Page 8 - Boca ViewPointe - May '24
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Page 8, Viewpointe                                                    May 2024
      A Day In The Life Of…Me

      By William A. Gralnick                             On one river cruise this spring, I will spend a goodly number      I did eight years at the Sheriff’s Office. A common
                                                         of hours with a drink in one hand and my lists in the other.   response to, “How are you?” is “’still on the right side of
         My brother retired                              I speak much better than passable French and Spanish.   the grass.” And that’s where I am, and I don’t even have to
      several times until he got                         Can’t find clubs for them either, unless I enroll in courses   mow it any longer. Ba da boom!
      it right. From time one to                         at the university, which is not the use I most want to put      My brother is gone, may his memory be remembered for a
      success, he almost denuded                         my money towards                                  blessing. It is for me to generate some of my own wisdom. The
      his three-acre property by                            Tempus fugit. I turned 80. How odd it is that time goes   first is easy. On any day when the temperature and humidity
      chopping down trees. He was rehired by NBC News. Retiring   faster but one’s body doesn’t. I’m already almost two months   are lower than normal, throw open those windows, create some
      once more, he had plans for the house that didn’t include   closer to 81… The squares on my calendar are becoming   cross ventilation to waft across you (even if you have to put on a
      trees. He repeated Act Two and part way into Act Three he   more and more cluttered with different activities. There’s the   sweater), and enjoy it. It’s almost better than the smell of those
      got lung cancer. His coup de gras for this bedeviling attempt   Orthopedist for my knees, there’s the Occupational Therapist   foods one doctor or another has told us we should stop eating.
      to retire was climbing Mt. Kilimanjaro after training for   for my digital arthritis, the eye guy for an ocular malfunction      To those the government is about to remove from the
      many, many months with a certified high mountain trainer.   that I’d never heard of. It’s called blepharitis. Look it up if   elderly column and push us up into frail elderly, I say this. If
      Missing part of his lung, ¾ up was where he gave out and   you’re curious. For this article, all you need to know is that   you are happy in retirement, whether active or passive, you’re
      was schlepped by Sherpas back to base and from base to   it requires regular trips to his office and a type of electro-  in a good place. If you are not happy and it is because of you,
      hospital. From these experiences came this wisdom: when   shock treatment to open up the astounding number of tubes   not what might be wrong with you, I strongly suggest not
      you retire know what you are going to do when on day one   that keep one’s eyes moist. I of course have a cardiologist   going to the hardware store and buying an axe. Let’s face it,
      you put your foot on the floor.                    who treats my A-fib and circulatory issues and a neurologist   for multiple reasons, tree chopping is a bad idea, one of which
         As the Southeast Regional Director of the American   who treats my tremors. Finally, for the moment, we add the   is you can bet it’s gonna get the folks in the HOA very angry.
      Jewish Committee, I met many people who came to my   staple of every 80-plus male’s life—the urologist.     Do this. It won’t take but a half hour. Think of the things
      chapter from elsewhere. My brother’s wisdom became      Also common at my age is having a raging case of   you can do. Make a list and prioritize it. Then pick the one
      an emblazoned truism, those who knew what they were   CRS, which unfortunately I can’t translate for you in this   that gets high marks for both doability and enjoyment. Then,
      going to do with their lives when they got here were happy   family paper. I can tell you the first two words are can’t and   as Nike says, “Just do it!”
      transplants. Those who were going to figure it out, once   remember. On average I leave the house 3-4 times until I
      they got here, were not.                           have everything I had set out to take with me, assuming I      Columnist and author Bill Gralnick was born and raised
         When I retired I already had a plan. I would divide my   remember what they were in the first place. Makes me crazy   in Brooklyn, NY. He is writing a three-part humorous memoir.
      retirement into thirds: family, friends, and vacations; involve   but I’m still on the right side of the adage that it’s normal   The first is “The War of the Itchy Balls and Other Tales from
      myself in “give back to the community activities; read, write,   at this age if you can’t find your car keys. However, ‘not a   Brooklyn.” Just published is the sequel, “George Washington
      and learn. “The best laid plans…often go awry.” George   good thing if you find them and can’t remember what they   Didn’t Sleep Here.” Both are available on Amazon. You can
      Bernard Shaw. In quadrant one, we got an A in vacations.   are for. Ba da boom.                      find his writing at 
      Once retired, we did a week or more mostly visiting Europe.
      As for family, they were mostly not nearby. They also had
      something in common with our friends. Both had their own
      friends. Neither family nor friends were sitting here bored                                                                     ª
      to death awaiting our arrival… It took a while, but we have
      knitted together a social life, my wife’s being far more social   Two Boca Raton Offices: 151 N. Ocean Blvd. • 21073 Powerline Rd. #63
      than mine.
         But that’s why I had other categories. I would fill in by                                   “dedicated to Results”
      finding speaking gigs. I could help out at an animal shelter.                                    Boca Pointe Resident & cluB MeMBeR                                    juSt LiSteD
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      I could read books to K-3 students. The synagogue offered                                         juSt LiSteD                                                       3/3/2 renovated Single Story
      seemingly unending opportunities. Mentoring an elementary                                                                           SOLD
      school child or helping teach children how to read were
      others. I am doing none of these. Having run volunteer-driven                                                                      SOLD $855,000
      organizations for my entire career, I was stunned by how                                                                             villa flora
      many places didn’t return calls. Finding a willing, educated,                                                                    3/3/2 renovated Single Story
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      articulate volunteer is like finding a nugget of gold. I guess                                                                  Boca pointe - el viento
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         I did have one more category for this section, reading. I                                                                       SOLD $750,000
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      have no idea where this idea came from, but I added it to my                             Boca Pointe caravelle     Boca pointe - la mirada   deer creek golf eStateS
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      bucket list. I am reading the 100 best books written in English                             3/3 2 car garage   StUnning golf viewS!  on golf course
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      as judged by England’s Guardian Magazine. It can be slow   FULL SERVICE AGENT          SOLD 7917 Travelers Tree Dr.  SOLD 23291 FeatherPalm Ct.   SOLD 7880 Travelers Tree Dr
      going but is fascinating. I’m about 50 books in. Somewhere   Ilene Polito              SOLD 4776 Sierra Lane   SOLD 22652 Esplanada Circle W.   SOLD 6670 Villa Sonrisa
      on the list is writing books. I’ve done a lot of writing. A   (561) 302-6669           SOLD 22991 Clear Echo Dr, #86  SOLD 7675 Via Grande
      writing “help” program called Grammarly, which makes   ILENE@BOCAHOME.COM               
      suggestions, corrections, and keeps track of “stuff,” told me
      that in the years I’d been using it, I’ve written seven million
      nine hundred thousand words! Frankly, I was impressed. And
      I had already written two books before I started using the      SHINE & SEAL
      program. Why writing? My mom was serious when she said
      children should be seen and not heard. There were times when
      she was more like WC Fields who said, “Children shouldn’t
      be seen or heard—ever.” My writing therefore is what I call    Pressure Cleaning and Seal Coating Specialists
      observational. I write my blog, mostly on politics, and play
      with my website                                       Before
         Having just finished the third book of a memoir trilogy, I   Revitalize Your
      now have to decide if I am going to write columns and enter                                                                   Transformative
      them in contests, which is a lot of fun, or write more books.   Home
      I have two in mind. Yes, I should have made that decision   Get long-lasting                                                      Pressure
      before I finished Book Three. Oh well.                                                                                             Cleaning
         There is another piece in this category. It is learning. I   protection against the                                         by Local Trusted
      decided to try and fulfill a deathbed promise made to my   elements, prolonging
      grandma. I would learn to speak Yiddish. I found a free   the life of driveways,                                                 Professionals
      program and was going great guns until came Covid. I    walkways, and
      started writing books in earnest. Now I am going to review   outdoor spaces.
      what I’ve done in Yiddish and then pick up where I left                                                         After
      off. Unfortunately, I cannot find a local Yiddish club for
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      collect the vocabulary and sayings he so kindly distributes.                                                 Before


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