Page 15 - Boca ViewPointe - May '24
P. 15

May 2024                                                      Viewpointe, Page 15

      Magen David Adom from page 14                      more sophisticated equipment, which enables the team’s   together, we can ensure that our communities are always
                                                         doctors  and  paramedics  to  perform  various  medical   fully protected.”
      Magen Project, MDA will expand the scope of its training   procedures in the field, such as opening airways.     There are multiple sponsorship opportunities for
      activities, with special training programs for volunteer      “The communities are the best authorities on what they   the Magen Project available to donors. To learn more
      CERT teams in as many communities as possible.     need,” says Uri Shacham, MDA’s chief of staff. “We’re   OR to get involved locally in Boca Raton, please reach
         In  addition  to  recruiting  residents  with  no  medical   working with each locality in a very personalized way to   out to Yishai Mizrahi, the Area Director for AFMDA
      background,  the  Magen  Project  encourages  doctors,   provide the kind of training and equipment that will be   in Boca Raton/Delray Beach, at 561.288.5658 or via
      paramedics and nurses to volunteer for the Community   of most use to them.”                         email at
      Emergency Response Team in their place of residence.      Additionally, MDA is making Multi-Casualty Rescue      Your dedication is immeasurable, and we are forever
      These professionals undergo a special training course, at   Units available to the Magen Project. These large trailers   grateful. Am Yisrael Chai. 
      a more advanced level than the lay volunteers. Altogether,   have the capacity to treat up to 20 wounded patients at
      each CERT comprises between 10 and 25 members who   a time and are stocked with large amounts of medical
      are integrated in the local security apparatus.    supplies. The plan also calls for supplying CERTs with
         In  addition,  MDA  certifies  two  members  of  each   emergency response vehicles which will be permanently   Please Be Courteous
      community’s  security  team  as  EMTs,  so  that,  when   parked inside the different communities and will be the
      necessary,  emergency  medical  care  can  be  provided   responsibility of two or three CERT members.  Pedestrians
      even  when  access  to  the  community  is  temporarily      The  Magen  Project  will  be  digitally  connected  to
      compromised. By being prepared in advance for scenarios   Magen David Adom’s sophisticated database and dispatch   have the
      such  as  what  happened  on  October  7th,  where  it  was   system. The CERT volunteers will be registered in the
      impossible  to  promptly  evacuate  severely  wounded   MDA system and dispatched to medical emergencies in   right of way!
      victims,  the  Community  Emergency  Response Teams   their communities through the official MDA network. “In
      can save lives during the critical window of time after a   the event of an emergency in an isolated community, MDA
      person is wounded.                                 dispatchers at our operations center will be in contact with
      Personalized training and equipment                the  designated  community  medics,  who  will  describe
         Each  CERT  team  receives  supplies  based  on  its   the urgent needs with the level of detail and speed that
      members’ level of knowledge and experience as well as on   is crucial in such scenarios,” explains Shacham. “With
      local needs. Communities where the emergency response   resources and training provided by Magen David Adom,
      team is composed entirely of non-medical professionals   and  full  integration  with  our  cutting-edge  dispatch
      receive basic first-aid supplies. When there are advanced   system, we can maximize the potential that already exists
      healthcare providers on the team, the supplies include   in Israel’s towns and neighborhoods,” he adds. “Working

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                                               Direct: 561-445-4483

                                                                         101 Palmetto Road, Boca Raton

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