Page 4 - Boca ViewPointe - May '24
P. 4

Page 4, Viewpointe                                                    May 2024
      Potable Water Our Most Precious Resource!

      Transforming Challenges

      By Steve Handwerker                                straight from toilets into waterways and general improvement      Sometimes, those that fight for such things are challenged
                                                         in infrastructure safety and efficiency is mandated so   even threatened, but there is always cause for HOPE. When
         The majority of our                             infrastructure in light of development and in some cases,   we have a vision and persevere in finding solutions to
      planet’s surface is water yet                      overdevelopment is upgraded! Maintaining or even better   challenges facing us and our survival, I believe we can rise
      potable, fresh water remains                       yet upgrading sewer systems is significant. Putting pressure   to the circumstances and proactively create solvent solutions!
      the most challenging                               on our public servants to address these infrastructure and   Water, water, everywhere, and yes there can be enough to
      resource to secure for                             systemic needs is crucial. Investments in water quality   drink and survive. Thank you for listening and taking action
      our  survival!  Because  of                        and environmental ecological needs are crucial, especially   in any and every way you can!
      residual  pollution  created                       for the underserved, under-resourced and overburdened
      by centuries of rampant                            communities. Of course, returning to traditional uses of the      Steven E. Handwerker Ph.D. D.div, RM
      settlement/development,                            river and our waterways, especially those providing potable      Board Certified Licensed Psychologist
      industrial  waste,  and  poorly  regulated  commerce  our   water, such as swimming and boating, is helpful. We the      50 years experience
      water supplies face ongoing hazards which threaten   people, yes you and I and our friends and family, always need
      human and diverse animal species. The Ohio River and the   to commit to, respect and safeguard our personal sovereignty,      Books and Blogs 
      Mississippi are under scrutiny to restore and protect water   physically, emotionally, and spiritually.
      supplies for millions of people. In addition, biodiversity
      is imperiled.
         The Ohio River is one of the only major watersheds                                                           Norbert Graber, R. Ph.
      in the nation and has never received significant federal                                                       and Lynn Graber, R. Ph.
      funding. Other factors in this area have made this
      region significant and therefore notable for its supply of
      fresh water. Train derailments/“accidents” have caused
      significant challenges to the integrity of this water supply
      over the past 35 years and to the well-being of millions
      of people in the area.
         How can such a challenge be solved or even approached?
      First, greater public awareness so that the river is better
      protected as this water is being consumed. Petitioning for
      government support for adequate wastewater infrastructure;
      updating city sewer systems and pipes in homes that go

                 Open Call

          For Viewpointe                                                                                                              FREE

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           We are looking for volunteers, whether experienced   Including United Healthcare   •  Nebulizers & Supplies       HIGHEST-QUALITY MEDICINES
        or hobbyist, interested in writing an article or a column      and Tricare            •  Compression Stockings           & HEALTH PRODUCTS
        for the Viewpointe. You may be interested in writing                             561-391-6336
        just once, occasionally or on a regular basis. It’s a
        great way to sharpen your skills or develop your talent                       22191 Powerline Road • Boca Raton
        while enlightening your community. Some themes we                SW Corner of Palmetto & Powerline • Mon-Fri 9am to 6pm • Sat 9am to 3pm • Closed Sun
        would like to include in the Viewpoint are as follows:                       
           • Village Spotlight - write about your community.
        A different village will be featured each month.
           • My Story - featuring a member of the community
        with a unique or interesting story.
           • Student Life - High school students writing about
        school or a topic that interests them. Student writers
        will be eligible to earn community service hours.
           •  Global  Cuisine  or  Gourmet  Recipes  -  share
        a special, gourmet recipe or a recipe from our
        international community.
           • Share an idea you may have for a new column or   Do you know a family member,
           A Meet & Greet event with refreshments will be   friend or a neighbor in need of
        scheduled for current and new writers. Show your
        interest in joining the writing team by contacting Lisa   Home Health Care?
        Cammaleri at 

                                                          Home Health Aides / Certified Nursing Assistants / Registered Nurses  to assist you with:

                    Attention                                  • Personal Care      • Companionship     • Respite Care      • Alzheimers & Dementia Care
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