Page 6 - Boca ViewPointe - May '24
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Page 6, Viewpointe                                                    May 2024
       It’s Complicated                                   Community Association Meetings Monthly Schedule

       Or, Is It?                                                          (All meetings held via Zoom and in person.)

      By Josette Veltri
                                                            All meetings will be held electronically via Zoom and in person. The following is our regular
         How often do we hear
      ourselves repeating “It’s                           schedule of monthly meetings, however, sometimes meetings are cancelled or schedules are
      complicated,” before                                revised due to holidays, etc. If you would like to attend, please call the BPCA office, (561)
      walking away? Yes, I agree                          395-7551, the day before the meeting to request the Zoom link be emailed to you.
      human beings are filled
      with complex emotions,
      living complex lives amidst                            Access Control & Safety Committee                 TBD
      complex  circumstances.
      And, yes, at times it is                               Architectural Control Site Committee              TBD
      complicated or, could there
      be more effective solutions?                           Board of Directors                                3rd Tuesday of each month at 9:30 a.m.
         Throughout our lives,
      we often find ourselves                                Budget & Finance Committee                        TBD
      battling over who will host
      this year’s holiday gathering
      - never failing to remind
      all involved that we hosted
      last year’s event. And, to
      further complicate matters,
      we engage in a tug of war
      over family birthdays, weddings, Christening, Bar or Bat
      Mitzvahs. We can’t even have a simple barbecue with friends
      without over-analyzing who should be invited, we create a
      catastrophic complicated nightmare.
         Yes, human beings are complicated and continue to
      play and replay the IF ONLY HE, SHE, THEY WOULD
      ____THEN I WOULD _____ game. But why?
         Perhaps it’s because we gravitate toward overthinking that
      causes our anxiety. Or, perhaps our stressors keep us tossed
      in tailspins of confusion and frustrations? Or, is it because
      we are unaware that we may lose this battle or two and still
      win the war?
         We know change is uncomfortable and at times, can be
      complicated. But the fact be known, it does not have to be
      complicated at all IF we learn and put into practice what
      researchers call Intellectual Humility.
         Intellectual humility is when we become aware and
      recognize that our beliefs might be wrong, and our opinions
      may be fallible because of our psychological biases.
         When intellectual humility is practiced, we consider the

      viewpoints of others – ALL OTHERS. And, we choose to   BUYER?                                                          SELLER?
      let the rope go and stop playing tug of war with people we                                      Call Joe Young
      care about and love before it is too late. As we deepen our   THIS IS THE MARKET YOU                                   YOU NEED EXPOSURE &
      intellectual humility, we learn to separate our ego mind from
      our wise mind and decline defensiveness when challenged   HAVE BEEN WAITING FOR!                                      AGGRESSIVE MARKETING!
      or believe we need to be right.
         After a bit of research, I found a piece known as “Slowly   (561) 756-8508                                        (561) 756-8508

      I Turned,” a popular skit from Vaudeville where a character   Hope everyone is doing okay during these challenging times. I am here to assist any way I can.
      relating a story begins to trigger the listener who then
      reacts to the triggering word or phrase. Let this not be the
      case with you or me but let’s mindfully practice the art of
      uncomplicating our lives.                               REDUCED                                        NEW LISTING
         Now, after reading this article, we may still want to
      complicate things by replaying IF ONLY HE, SHE, THEY
      WOULD ____THEN I WOULD _____, and that’s ok. I only
      ask that you think about the words of entrepreneur Richard
      Branson, “Complexity is your enemy. Any fool can make
      something complicated. It is hard to keep things simple.”

         Josette Veltri, a Boca Pointe resident, is a certified educator
      and coach on loss and transition. Her purpose, to assist clients
      heal and move forward so they can go from I Can’t to I Can, One

      Step at a Time. She can be reached at josette@nextstepnewstart.  859 Jeffery Street $749,000                  6422 Via Rosa $1,175,000
      com ( 
                                                                      3/2  1,682 total sq. ft.

        Dear Boca Pointe                                       CLOSED                                          CLOSED

        Dog Owners:

           We have had a few recent complaints
        from residents who have had uncomfortable
        encounters with dogs off leash
        around the property. We are
        reaching out to our residents to
        remind them of our rules concerning
        keeping dogs on leashes and cleaning pet  litter.  As  a
        resident of Boca Pointe you must: Keep your dog on a

        leash. All dogs must be controlled on a leash by an able-  7276 Via Palomar  $749,000                       6539 Via Rosa  $699,000
        bodied person, at all times, whenever the dog is on property.   3/2  2,570 total sq. ft.                      3/2  3,094 total sq. ft.
        Also, you must clean up and properly dispose of pet waste
        when your pet relieves itself. Knowing and abiding by our   For all your real estate needs call or visit our web page     Define Your Life in a Non-Mandatory Country Club
                                                                                                                                   Define Your Membership - Social, Golf, Tennis
        community’s animal-related ordinances will help make our                                                                    Define Your Time from 3 months to a year
        neighborhood a better place for everyone. Thank you!                                                 the Club at Boca Pointe
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