HB 59 amends Section 720.303, F.S. to require an HOA   through its affiliate, Raymond James & Associates, Inc., member New York Stock Exchange/SIPC. Both firms are wholly
      to provide digital copies of the governing documents and   owned subsidiaries of Raymond James Financial, Inc. (NYSE-RJF), one of the nation’s premier diversified financial services
      rules to every new member of the association and provide   companies with approximately 8,700 financial advisors throughout the United States, Canada and overseas. Total client
      all members with amendments to the covenants and rules.  assets are approximately $1.42 trillion as of Feb. 29, 2024. Additional information is available at
         HB  1203 was passed as  a response  to  the  massive   Securities offered through Raymond James Financial Services, Inc. Member FINRA/SIPC. Investment advisory services
      Hammocks  HOA  fraud  case  in  Miami-Dade  County.   are offered through Raymond James Financial Services Advisors, Inc. Elliott Wealth Strategies is not a registered broker/
      Among its many provisions, this bill imposes mandatory   dealer and is independent of Raymond James Financial Services, Inc.
      educational  requirements  for  HOA  directors;  limits
      an  HOA’s  ability  to  regulate  parking  and  commercial
      vehicles, limits the function of an HOA’s architectural
      control committee, imposes stiff penalties for the denial
      of  records  access  to  owners;  requires  websites  for
      associations with 100 parcels or more and further revises                                 Raymond James Financial Services
      the fining process in a less than helpful manner.
         HB  1645  provides  that  HOA  covenants  may  not                                     Thera Elliott
      prohibit the types of fuel sources that serve customers
      in  the  community,  including  natural  gas  utilities  and                              301 E. Yamato Road, Suite 3160
      liquefied  petroleum  gas  (aka  propane)  dispensers,  and                               Boca Raton, FL 33431
      also provides that the HOA covenants may not preclude
      appliances using those energy sources. It is troubling to                                 561-241-6616
      note that HOA residents must now be allowed to install                          
      EV charging stations and propane gas/natural gas; let’s
      hope installers for each take proper safety precautions.                        
         SB 1420 modifies the language in Section 720.406,
      F.S. regarding the meeting procedures when homeowners
      association covenants are being revitalized.
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