Page 26 - Boca ViewPointe - May '24
P. 26

Page 26, Viewpointe                                                   May 2024
       PBCFR Yellow Dot Program

         Have you ever wondered, what would              compartment box for the “Yellow Dot” pamphlet where you      ** How many do you need??? (i.e. One Yellow Dot sticker
      happen if you got into a car crash and you         have written essential medical information about yourself.   per vehicle & One Yellow Dot pamphlet for each person.)
      were unconscious? Have you thought to                 This information can help rescue crews decide the best      You can stop in to any Palm Beach County Fire Station
      yourself…how would anyone know what                approach to your emergency treatment. This is especially   to pick up Yellow Dot pamphlets and stickers for your
      my medical history is; or how would they           important after a car accident where you may be unconscious,   household. For quantities more than that, please call our
      know about the medications I am taking; or         in shock, or simply unable to communicate clearly.   Community Education Office at 561-616-7033.
      the medicines I’m allergic to; or better yet,         When you can’t talk to Emergency Responders to provide      If your club or organization would like a presentation
      how would they know what hospital that             them with vital medical information, the Yellow Dot is your   about the Yellow Dot, to learn more about additional
      I want to go to…? Who would call my                tool to provide personalized information on your behalf!   resources available, and to have an opportunity to ask
      family and let them know I’ve been hurt?              This is how it works…just follow three steps.  questions, please call 561-616-7051. Yellow Dot Sticker/
      How would they even know how to get in                1- Fill out the form on the Yellow Dot pamphlet.   Pamphlet sets will be brought to the presentation for audience
      touch with my family?                                 2- Put the Yellow Dot pamphlet form in your glove   attendees. Quantities can be discussed when presentations
         The good news is that you don’t have to wonder or   compartment box.                              are booked.
      worry about that anymore. Palm Beach County Fire Rescue      3- Place the sticker on the back/rear windshield in the      Making Your Safety My Priority,
      supports a new Program called the Yellow Dot. The Yellow   lower left hand corner so emergency responders can see it             Elyse Weintraub Brown,
      Dot gets important information into the hands of emergency   quickly and easily when approaching from behind.   Community Education Specialist, South County,
      responders quickly and it can save your life!      *Important Tips*                                                       Palm Beach County Fire Rescue
         If  you  are  involved  in  a  car  accident  and  can’t      * Keep the  Yellow Dot pamphlet updated as                              561-616-7051
      communicate, first responders can look in your glove   information changes.                                            

      Judy Levis Krug from page 25                          “Supporting this film festival and our year-round   Culture to be updated on as
                                                         programming is a privilege for me, as it allows our   programs are confirmed.
         3. J’Accuse – A brutally honest expose about the ongoing   community to celebrate the richness of Jewish culture,”      For more information, contact Lisa Barash at lisab@
      systemic antisemitism in Lithuania and a passionate demand   said Judy Levis Krug, Adolph & Rose Levis JCC Grand or call (561) 558-2514. The Levis JCC is located
      for justice.                                       Benefactor. “Each year, we’re reminded of both the power   at 21050 95th Ave. S. in Boca Raton.
      Best Short Films                                   and importance of bridging gaps and connecting us more   About The Judy Levis Krug Boca Raton Jewish Film
         1. Merv – After a romantic setback, Simon meets his   deeply to our roots and each other.”        Festival
      grandmother’s  new  boyfriend,  Merv,  whose  presence      The Ninth Annual JLKBRJFF is slated to run Feb. 8 to      The mission of the Judy Levis Krug Boca Raton Jewish
      transforms his understanding of love, loss and even Chinese   March 1, 2025.                         Film Festival is to provide the newest, most stimulating and
      takeout.                                              The Levis JCC is committed to fostering continuous   thought-provoking films that encourage audiences to expand
         2. Jack and Sam – Chronicles the reunion of two Holocaust   engagement with culture, education and community through   their awareness and understanding of the Jewish world and
      survivors after 80 years, sharing their time to rekindle their   film by offering year-round programming. The ongoing   engage in dialogue to explore the many diverse perspectives
      friendship and teaching others about the dangers of hatred.  schedule can be found at  portrayed by the films presented. Due to generous donor
         3. I See You – A poignant portrait of Danny Layani, who   events/. Films are screened at the Levis JCC unless otherwise   support, the festival has been able to expand, offering year-
      regains his sight after 25 years of blindness, only to face new   noted. Tickets are $12. Programming for its Summer of   round Jewish-themed film programming. 
      challenges that test his resilience and alter his perspective on life.

        Vehicle Information

           If you have purchased
        a new vehicle within
        the past 6 months,
        please make sure
        the Boca Pointe Community Association management
        office has a copy of your current vehicle registration
        on file. Your gate transponder is linked to your vehicle                                                             Servicing PETS of Boca Raton
        so it is important that we have accurate information in                                                                    for over 20 years
        our system. Please fax it to (561) 395-5936 or email                                                                    “Caring is our Specialty”
        it to
           Thank you for your cooperation!                                                                                  Complete medical, Surgical and Dental
           BPCA Management team                                                                                               Facility SPA Bath & Grooming

         Are You Watching

         Your Speed?

           Please obey all posted speed limit                 Stylish Modern Atmosphere     Make Reservations                       happy hour
        signs throughout Boca Pointe for the                                                                                          Mon. - Thurs.
        safety of our residents. As a reminder,
        the speed limits are as follows:                                                                                           at Bar Only all Day
           Boca Pointe Drive 30mph                                                                                                 Mon. - Fri.  3 - 6 pm
           Via de Sonrisa del Norte 25mph
           Promenade Drive 20mph                                                                                                   Lunch SpeciaLS
           SPEEDING  FINES ARE                                                                                                        every Day
                                                                                                                                       starting at  11
        BEING ENFORCED!! 


                 Boca Pointe


                Flatten All Your Boxes!

           Our recycling trucks do not pick up your
         cardboard boxes if they are not flattened.
       Instead, they go to trash and are burned with
       regular refuse....lost revenue for residents of                                                                                   Resy
                      Boca Pointe.                                                                                                  OpenTable
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