Page 21 - Boca ViewPointe - June '23
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June 2023                                                     Viewpointe, Page 21

       Summer Sizzle At The Club At Boca Pointe

         The Club at Boca Pointe is your                 tennis, and pickleballer to advanced clinics and lessons
      summer getaway! Escape to our                      for those who want to take the next step. If health is your
      temperature-controlled pool, enjoy                 goal, the Club offers a wide variety of 40 complimentary
      spa amenities, or work toward health               classes that get and keep you on track. The Club also
      and fitness goals in our 28,000 square             recently installed the latest in exercise technology:
      foot Sports and Fitness Club. The                  Matrix Performance Plus Treadmills, Matrix Endurance
      Club offers all of this in addition to golf, tennis, pickleball,   ClimbMill, Matrix Virtual Training Cycles, and Matrix
      and an array of social and dining experiences.     CXC Training Cycles.
      SUMMER MEMBERSHIP                                  THE CLUB AT BOCA POINTE KID’S SPORTS &
         Now is a great time to discover Club Life at The Club   FITNESS CAMP
      at Boca Pointe with a Summer Membership! No matter      One  of  the  best  day
      what your stage of life, the Club offers a full complement   camps in the Boca area!
      of activities for you to enjoy!                    This  camp  provides  an
      Monthly Club Programming                           action-packed day camp                            DEFERRED MEMBERSHIP
         The activity calendar                           with activities galore:                              If  you’ve  left  for  the  Summer,  we  look  forward  to
      is packed with something                           Tennis, Golf, Pool Time,                          welcoming you back. Reserve your spot in the sun with
      for  everyone.  Area                               Fitness  Fun,  Arts  &                            our new Deferred Membership!
      excursions, game nights,                           Crafts, and Fun Fridays.                             Contact the Membership Team to schedule your tour
      family movie nights,                               Follow  this  link  https://                      today, 561.864.8538:
      classic movie matinees,                                                  Director of Membership, Roxanne Domer, rdomer@
      popular speakers, holiday                          lifestyle/youth-programs                ,
      c e l e b ra t i on s, p oo l                      or contact Ashley Rozo,                              Membership Manager, Alexis Robertson, arobertson@
      parties, cocktail parties,                for details.
      and classes including                              MULTIMILLION-DOLLAR OUTDOOR AL FRESCO                Friends become family here at the Club at Boca Pointe!
      dancing, art, and cards.                           DINING PATIO                                         Visit our website for more Club details and information,
      Weekly  Golf, Tennis,                                 Breaking ground this summer, the Club at Boca Pointe
      Pickleball, and Fitness                            Members will enjoy a new enhanced patio experience      Follow  the  fun  through  Boca  Pointe  social  media:
         Members enjoy learning from our professionals!   featuring a large covered bar and dining space, soft seating,
      The Club offers classes for the junior and novice golf,   media, music, firepits, and an expansive outdoor bar. 
      Seeking Kids For New Junior Joey Youth Clown Alley!!!

      By Harriet Rubin,                                  was obviously extremely shy, lacking in confidence, a loner,   convey feelings; voice projection; getting over the fear or
      aka Florabelle the Clown                           who signed up for the after-school class. For the first few   discomfort of performing in front of an audience; how to be
                                                         sessions she really didn’t take part in the physical activities   funny or sad; and clown skills— twisting balloon animals;
         Great news! Boca Pointe                         and preferred to watch rather than get involved. (Simple fun   scarf and ball juggling; magic tricks; puppetry; face painting
      “Clowns on Call” is offering to                    drills to loosen up body movements, facial exercises, voice   using stencils; kazoo band with their own embellished kazoo;
      train kids from ages 10-17 this                    activities, etc) She was just too self-conscious to let down   walk-a-round activities; skits and performing in front of a
      summer at the BPCA office.                         her guard, but she continued to attend class. Her classmates   live audience. The Junior Joeys (as they are called in the
      Plans are to meet twice a week                     readily told me this was her personality. I didn’t push her, and   clown world) will choose skills they want to learn from what
      for 90 minutes for 4-6 weeks,                      after about 4 sessions she started to join in with the other kids.   we are offering. Magic and juggling and face-painting are
      time and days to be determined                     She got into skit performing with great enthusiasm and was   great activities and can often lead to part-time employment
      for the convenience of those                       really very good at slap-stick comedy on stage, which she had   opportunities. Clowning in general is always considered for
      who register. Of course there will be no charge for this   never done in her life and she loved it! We made several trips   community service credit in any of the high schools.
      fabulous training.                                 to local nursing homes and she was great at every skill she      In  addition,  we  plan  to  have  our  Junior  Joeys  join
         What would make a kid want to learn to be a clown, of   learned; more important, her whole personality changed. Her   us during International Clown Week, August 1-8 in any
      all things, you are asking. Let me give you some established   classmates were amazed and her parents, who came to watch   activities of their choice. We always perform our “Wiggles
      facts and information. I have trained well over 300 kids   a final performance couldn’t believe it was their daughter on   and Giggles” 40 minute show for several Day Care and Day
      over the past years, in N.J., Pa, and Fl. The photos here are   stage. I have written in previous articles that the typical “class   Camp facilities as well as The Hab Center. We will feature
      of my “students” in various stages of training and practice.   clown” often makes a poor real clown. Most of the thousands   them in their own skits and performances as well as being
      It’s easy to see how much fun they are having! I have also   of clowns I have met, seen, read about, etc. are more quiet   part of our original show.
      taught “Mitzvah Clowning” at some of the schools and   than rambunctious, loud and pushy. Putting on make-up and      So how about it Boca Pointe! We are ready
      camps including Hillel and Donna Klein in Boca Raton and   a costume allows a child to experiment with a different part   and available! Please take us up on our
      Camp Moshava in Pa. Studies have shown that Clowning   of their persona. There is no threat because I’m not Harriet   offer. We need a minimum of 5 and a
      stimulates creativity, curiosity, and imagination, as well as   anymore, I’m Florabelle and I can be different in whatever   maximum of 20 to offer a class. We
      building self-confidence, social skills and physical activity.   way I want. That is the general effect clowning has on those   will supply the original items needed,
      Learning to be a clown is a fun way to teach kids how to   who really choose to learn the art effectively, and that is what   including  some  costumes  and  wigs.
      bring joy and laughter to our troubled world, while at the   we would like to offer for any kids in Boca Pointe.  Come join us and I guarantee you will
      same time helping to develop artistic and practical skills.     So what will we teach them: basically all that makes   never be the same!!
         I have to share a personal story with all of you. In one of   a clown a clown; simple make-up; how to use their body      Call  me  at  561-362-6695,  or
      my classes at Donna Klein, I had a beautiful 14 year old who   to express emotion; how to use their facial expressions to n

      Florabelle performs with 2 Joeys                   Junior Joey’s having Fun                          Look at me I’m a Clown
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