Page 26 - Boca ViewPointe - June '23
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Page 26, Viewpointe June 2023
Tri County Animal Rescue’s Third Annual
Moms And Pups ʽBark & Brunch’
Benefits Medical Fund, Honors Pup Moms
While there are all types of loving moms … there was no cochairs and host committee; generosity
better way to kick off this year’s Mother’s Day week than with of sponsors; professionalism, culinary
the third annual Moms and Pups “Bark & Brunch,” when guests talents, and décor mastery of the team at
got to “dine for and with dogs” in an elegant sun-kissed outdoor The Addison and the Paws-Passionate
setting at The Addison to benefit Tri County Animal Rescue’s Event Producer: Kaye Communications PR
(TCAR) “Together Fur-Ever” Medical Fund. & Marketing. Most of all, their collective
Presented by “Top Dog” Sponsors Andrea Kline and and individual personal advocacy for pet
Susan Zeff, this year’s event spotlight was on two high- rescue and love of animals was felt during
profile Champion Pup Moms who have long advocated for the planning and throughout the event.
pet rescue and support of TCAR. Attendees enjoyed a beautiful day under
As one of the largest regional 100 percent no-kill, its great banyan trees and around the courtyard
501(c)(3) nonprofit animal shelters, TCAR is dedicated to fountain, filled with pup passion, community
the rescue, rehabilitation and re-homing of unwanted pets compassion, and fun and fundraising. They
in Palm Beach, Broward and Miami-Dade counties. Since agreed, it was the “pawfect way” to celebrate,
its inception, TCAR, a four-star rated Charity Navigator while “paying it forward” to support pet
nonprofit for nine consecutive years, has saved over 88,000 parents experiencing financial hardship. Bark
domestic animals from being euthanized, providing a safe & Brunch was conceived to annually raise
haven until rescues are given the chance to live the rest monies to help increase TCAR’s medical
of their lives as treasured pets. To learn more, visit www. fund reserves that subsidize free and low-cost 2023 Moms and Pups Bark & Brunch Host Committee or call (561) 482-8110. full-service veterinary and animal hospital
Designed by Artist/Sculptor Yaacov Heller of Gallery 22, the services on-site for dogs and felines of pet parents who are The 2023 sponsors included:
2023 Champion Pup Mom awards were presented to Jeri Caprio, financially challenged or experiencing economic setbacks, • “Top Dog” Presenting Sponsor: Andrea Kline and Susan Zeff;
host of the annual Horses & Hounds fundraiser that benefits and in appreciation of first responders. • Paws-tacular Culinary & Decor Sponsor: The Addison and
TCAR, and Zoe Lanham, vice president of The Addison that To support their Boca Raton community’s only animal Dalsimer;
was the event’s Paws-tacular Culinary and Décor Sponsor. rescue shelter, Bark & Brunch attendees enjoyed a sumptuous • “Ruff Ruff” Reception Sponsor: James H. and Marta T.
According to TCAR leadership, “This year, by far, was alfresco reception and brunch served up by The Addison’s Batmasian Family Foundation;
the most successful and memory-making Bark & Brunch Executive Chef Patrick Duffy whose own passion is to rescue, • “Pup Stars” Host Sponsor: Sharon (and in memory of Jay)
yet.” They credit this to the dedicated work of the event foster and re-home senior pups. With live music “paw-formed” DiPietro;
by Arnie Steinberg, “The Man with the Voice,” festivities • “Bark Bars” Sponsor: Nancy Ponitus;
hosted for Pup Moms, their fur babies and other guests opened • “Paws-Passionate” Event Producer: Kaye Communications
with a welcome reception with “Bark Bars” serving up free- PR & Marketing;
flowing Mimosas and Bloody Marys. • Commemorative “Moms & Pooches” Photo Station: First
Additionally, there were “Moms & Pooches” photo ops, a Horizon Bank, with flower wall by Jar of Starts Events;
delicious doggie treat buffet, Mother’s Day boutique fashion • “Pet Protector” Sponsor: Barry & Silvana Halperin
and gift shopping, silent and live auctions, Chance-to-Win Foundation;
opportunities and surprises. Guests were also gifted fashion- • Vodka Sponsor: Tito’s Handmade Vodka;
forward signature shoe bags from Protect My Shoes and a sweet • Table Hosts: Arthur Gutterman, Zoe Landham, Nina Otto,
treat from Nothing Bundt Cakes/Boca Raton. Heather and Ken Ronan, Richard Schechter;
The 2023 Bark & Brunch Cochairs Marcia Mithun with • “Tail-Wagging” Valet: Vander Ploeg and Associates Architects
the Mithun Family Foundation and Heather Ronan of Lavalle, & Planners
Brown & Ronan, P.A. were supported by a paws-loving host • Healing/Clinic Kennel Dedication For One Year: Dr. Andrea
committee. The committee includes Peg Anderson, Marta Colton, Helen Ross, Edith Stein, Lisa Vander Ploeg;
Batmasian, Alisa Cohen, Sharon DiPietro, Ingrid Fulmer, Suzi • We Love Wet Noses: Arlene Herson, Konis Family Dental,
Goldsmith, Sue Heller, Arlene Herson, Olivia Hollaus, Gloria Constance Scott, Truist Wealth Management.
Hosh, Bonnie Kaye, Jon Kaye, Dyana Kenney, Andrea Kline, Five lucky Chance-to-Win draws presented winners with
Dr. Allen Konis, Zoe Lanham, Doug Mithun, Lynda Palmer, travel, dining and entertainment experiences donated by Scott H.
Olivia Hollaus, Gloria Hosh, Zoe Lanham, Linda Spielmann Linda Petrakis, Michael Pierce, Pam Polani, Nanette Saraga, Grody Travel, Loews Miami Beach Hotel, Fiolina Pasta House
Constance Scott, Robin Trompeter, Lisa Vander Ploeg, Pam Boca Raton (Fabio Trabocchi Restaurants), The Addison and
Weinroth, and Robert Weinroth. The Studio at Mizner Park. n
Make Sure Your Revocable Living
Trust Is Not An Empty Box
By Martin Zevin, Attorney The client will then complete a form with the institution which
will result in the account being changed from the individual
A Revocable Living Trust is name to the name of the Trust. Future statements will then
a very valuable estate planning show the client’s name and the word Trustee or an abbreviation
tool. If done properly, it can avoid such as TTE. At that point, you know that the account is in the
Zoe Lanham, Marta Batmasian, Executive Chef Patrick Duffy probate, as well as protect you and name of the Trust.
your assets if you are incapacitated. If this administrative work is not done, and there are no
However, unlike a Last Will beneficiaries listed for the particular account, then the account
Southern Exposure Technologies and Testament, it does not will need to be probated in order for the Trust to get it. This is
Computer Install/Setup/Repair automatically apply to all of the done via the “Pourover” Will that is typically executed at the
same time as the Trust. This “Pourover” Will names the Trust
assets that you own. When a
(561) 315-0144 client comes in to discuss doing a as the beneficiary of any asset that is only in the name of the Revocable Living Trust, I analogize the Trust to a box that we are individual with no beneficiaries designated. Of course, if you
building. Typically, the first thing that we put into the box is your already have beneficiaries designated on all accounts, it is not
* DSL, Broadband,Wireless Install home. We prepare a Quit Claim Deed where we transfer your necessary to name the Trust.
* Networking, Troubleshooting home from yourself individually to yourself as Trustee of your If you already have a Revocable Living Trust and you want
* Instruction Trust. Your homestead remains the same, your real estate taxes your Trust to cover all of your assets, you should contact your
* Hardware/Software Installation remain the same, your ability to sell the property or mortgage it brokers, banks, investment advisors, etc. to be sure that your
* Virus/Spyware/Adware Fix remain the same; however, upon your death, the property avoids Trust is either named as the beneficiary of the account or that
* Cleanup/Maintenance/Backup probate. We also transfer non-homestead real estate to the Trust. you as the Trustee are the owner of that account. Also, be sure
* Business Consult/Startup/Move We then provide an instruction letter that explains what the that you own your home and any other real estate as Trustee of
* Website Design/Maintenance
client needs to do to transfer other assets to the Trust, such as your Trust. If you do not, you should see an attorney to do a
Call S.E.T. to install your “new computer, printer brokerage accounts and bank accounts. You can also name Quit Claim Deed.
and wireless network”! the Trust as a beneficiary for IRA accounts; however, there are Remember, your Trust is only an empty box until you put
GET S.E.T. GO! tax benefits to name an individual as beneficiary. This should something into it.
be discussed with your accountant. But it is generally up to Please feel free to call me for a free phone consultation
FOR SMALL BUSINESSES FOR AS LOW AS $50.00 AN HOUR, the client (unless the attorney is hired specifically to do this regarding any issues pertaining to Wills, Trusts and Estates. I
WITH A MINIMUM OF 6 HOURS A MONTH, administrative work) to follow-up with the banks and the brokers am also available for a free consultation regarding any issue
OR 2 HOURS A WEEK, OR ON AN AS-NEEDED to be sure that the proper paperwork is completed to change the pertaining to personal injury claims or car insurance coverage.
BASIS RATE OF $75.00 P/HOUR. name of the account to the Trust. Usually, the financial institution Call me at (954) 569-4878. My address is 3275 W. Hillsboro
START YOUR NEW YEAR WITH SECURE BACKUPS, will require a copy of the first page of the Trust which indicates Blvd., Suite 204, Deerfield Beach, Florida 33442. My website is
QUALITY MAINTENANCE, ATTENTION TO DETAIL AND the name and the date that it was executed. The institution may and my e-mail address is martinzevin@
PERSONABLE ON-SITE SUPPORT! also require copies of the last pages with the witnesses and notary.
(561) 315-0144