Page 19 - Boca ViewPointe - May '24
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May 2024                                                      Viewpointe, Page 19
      Tax Talk

      Dear friends:                                        I encourage you to find your passion and volunteer for a   their questions about our services and demonstrated the
         Over the past few                              community organization or event. You can start by visiting   values that make our agency exceptional.
      months,  my  team  and  I                         the Palm Beach County’s Volunteer Opportunities website at      I am proud of our continued support of and participation
      have participated in several             to perhaps find a way that you too can support   in this annual community event.
      community events where we                         our community … you’ll be glad you did!
      had the opportunity to meet                          Wishing all our mothers a very happy Mother’s Day!
      and  speak  with  residents                                                        Anne M. Gannon,
      around  the  county.  From                                                 Constitutional Tax Collector,
      the  Jupiter  Jubilee  and                                                 Serving Palm Beach County
      Palm  Beach  Pride  to  the
      St.  Patrick’s  Day  Parade                       Celebrating Palm Beach Pride
      in  Delray  Beach,  it  is  so
      rewarding to take the time to volunteer for these community      Palm Beach Pride persevered through rain and shine,
      events. Volunteering not only benefits those being served   a soggy Saturday didn’t drown out my team’s enthusiasm
      but also provides volunteers with opportunities for personal   at this year’s shortened event. Thank you to everyone who
      growth, skill development and a sense of fulfillment. It   came out to the event to wave and cheer on the TCO float in
      fosters a sense of belonging and strengthens social ties   Sunday’s Pride parade.
      within communities, contributing to the overall well-being      Following the parade, we engaged with Palm Beach
      and resilience of society.                        County residents who stopped by our booth. We answered
                                                                                                           Top Bicycle Safety Tips For
        Enhancing Community Wellness: The Pioneering                                                       Riders And Motorists

        Collaboration Between Hunyuan Life Wellness                                                          is  a  great  time  of  year  to
                                                                                                              May  in  South  Florida
        Spa and The Florence Fuller Center                                                                 spend  time  outside  before
                                                                                                           the summer heat arrives. This
                                                                                                           time of year also brings an
        Introduction                                                                                       important focus on safety –
        In the heart of Boca Raton, a transformative initiative is taking                                  Bicycle Safety Month.
        root—one that promises to uplift, rejuvenate, and enhance the
        well-being  of  the  community's  most  dedicated  members.  At                                       Did you know that Florida is home to 14 of the top 20
        the intersection of healthcare and humanitarian aid, wellness                                      counties in the United States for the most cyclist deaths
        is  becoming  an  essential  part  of  the  nonprofit  landscape.                                  per 100,000 people? These numbers are a sad reality that
        Organizations and volunteers who dedicate countless hours to                                       highlight the emphasis that needs to be placed on safety for
        helping the needy are discovering that caring for their own well-                                  both cyclists and motorists.
        being enhances their ability to care for others. This emerging
        philosophy is guiding a new collaboration aimed at fostering                                       For Cyclists
        health and wellness through innovative, accessible means.                                             • Always wear a helmet.
        The Importance of Wellness in Community Support                                                       • Ride in a group, motorists are more likely to see a group
        Nonprofit  organizations  and  their  volunteers  are  crucial  to                                 of cyclists as opposed to an individual.
        community  support  services,  tirelessly  working  under  often                                      • Add reflectors and lights to your bike.
        stressful conditions and with scarce resources. The substantial                                       • Wear retroreflective and bright clothing.
        physical  and  emotional  toll  on  these  dedicated  workers
        underscores the necessity of wellness programs—not merely                                          For Motorists
        as  a  benefit,  but  as  an  imperative.  Integrating  wellness  into                                • Be aware of your surroundings and on the lookout for
        their  routines  not  only  allows  them  to  maintain  sustained   Dr Yaron Seidman and Lisa Talley  cyclists.
        energy but also improves their overall health, enhancing their                                        • Slow down – high speeds increase the likelihood of
        capacity to serve effectively. This focus on wellness, now being  Quantum  Foundation:  Catalyzing  Health  and   serious injury or death.
        championed through the collaboration between Hunyuan Life   Wellness Initiatives
        Wellness Spa and The Florence Fuller Center, will extend crucial   Supporting  this  vital  initiative  is  the  Quantum  Foundation,      For more information about Bicycle Safety Month, please
        holistic  wellness  opportunities  to  the  parents  and  children   a  key  funder  whose  vision  and  mission  are  to  improve  the   visit
        served by the Fuller Center, opportunities that would otherwise   health of the communities within Palm Beach County through
        be  out  of  their  reach.  This  initiative  promises  to  cultivate  a   strategic investments in health-related initiatives. With assets
        healthier, more vibrant community by caring comprehensively   of approximately $160 million, the Quantum Foundation is now   Understanding Credit Card
        for its caretakers and young beneficiaries alike.  in its third decade of community investment, having awarded
        Collaborative  Ventures:  Hunyuan  Life  Wellness   $175  million  to  hundreds  of  local  nonprofit  grantees.  Their   Descriptors
        Spa Meets The Florence Fuller Center             funding  philosophy  ensures  that  every  dollar  granted  stays
        Fueled  by  a  generous  grant  from  the  Quantum  Foundation,   within the county, maximizing the benefit to local communities      Paying online is the fast,
        the  recent  partnership  between  Hunyuan  Life  Wellness  Spa   and  supporting  projects  like  the  collaboration  between   convenient  option  to  pay
        and  The  Florence  Fuller  Center  in  Boca  Raton  exemplifies   Hunyuan  Life  Wellness  Spa  and  The  Florence  Fuller  Center.   your bill at the Palm Beach
        the  increasing  acknowledgment  of  wellness  as  an  essential   This  grant  from  Quantum  Foundation  not  only  underscores   Tax  Collector’s  Office.
        element of effective community service. This collaboration is   their  commitment  to  community  health  but  also  enables   When  you  pay  by  credit
        set to launch a variety of initiatives aimed at enhancing the   the  implementation  of  the  wellness  rooms  and  educational
        health and wellness of the children, parents, volunteers, and   programs that are central to this partnership.  card, be aware of the credit
        families  engaged  with  the  Fuller  Center.  Through  this  joint  A Synergistic Collaboration: Wellness Rooms and   card  descriptor  for  your
        effort,  both  organizations  demonstrate  their  commitment  to   Lectures                        transaction. Wondering what a credit card descriptor is? It
        nurturing the community from the ground up, ensuring that   The  cornerstone  of  the  collaboration  between  Hunyuan  Life   is the merchant information that appears on your statement
        those who give so much can continue to do so with renewed   Wellness  Spa  and  The  Fuller  Center  is  the  development  of   when you make a charge. It is always a good idea to check
        energy and health.                               dedicated wellness rooms at the Fuller Center's facilities. These
        Dr. Yaron Seidman: A Vanguard of Wellness        rooms will be equipped with the unique wellness technologies   your transactions to make sure there have been no fraudulent
        At the helm of this initiative is Dr. Yaron Seidman, a seasoned   pioneered by Dr. Seidman, providing a space where volunteers   charges made with your card.
        acupuncture specialist with over 35 years of experience. As the   and  staff  can  engage  in  self-care  through  guided  wellness      Transactions with our office will appear as the following
        owner of the Hunyuan Life Wellness Spa and the author of eight   practices.  Additionally,  Dr.  Seidman  will  conduct  wellness   on your statement:
        influential books on wellness, Dr. Seidman's approach combines   lectures and workshops, aiming to embed a culture of health      • B2P*TAX COLL DMV PALM BCH – motor vehicle
        traditional Chinese medicine with modern innovations to offer   and  wellness  within  the  fabric  of  the  center's  everyday   transaction, including vehicle registration and driver’s license
        unique  healing  experiences.  His  commitment  to  developing   operations.
        holistic wellness technologies has positioned him as a leader   Conclusion: A Model for Future Endeavors  renewals
        in the field, dedicated to enhancing the health of community   This pioneering collaboration between Hunyuan Life Wellness      • B2P*TAX COLLECT PALM BCH – property tax,
        workers and volunteers through accessible, effective methods.  Spa  and  The  Florence  Fuller  Center  sets  a  new  standard  for   business tax receipt, and tourist development tax payments
        Hunyuan Life Wellness Spa: A Sanctuary of Healing  community health initiatives. By integrating advanced wellness      •  LN  PALMBEACH  DMV  KIOSK  –  registration
        The Hunyuan Life Wellness Spa is not just a facility; it's a retreat   technologies  within  a  nonprofit  setting,  they  are  charting  a   renewals at an MV Express kiosk 
        that offers a range of services designed to restore and maintain   path  forward  that  other  organizations  might  follow.  More
        optimal  health.  Under  Dr.  Seidman's  guidance,  the  spa  has   importantly, this partnership underscores a crucial recognition:
        developed several unique wellness technologies that are both   that caring for the caregivers is not just an act of kindness but a
        innovative  and  rooted  in  traditional  healing  practices.  These   necessity that benefits the entire community. As this initiative
        include specialized acupuncture techniques, herbal remedies,   unfolds,  it  promises  not  only  to  enhance  the  lives  of  those
        and  energy-balancing  therapies  that  together  create  a   directly involved but also to inspire a wave of similar efforts
        comprehensive wellness regimen tailored to individual needs.  across the nation, each aimed at uplifting those who dedicate
        The Fuller Center: Commitment to Community and   their lives to helping others.
        The  Florence  Fuller  Center  has  been  a  beacon  of  hope  and   For  more  information  about  the  wellness  programs  and
        support  in  Boca  Raton  for  over  50  years.  Led  by  CEO  Ellyn   initiatives  offered  by  Hunyuan  Life  Wellness  Spa,  visit  www.
        Okrent,  the  center  provides  educational  and  developmental or contact them at 561-400-6743.
        services to over 900 children and 600 families annually across a
        wide geographic area. Okrent's leadership is characterized by a
        relentless pursuit of excellence and a deep commitment to the
        well-being of both the families served and the volunteers who
        support  them.  Her  forward-thinking  approach  in  partnering
        with Hunyuan Life Wellness Spa is a reflection of her dedication
        to holistic community development.
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