Page 27 - Boca ViewPointe - May '24
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May 2024                                                      Viewpointe, Page 27
      Boca Teen Twins To Collect Thousands Of Pounds Of Cereal

      For Boca Helping Hands During Annual Cereal Drive

         Cereal4All,  which  runs  an  annual  cereal  drive                                               they can expand their impact and help provide even more
      organized by twin brothers Jett and Luke Justin, hopes to                                            relief to families struggling with food insecurity.
      collect more than 4,000 pounds during its annual cereal                                                 “Running a nonprofit is hard work, but Cereal4all is one
      drive this spring and donate it to Boca Helping Hands                                                of the most fulfilling things my brother and I do. There’s
      (BHH). The cereal drive runs through the end of the school                                           really no better feeling than making a positive difference
      year in May.                                                                                         in someone else’s life,” said Luke.
         This donation means that Boca Helping Hands will be                                                  Jett and Luke were also recently recognized for their
      able to provide clients with approximately 40,000 bowls                                              nonprofit work by U.S. Congressman Jared Moskowitz in
      of cereal. The Justins, 16-year-old twin brothers and Boca                                           the House of Representatives.
      Raton residents, are 10th-graders at American Heritage                                                  To donate to the cereal drive, contact Suzan Javizian
      School in Delray Beach.                                                                              at or call (561) 417-0913.
         The Justins have expanded their organization nationally                                           About Boca Helping Hands
      to partner with schools in Connecticut, Arizona, New                                                    Boca Helping Hands (BHH) is a community-based
      York, Nevada, Washington, Virginia, New Jersey, Texas                                                nonprofit that provides food, medical, and financial assistance
      and California for Cereal4All cereal drives that benefit                                             to help individuals and families improve their quality of life
      local food banks in those areas.                                                                     and build financial stability. Through its various programs,
         They’ve also established a new Student Ambassador                                                 BHH assists nearly 35,000 people annually.
      Program that guides students from across the country to   Cereal4all founders Luke Justin and Jett Justin     Boca Helping Hands is a partner agency of The Town
      volunteer sessions at local food banks to get them more                                              of Palm Beach United Way. Since 1945, the Town of Palm
      engaged in the fight against hunger and food insecurity.   following schools in Boca Raton: Calusa Elementary,   Beach United Way has been committed to improving
         The Justin brothers have partnerships with other   Verde  K-8,  Blue  Lake  Elementary,  Sunrise  Park   lives and building strong communities throughout Palm
      businesses. Target donated gift cards for participating   Elementary, Whispering Pines Elementary, Grandview   Beach County by focusing on programs and priorities that
      schools to buy school supplies. Publix will provide   Preparatory School, FAU Community Service Club, Del   promote education, health, and financial stability.
      cereal parties for K-5 schools’ top-donating classrooms;   Prado Elementary, Addison Mizner School, St. Joan of      Boca Helping Hands holds accreditation for Sound
      and there will be a drawing for prizes for students who   Arc Catholic School, West Boca High School, Olympic   Nonprofit Management from Nonprofits First, has a
      participate in cereal drives.                      Heights High School and others.                   Platinum Seal of Transparency from Candid/GuideStar,
         In addition, First Watch has partnered with Cereal4all      “My brother and I learned about the breakfast food   and has been a Charity Navigator Four-Star Charity for
      by donating breakfast food for a recent Oatmeal Airlift that   shortage  in  2016  while  volunteering  in  the  food  bank   17 consecutive years. Boca Helping Hands is located at
      Jett and Luke piloted to different islands in the Bahamas.   at Boca Helping Hands, and it had a big effect on us   1500 N.W. First Court, Boca Raton, FL 33432. For more
         “We  created  Cereal4all  to  fight  hunger  around   because, like most young people, we love cereal. Cereal is   information, please visit
      America’s breakfast tables because millions of American   about breakfast, but it’s also about happiness, so we were   About Cereal4All
      families suffer from food insecurity, which means they   bothered by the reality that millions of families and kids      Cereal4all is a youth-run 501(c)(3) nonprofit fighting
      can’t always afford enough meals for everyone in their   might not have daily access to breakfast and that moment   hunger around America’s breakfast tables that works
      homes. Those families depend on food banks to help ease   of happiness in their day,” said Jett Justin.  with schools and businesses to organize cereal drives to
      their hunger issues. Since breakfast food is one of the      Jett  and  Luke  organized  their  first  cereal  drive  for   ensure food banks can offer breakfast to disadvantaged
      least donated items to food banks, pantry bags of meals   BHH in 2016 at their school, Calusa Elementary, when   children and families. Through the organization’s
      distributed to families in need are often missing breakfast   they were just 8 years old. Despite their busy high school   cereal drives and other community projects, they raise
      food,” said Luke Justin.                           schedules and being active members in the Boca Raton   awareness about hunger issues, promote volunteerism
         Local schools participating in the cereal drive at this   Civil Air Patrol Squadron, the Justin brothers devote a   at an early age, and help feed households struggling to
      point include Village Academy Center in Delray and the   significant amount of time to working on Cereal4all so   secure a meal in the morning. 

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