Page 7 - Boca ViewPointe - May '24
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May 2024                                                       Viewpointe, Page 7
      Unmasking Hypertension: The Silent Killer

      By Lisa Sileo

         May is  High  Blood
      Pressure Education Month.
      Did you know: 1 in 3 Adults
      are Unaware They Are Living
      with a Deadly Hypertension
         Hypertension  is  often
      referred to as a silent killer
      because it typically presents
      no symptoms, making it
      difficult to detect until it’s too
      late. Over time, high blood                 Acts Home Health Clinical Director Julia Panton, BSN, RN checks the blood pressure of an Acts resident.
      pressure slowly damages
      blood vessels throughout the body, even when there are no   lifestyle changes, such as eating healthier and exercising,      “You’ll see a lot of pharmacies have the little blood
      obvious signs or symptoms. This can lead to complications   along with medication if needed, to lower blood pressure   pressure cuff in the corner by the pharmacy counter, it’s
      such as sudden strokes, heart disease, kidney damage,   to a safer level.                            a nationally crisis that we don’t recognize it soon enough,
      blindness, and death.                                                                                especially in certain communities,” Nace said. “Individuals
         “It’s called a silent killer because that on its own it                                           who are African American have alarming incidents of
      doesn’t present with symptoms until it’s really at high level,”   How can Acts and Edgewater at Boca Pointe help?  hypertension that goes untreated and unrecognized.”
      said Acts Home Health Clinical Director Julia Panton, BSN,      Visit Edgewater at Boca Pointe for a complimentary      “If you’re newly diagnosed with hypertension, or
      RN. “Some symptoms at a high level include headaches and   screening at our blood pressure clinic on Thursday, May   just concerned about your blood pressure, Acts Home
      vision loss.”                                      16 from 12:30 p.m. – 1:30 p.m. in the main lobby of   Health offers services to help you monitor hypertension,
         Since hypertension can go unnoticed for years, regular   Edgewater at Boca Pointe, located at 23315 Blue Water   collaborating with your doctor, to help you with prescribed
      blood pressure monitoring and preventive measures are   Cir, Boca Raton. In fact, those living at The Club at Boca   medications, diet or lifestyle changes,” Panton said.
      crucial in identifying and managing hypertension to prevent   Pointe can continually monitor their hypertension through      To learn more, or get your blood pressure checked, reach
      its devastating consequences.                      services offered by Acts Home Health of Florida.   out today! Call Acts Home Health of Florida, Boca Raton
      What is Hypertension?                                                                                Office at (561) 981-6064. 
         Hypertension, or high blood pressure, happens when the      Acts Retirement-Life Communities, including its Boca
      force of blood pushing against artery walls is too strong.   Raton campuses, Edgewater at Boca Pointe and sister
      It’s considered unhealthy when the top number (systolic   community, nearby St. Andrews Estates, also have a full-time   Advertise,
      pressure) is 130 or higher, or the bottom number (diastolic   nurse practitioner on campus, and several blood pressure
      pressure) is 80 or higher. The systolic pressure measures the   clinics throughout the year to help raise awareness. Residents
      force generated on arteries when the heart pumps, while the   are encouraged to take advantage of these opportunities to    Check out our Web site!
      diastolic pressure measures the force on the arteries when   monitor their blood pressure, and quickly take action to
      the heart relaxes and refills. This condition often occurs   prevent a tragedy.              
      because arteries are too narrow, making it tough for the      “Our last blood pressure clinic saved a life, literally. This
      heart to pump blood through them.                 resident’s blood pressure results were so high, the individual        or call
         Additionally, having too much blood circulating can   was taken by ambulance to a hospital,” said Kellianne Nace,
      also contribute to high blood pressure. To keep it in check   Administrator, Acts Home Health of Florida.         (561) 746-3244
      and prevent health issues like heart disease or stroke,      “This person had no idea. That’s how important it is to
      treatment is necessary. This typically involves making   get routinely tested,” she added.

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