Page 25 - Boca ViewPointe - May '24
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May 2024                                                      Viewpointe, Page 25
      Move Over LAW (FS 316.126)

      By Elyse Weintraub Brown,                          Learn the Move Over LAW (FS 316.126)              worker. If you are not able to safely move over, you must
      Community Education                                  Are you unsure about what you                   slow down to a speed of 20 MPH below the posted speed
      Specialist, Palm Beach                             are supposed to do when you are                   limit unless directed otherwise by a law enforcement officer.
      County Fire Rescue                                 driving on a local roadway, and you                  On a two-lane roadway…Where there is NO lane of travel
      (561) 616-7051 or                                  see DRIVING BEHIND YOU a fire                     in the same direction to merge over to, you are REQUIRED                                 truck or other emergency vehicle with             to slow down to a speed that is 20 miles per hour less than
                                                         lights flashing and sirens wailing on the         the posted speed limit. If the speed limit is 20 miles per hour
         This message is brought                         way to an emergency? The Answer is …you must yield the   or less, you must slow down to five miles per hour.
      to you by your friendly                            right of way. When it is safe to do so, move over as close as      In the State of Florida, drivers must also move over for
      Firefighters from Palm Beach                       reasonable to the closest edge of the curb of the roadway,   sanitation vehicles and utility service vehicles performing
      County Fire Rescue….                               clear of any intersection and then stop. When this happens   tasks related to their services, and wreckers displaying
         Every day firefighters                          on highways and interstates, rather than stop, slow down and   amber rotating or flashing lights performing a recovery
      and other emergency responders drive to emergencies.   then safely move over so that the emergency vehicle can pass.   or loading on the roadside.
      What’s more, oftentimes the emergency they are driving     Are you unsure about what you are supposed to do when     Violating the Move Over Law can result in a fine and points
      to is actually in the roadway. Although they are helping   you are driving on a roadway with multiple lanes, and you   on your license; and worse, because it puts rescuers, civilians,
      others and rendering aid, they are also at risk of being   see a fire truck or rescue truck working an emergency ON   and other motorists at risk of serious injury and even death.
      injured and killed on our roadways by motorists. Help   THE SIDE OF THE ROAD? The Answer is….When it is safe   For everyone’s safety, share the Move Over Law with others.
      protect them…because if they can’t help you in your time   to do, merge away from a vehicle working on the side of the   Help us…help You! 
      of need…who will?                                  roadway to provide an empty travel lane for the emergency
      Judy Levis Krug Boca Raton Jewish Film Festival

      Announces 2024 Audience Choice Awards

         The Judy Levis Krug Boca Raton Jewish Film Festival   film selected is a testament to the universal themes that   ghetto. Determined to help, she shelters 12 Jewish workers in
      (JLKBRJFF), proudly presented by the Adolph & Rose Levis   connect us.”                              the safest place she can think of – the basement of the German
      JCC (Levis JCC), announces this year’s top winners for Best                                          Major’s house. Irena uses her wit, humor and courage to hide
      Narrative, Best Documentary, Best Short and overall Best   Top Winners In Each                       her friends as long as possible.
      of the Fest. Attracting over 3,000 attendees, Boca Raton’s                                           Best Documentary Films
      original film festival is heralded as a premiere destination   Category Include                        1. Supernova: The Music Festival Massacre – This
      for Jewish and Israeli films by filmmakers and audiences                                             documentary unravels the dramatic and traumatic events at
      alike. Films were screened at Cinemark Bistro Boca Raton   Best Narrative Films                      the Nova Music Festival in Israel on Oct. 7, featuring footage
      and XD, Movies of Delray and the Levis JCC.          1. Bau: Artist at War – Based on the true story of Joseph   from multiple sources and intimate first-hand accounts from
         This year, more than 40 diverse feature-length films,   and Rebecca Bau, whose wedding took place in the Plaszow   survivors, first responders and parents. This film was also
      documentaries and shorts were judged based on the overall   concentration camp during World War II. This film is a war   awarded overall Best of the Fest winner.
      quality, message effectiveness, entertainment value and   drama/love story/espionage tale, even more relevant at a time   2. Between The Stone and the Flower – This film covers
      audience popularity, among other criteria.        when survivors are dwindling, and the Holocaust is slipping   the incredible journey of Genie Milgrom and her decades-
         “Our festival thrives on the depth and diversity of Jewish   from memory.                         long quest for her Jewish lineage, from a traditional Catholic
      storytelling, bringing to light the stories that resonate with   2. Irena’s Vow – 19-year-old Irena Gut, promoted to   family in Spain to an Orthodox Jewish life.
      our  shared  history  and  today’s  challenges,”  said  Nina   housekeeper in the home of a highly respected Nazi officer
      Rosenzweig, JLKBRJFF Screening Committee Chair. “Each   in Poland, discovers the imminent liquidation of the Jewish   Judy Levis Krug on page 26

                                    THE CLUB AT BOCA POINTE - SUMMER MEMBERSHIP

                                                         Owned and Operated by Heritage Golf Group, The Club at Boca Pointe offers you the
                                                         perfect way to discover all that the Club has to offer from May 1 – September 30. Boca
                                                         Pointe’s summer memberships are offered to both residents and non-residents of the
                                                         Boca Pointe community with privileges including full access to social and tennis amenities
                                                         with an option to add golf. Reach out to learn more!

                                                         HERE ARE SOME OF THE HIGHLIGHTS OF WHAT YOU CAN ENJOY AS A SUMMER MEMBER:

                                                             Mix & mingle with friends old and new in the clubhouse’s dining areas enjoying lunch, dinner,
                                                             lounge & happy hour, and various club special events.
                                                             Work out in the club’s 28,000 square foot state-of-the-art fitness complex to help you meet
                                                             your health & wellness goals.
                                                             Personal Training and Group Exercise – over 40 complimentary classes weekly.
                                                             Grab your racquet and play tennis seven days a week, including clinics & tournaments, AND
                                                             four new PICKLEBALL courts to enjoy America’s newest social sport.
                                                             Take a dip in the oversized year-round pool or enjoy lap-swimming or aqua aerobics.
                                                             Summer Golf Members will also enjoy unlimited golf for a cart fee only with 5-day advance
                                                             tee-times and full practice area access.

                      2024 Summer Membership offerings include Sport & Social Memberships starting at $2,200 and Golf
                     Memberships starting at $3,250 - no initiation fee required. Limited availability, contact the Club today
                                                   to schedule a tour of the NEW Club at Boca Pointe!

                                        7144 BOCA POINTE DRIVE, BOCA RATON 561.864.8539 | BOCAPOINTECC.COM

                   Membership fee must be paid in advance; $500 food & beverage minimum required. Summer memberships are introductory membership privileges from May 1st – September 30th, and limited space is available, after
                  which full membership may be required. Golf Course and Practice facilities are closed on Mondays from May-Mid November. Summer memberships include a single or couple (residing together) and unmarried children
                                        and grandchildren under 26 years of age living in the household. Prices do not include additional fees and 7% FL Palm Beach State Sales Tax.
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