Page 21 - Boca ViewPointe - May '24
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May 2024                                                      Viewpointe, Page 21

      Summer Fun For The Whole Family

      The Club at Boca Pointe                            Summer Kids Programming                           team is dedicated to ensuring your event is seamless and
                                                                                                           sophisticated. For further information and to reserve your
         Summer is the perfect time to                   NEW Club at Boca Pointe                           next event, please contact
      enjoy the Club at Boca Pointe,                     Tennis and Pickleball
      conveniently located just minutes                  Academy                                           Summer Membership
      from your home! Whether you                           We’re  thrilled  to
      seek  a  secure  haven  for  your                  announce the launch of a                             If you’re not a Member
      children to expend their energy or                 new Tennis and Pickleball                         yet, now is a great time
      a picturesque setting for cherished                Academy starting on June                          to discover ClubLife with
      moments with loved ones, the Club at Boca Pointe delivers   3rd. Children will have the              a Summer Membership!
      all this and beyond!                               opportunity to master the                         Unlike most clubs in the
                                                         fundamentals of these games,                      Boca area, you don’t have
      Summer Holidays                                    setting the foundation for a                      to live in Boca Pointe to
                                                         lifelong love of these sports.                    be a Member.  We have
         Summer holidays are                             Tailored for beginners and those at the intermediate level, this   welcomed Members from
      a highlight at  The Club                           academy welcomes participants aged five and above. Open   all over the surrounding
      at Boca Pointe. Members                            to both Members and their guests, for further details, please   area. Contact Membership
      eagerly anticipate the array                       contact Ville Jansson at  to schedule your tour today:
      of exciting events tailored                        Sports & Fitness Camps                            561.864.8537  –  Alexis
      for the whole family.                                 Embark on an adventure-filled day camp offering   Robertson, arobertson@
      Whether honoring mothers                           an array of activities: Tennis, Golf, Pool Time, Fitness,
      and fathers, commemorating                         Fun, Arts & Crafts, and exciting Fun Fridays. For more   Director of Membership.
      M emorial Day , or                                 information,  visit     Friends become family
      celebrating Independence                           lifestyle/youth-programs or contact Ashley Rozo at   here at the Club at Boca Pointe! Visit our website for more
      Day, our dedicated staff                                       Club details and information: Follow the
      ensures unforgettable                                                                                fun through Boca Pointe social media: https://www.facebook.
      experiences across all                             Summer Parties                                    com/theclubatbocapointe/ and
      departments. From lively                                                                             bocapointecc/. 
      golf, tennis, and pickleball mixers to indulgent champagne      The Club at Boca Pointe extends a warm welcome to
      brunches, vibrant pool parties, sizzling barbecues, and   both Members and non-Members alike! Whether you’re
      elegant dances, The Club at Boca Pointe is your destination   seeking a hassle-free venue for your children’s event or
      for stylish summer celebrations.                   organizing a business luncheon or wedding, our catering
      Clowns On Call

      By Harriet Rubin, aka                              I was so busy twisting
      Florabelle the Clown                               balloons that I forgot to take
                                                         photos. If there is anybody                                  Harriet Rubin
         Welcome to May! The                             out there reading this who does
      year  is  flying  by  and  I’m                     have any clown photos, I’d
      just getting used to writing                       appreciate them sending copies
      ’24.  Farewell  to  all  the                       to
      “snowbirds,” although we                              The second huge event
      will miss them, (especially                        at the YMCA was fabulous!
      Candy Bar and Pretzel), but                        More than 2,000 people
      we all appreciate the quiet                        attended.  There were all
      of summer!                                         kinds of activities for the kids
         I am very proud to share some exciting news with all   including PBSO with their
      of you. I have been writing about “The Red Nose Readers”   dogs and various equipment
      program in almost every issue for the past 4 years. I really   and even the chopper came
      love this intervention with younger kids and have thrown   by to say hi! There was the
      most of my time and effort into developing a continuing   animal farm with a slew of   “Florabelle the Clown”
      program in our community. Well, little did I know that the   baby ducks which really went
      two clowns who developed “Red Nose” decided to give out a   over well and the cutest baby   Red Nose Reader Life Time Achievement Award
      “Lifetime Achievement Award for sharing a love of literacy,   llama. We never get to see
      kindness and joy through the art of clowning,” and I am the   everything as it’s scattered   It is my pleasure and privilege to announce that Harriet Rubin
      recipient! I can’t tell you all how thrilled I was to receive the   over a large field and Cutie   has been selected to receive the first Red Nose Reader Life Time
      notice as it was a complete surprise. I’ve included a copy of   Pie, Twinkle Toes and I never
      the award and the proclamation in this issue. In all my 29   stopped twisting balloons for   Achievement Award for sharing her love of  literacy, kindness and
      years of clowning I have never been singled out for such an   over 2-1/2 hours. In fact, I   joy through the art of clowning.  Harriet celebrated her 91st
      honor and I am humbled and grateful for their beautifully   believe this is the most little   birthday this year and as often as she can, along with “Clowns On
      worded document.                                   dogs I have made at one gig in
         The “Egg Stravagansa” at the Country Club was a huge   over 27 years! Juggles made   Call,” the clown groups she leads, visit preschools and YMCA’s as
      success and I know many of you attended as we had over   giant bubbles and the wind   Red Nose Readers. Last April they visited 10 preschools and
      100 kids plus the adults. We had a ball! Twinkle Toes made   was just right to carry them   YMCA’s!  Each time she sent pictures and stories of the smiles
      over 40 Easter Bunny balloons and they went over very   way up in the sky. Candy   and giggles they shared for our newsletter, commenting about
      well. We also made swords and dogs, so everybody was   Bar had never done this event
      happy. Juggles juggled, plus he was making those giant   before so she really loved       the joy she saw on each of their sweet little faces.
      bubbles that he has perfected. Candy Bar walked around,   doing her magic. We were   Thank you Harriet for all the joy you have shared as a Red Nose
      amazing children and older folks with her magic card   really happy to volunteer our   Reader and throughout your clowning career.  Thank you for
      tricks and boxes of disappearing and appearing candy.   time for this great free event
      Pretzel had a great time mingling with everybody and he   for the community.      sharing your knowledge and experiences about clowning with us.
      even helped out during the egg hunt! J.J. entertained with      Speaking about Red Nose   You are a kind and amazing lady!  An inspiration to all of us!
      his beautiful giant Rabbit puppet. Cutie Pie and I made   Readers  –  Cutie  Pie  and  I   We love you Harriet Rubin aka Florabelle the Clown!
      a lot of balloons! The kids were dressed in their special   entertained 35 pre-schoolers
      Easter outfits and it was a great photo shoot opportunity.
      Unfortunately, although dozens of people took our picture,   Clowns On Call on page 22
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