Page 5 - Boca ViewPointe - May '24
P. 5

May 2024                                                       Viewpointe, Page 5
      Alone, But No Longer Lonely

      By Robert W. Goldfarb                              not alone. Frequent calls and texts from children and      I’m feeling an awareness stirring deep within me that
                                                         grandchildren  warm  me  in  their  embrace. We  meet  at   I’m becoming the friend I want alongside me as I walk
         I knew I was alone when I stopped thinking of myself   celebrations  that  made  us  a  family.  But,  loneliness  is   these final miles.
      as a “we,” “us” or “ours.” Instead, I had become an “I,”   persistent and would love to be a tenant in my silent house.
      a “me” or “mine,” words that have none of the warmth      There was a question only I could answer. Did I have      Bob’s articles have appeared in The New York Times,
      of the few letters that announced I was part of a couple.   within me the resources and will to live alone but not be   The San Francisco Chronicle and in Next Avenue, the
      “I” is the sharpest letter in the alphabet, sharp enough to   lonely? Could I stop turning for companionship to friends   publication of the Public Broadcasting Service. His
      have etched the word “alone” on me.                and to people I barely knew? I wasn’t sure I was strong   book, “What’s Stopping Me From Getting Ahead?” was
         I became an “I” when my wife died five years ago. For   enough to endure a string of evenings eating alone. I enjoy   published by McGraw Hill and is in five languages. 
      the first time in my life I was alone. I had gone directly   having dinner with friends, but, as time passed, I was
      from my mother to war to Muriel. I had never lived in   surprised to find myself thinking an evening alone might
      silence; now I was drowning in it. If there was a difference   have been simpler, more relaxing. I now spend much less   Hot Topics
      between being alone and being lonely, I didn’t see it.   time wondering who I could call for dinner tomorrow.
      To me Alone and Lonely were the couple who walked      I was no stranger to solitude. Muriel and I had careers
                                                         that kept us apart during the workday. We both prized
      into my bedroom and claimed Muriel’s side of the bed. I   moments that gave us time to be quietly by ourselves. But  Group Notice
      had read enough about loneliness to know the despair it
      carried would soon choke me. How was I going to defy its   we touched each other before and after those moments.
      pull and make the transition from being lonely to simply   Could I embrace solitude without anticipating the thrill      We are a women’s group who remember Reva
      being alone? I didn’t know how, but knew I had to try.  of Muriel’s smile as she strode through the doorway?  Tucker. Hot Topics has resumed meetings every Friday
         There were lessons I had to be taught more than      I began asking myself a curious question: Am I the   and are seeking new members. Please join us for lively
      seventy years ago about living with my 18-year-old bride.   friend I want alongside me as I travel alone through these   discussions at 11:00am to 12:30pm at the Boca Pointe
      I quickly learned the importance of putting down the toilet   final miles? I might not yet be that friend, but there are   Community Office. If you would like more information
      seat. But those lessons were few and easily remembered.   hints I’m getting closer. Rather than talking with others to   or to sign up, please call 561-715-8298. 
      Neither of us had lived in a college dormitory or shared an   escape the silence, I’ve been sitting quietly alone, hoping
      apartment with friends. We hadn’t set boundaries around   to hear what the silence might tell me. What I’ve heard
      what older couples insisted was “my space.” I could be   has changed my understanding of being alone. Instead
      forgetting, but it’s mostly laughter I remember as we   of allowing being alone to confine me, I’ve discovered     On behalf of The Club at Boca Pointe
      bumped into each other in our 500-square-foot apartment.   strengths within me that are beginning to set me free.   we would like to remind our residents that
      Learning how to live alone in a three-bedroom house as   I’ve endured a loss that could have extinguished my will   NO walking, running, bicycle riding or dog
      a 94-year-old is proving much harder.              to live. It came close, but there was a flame inside me   walking  is  permitted on
         When I first lost Muriel, I retreated to a dark place   that refused to be dimmed. If I can rise unbroken from
      within myself, convinced happiness was something I   Muriel’s death, I can conquer loneliness.        the golf course or golf
      would never feel again. But, as the months and now      I’ve also become quicker to act with little or no   cart paths. For safety
      years have passed, I’ve been warmed by flashes of   planning. I say yes instead of no to opportunities to   reasons, the paths are
      what I remember happiness is. My family is growing;   do things alone. I’ve begun exploring wilderness areas   for golf carts only.
      grandchildren are marrying and having babies. Now their   along The Everglades and attending Zoom meetings led
      voices bring tears of a different kind, tears of joy.  by spiritual guides. I set aside hours to do nothing more
         I just returned from San Francisco where our family   than search for whatever is within me that is eager to risk     Thank you
      celebrated  the  birthday of  my first great-grandchild.   a new path. I’m opening doors I’d kept shut because, at   for cooperating
      Happiness is a one-year-old showering joy on four   94, I feared there wasn’t enough time to walk through   with The Club's
      generations. Most of my family live far from me, but   them. If being alone has taught me anything, it’s knowing
      the love that binds us leaps across the country. I left   with crystalline clarity that if I don’t open the door and   policy. 
      the celebration realizing that while I lived alone, I was   open it now, it will remain closed.

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