Page 24 - Boca ViewPointe - June '23
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Page 24, Viewpointe June 2023
How To Communicate More Effectively When Dealing
With Individuals With Alzheimers Or Dementia
By Harriet Rubin, Speech You must accept the fact that at that moment their memory They always respond to humor, just like they remember
Pathologist, CCC/SLP is not functioning and they believe what they are saying familiar songs and lyrics. So try to use a smile in place
is accurate. Your purpose is to make that individual of a frown, a lighter tone in place of a gruff command,
In my long career comfortable in the present situation. Chances are the or a tease in place of a criticism. Example- “You are not
as a Speech/Language entire conversation will be forgotten within minutes, so drinking enough water! You must drink more or you will
Pathologist, I have try not to correct inaccurate information. get sick!” Try something like this – “I’m so thirsty, I’m
literally observed Another common scenario- You ask the “individual”, going to have a cold drink. Would you like to join me?”
thousands of interactions “Did you have breakfast today?” or “Did you take your If the answer is still no, take a drink and exaggerate the
between; family, friends, medicine?” or “Did you take a shower?” Let’s say the good taste. It usually works! Here’s another situation. You
companions, staff, and answer is “no”. This often triggers a very upset response need to get the “individual” to put on shoes to go out and
care-givers, and seniors from the listener, and rightfully so, if the “individual” was he is making a fuss. Forcing or getting angry is pointless.
diagnosed with some form totally capable of retaining the information requested. Try this approach- “Do you like my shoes? They really
of Dementia. Because of my extensive background, I How can the listener be certain of that capability at that feel comfortable. I wonder if your shoes fit? Let’s try them
have made a study of what works and what doesn’t when particular time? Retention of recent rote type events is on.” You have used a “distraction” technique that is very
communicating with this unfortunate and frustrating limited for the best of us, and that’s why all seniors, effective. One more scenario- The “individual” doesn’t
increasing population. I would guess that there is not regardless of their cognitive abilities, should use want to brush his teeth. Do not say “You have to brush
one adult in our entire Boca Pointe community who has calendars and write important things down, not relying your teeth!”. Try this- Pick up the toothbrush. “What is
not ever had to converse with a person with Dementia. solely on short term memory skills so they can be more this thing? I forgot what you call it. Right a toothbrush.
Therefore, I sincerely hope that my examples in this accurate. How often have I seen an angry family member Can you show me how to use it?” This might sound too
article will help those who read this to deal more approach a nurse in a facility and challenge them with simple, but it can work really well. You are now using
effectively and more comfortably when the need arises. “my mother didn’t get her meds this morning, or my father humor and teasing in a non-threatening way to accomplish
I believe the biggest challenge arises when the didn’t have anything to eat yesterday!” Again, this is why a task.
“individual” states a fact that is obviously grossly medications and food intake are documented in health In summary, my suggestions are not complicated.
inaccurate. “I saw my mother just now and she told me facilities, so staff can check to see if the information is Dealing with this population is very challenging at times
not to take that medicine!”, (from an 80 year old, whose accurate. However, it is usually very difficult for family and care-givers especially can find it exhausting and
mother has been gone for 20 years).” Son asks his mother, members to accept that their loved one can make these frustrating. The Dementia population responds to facial
“What’s my name, mom?” Mother responds, “I don’t types of short term memory errors. expressions, tone of voice, and body language probably
know you” or “You are John”, another son’s name. How Another suggestion to keep in mind -Most individuals more than the words they hear. Try to be compassionate
does the upset son react? I can hear all of you giving with Dementia have retained their ability to laugh and and more relaxed and your communication with these
the same type of response, namely a need to correct the smile at humorous situations. Most of you realize that I unfortunate individuals may be greatly improved. If I
statement. It’s okay, we all tend to do that. It’s so hard am Florabelle the Clown, and I have used my clowning can be of further help don’t hesitate to contact me.
to accept that these simple facts have been forgotten skills hundreds of times over the past 25 years to entertain
or confused in the “individual’s” mind. However, let’s seniors in all kinds of settings, including memory units.
examine it from the “individual’s” point of view. The
“individual” has no idea that the answer is incorrect, or
he would correct it himself (oh no, my mother died years
ago, oh no you are Robert, etc.”), so when he hears this
person correcting him, he becomes defensive and often
very angry and upset. So what has your “correction”
accomplished? Absolutely nothing, and it often creates
chaos in that moment. Honestly, I have seen this scenario
a million times, and often in care centers done by staff.
My advice to families is simple. What difference does
it make if the person gets your name wrong, or gives you
obvious wrong answers, or makes ridiculous statements.
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The Boca Pointe Community information channel
is currently broadcast on Comcast channel 63 and
soon will be transitioning to channel 1075. Please
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and address concerns. A doctor who is
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Are you or a loved one suffering me - by video, phone or, when the pandemic permits,
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I am a fully licensed Speech Language greet with me. I look forward to meeting you.
Pathologist with over 50 years of
experience solely with adults. Steven E. Reznick, MD, FACP
Call me for a complimentary Recognized as a “Best Doc”. Practicing in our community since 1979.
Harriet Rubin CCC/SLP 7280 W. Palmetto Park Road | Suite 205N | Boca Raton | 33433