Page 2 - Boca ViewPointe - May '24
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Page 2, Viewpointe                                                    May 2024
      A Sight For                                                                      Board Of Directors

      Sore Eyes                                                   May 2023 – May 2025 Officers/Executive Committee

                                                           Chairman and President  Paul Hart               District 5 Paul Hart (Esplanada)
      By Judith Levy                                       Vice President      Robert  Cornell                Esplanada, Caravelle, Palomar, La Corniche,
                                                           Secretary           Mary Ann Frazier               and El Dorado
         I hadn’t received a                               Treasurer           Michelle Ricciuti-Carter    District 6 Marvin Lazarowitz (Villa Stel)
      leading role, much as I                                                                                 Villa Flora, Montego Bay, Villa Del Sol, and Palladium
      wanted one. I was given                              District Directors                              District 7 David Arlein (Pointe 100)
      a supporting role without                            District 1 Morton Karper (Valencia)                The Plum/Cortina, Villa Sonrisa and Pointe 100
      even one song to sing. My                               Encantada, Valencia and The Palms            District 8 Jacob Stark (Costa Del Sol)
      feelings were hurt but they                          District 2 Chandra Stewart-Keith (Panaché)         Costa Del Sol and Costa Brava
      say there are no small parts                            Promenade, Imperial Royale, Imperial, Regency   District 9 P.J. Petkovic (Stratford Court)
                                                             and Panaché
      just small actors. So, there                           District 3 Steve Retzer (La Mirada)              Edgewater Pointe Estates and Stratford Court
      I was, eleven years old                                 La Mirada and Meridiana                              At Large Directors
      and we were performing in the Rogers and Hammerstein   District 4 Bob Greenstein (Lakes of La Paz)  Through May 2025  Through May 2025
      play Oklahoma! for generous contributors to our camp      El Viento, La Paz, and Southwinds  Robert Cornell (Costa Brava)  Randy Raskin (The Palms)
      for underprivileged Jewish children, of which I was one.                                   Mary Ann Frazier (The Palms)  Michelle Ricciuti-Carter (Encantada)
      Everyone was nervous because there were celebrities in the                                 Connie Murray (Villa Flora)  David Sussman (Valencia)
      audience and everything had better go well.
         I had the part of Aunt Eller, and to open the show I was
      alone on stage, churning butter, and my line was “I think I
      hear the boys coming.” When I said it, no one came out! For
      ten minutes no one came out while the crazed counselors
      ran around trying to round up the errant campers who
      were carousing around outside, never hearing their cue.
      Meanwhile, I sang, told stories, even danced around and no
      one in the audience knew anything was at all amiss.
         For this showmanship I won the dramatic medal and was
      hailed as a hero. For the rest of my life, stepping up to the
      plate when things were almost Titanically catastrophic gave
      me confidence and to this day no situation makes me quiver,
      I just do my best and mostly it’s more than good enough. Just
      think, in life, when you say I think I hear the boys coming
      and no one comes out, you can still do your best and you
      don’t need anyone else. Remember, the best help you’ll get
      is at the end of your own right arm. I have confidence in you,
      have some in yourself and you might see success, it may be
      just a blink away. “Oh, what a beautiful morning.”

         Judith Levy speaks for organizations and is the best-
      selling author of  GRANDMOTHER REMEMBERS,
      which has sold over four million copies and the mega
      best-seller GRANDFATHER REMEMBERS, published by
      HarperCollins. Both books, perfect gifts, are available on
      Amazon and Barnes & Noble. 


             Dog Owners

         It is your responsibility
          to pick up after your
         dog. It’s the law. Some
            of you have been
          negligent in doing so.

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       Seabreeze Publications of Central Florida. Most editorial copy is created by
       the homeowners and is edited by their appointed editor.       Alzheimer’s & Dementia Care     Surgery Recovery Care

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