Page 22 - Boca ViewPointe - June '23
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Page 22, Viewpointe                                                   June 2023
      The Best Decision We Ever Made

      Resident Calls Edgewater at                          her husband, Jerry, decided the best option was a move to
                                                           Desiring more daily interaction with others, Terry and
      Boca Pointe a “Miracle Place”                      Edgewater at Boca Pointe, a continuing care retirement
                                                         community which offers a resort-like independent lifestyle,
      By Lisa Sileo                                      with the financial security of assisted living and skilled nursing,
                                                         should you ever need it in the future, at a predictable rate.
         At 70 years old, Terry Greenstein suffered the unimaginable.      However, the Greensteins quickly realized the biggest
      A sudden stroke and heart attack robbed her of all her adult   benefit of moving in was the loving environment of both
      memories in a matter of minutes. Terry had no memory of her   residents and community employees who embraced them, and
      husband, her children, and                         play an incredible role in Terry’s recovery and overall health.
      lost the ability to speak.                            “Everyone loved me. A nurse who first saw me, told me,
         The  former  dancing                            ‘I’m going to teach you how to talk,” Terry said, “She came
      instructor was fortunate to                        Monday, Wednesday, Friday every week, for four and a half      Access to excellent health services is one of the
      survive without any physical                       months, and sure enough, she taught me to talk.”   many benefits of living at Edgewater at Boca Pointe, the
      ailments, but couldn’t recall                         “When we lived at our old home, we had all these   Greensteins also enjoy the vibrant social scene, music,
      how to perform the simplest                        therapists coming in, and they had books and books. Nothing   entertainment, and a variety of restaurants on campus. They
      tasks, such as how to make                         happened,” her husband said. “It’s a miracle living here.”  participate in health and fitness programs, and Terry picked
      a bed or fold laundry. She                            “Living here is probably the best move I’ve ever made   up dancing again.
      was unable to speak despite                        in my life, and I’ve been around for a while,” Jerry added.     Terry leads a weekly jazz dance class for residents
      many speech therapists                                Jerry also credits the rehabilitation team at Edgewater at   interested in learning to dance. The former dance instructor
      coming to her home, and                            Boca Pointe to helping him walk after his own health scare   and her group are a crowd favorite at Edgewater at Boca
      she became very lonely.                            a few years ago.                                  Pointe’s popular variety show.
                                                            “My legs atrophied after eight days in the hospital,” he      “The staff taught me how to speak and how to carry on
                                                         said, “When I came back home my legs were like Jello. If it   with my life. With dancing, my life is whole again,” Terry
                             BOCA POINTE                 wasn’t for this place, the therapists working here, I wouldn’t   said, “Edgewater has given me great happiness.”
                                CHAPTER                  be walking.”                                         Learn more about Edgewater at Boca Pointe at its
                                                            “This is a place you go to find miracles,” Jerry said. “It’s   introductory Sweet Life presentation and ice cream social
                            THE PAP CORPS                a miracle place.”                                 on July 6 at 10:30 a.m. RSVP by calling 561-465-7011. 
                           CHAMPIONS FOR
                         CANCER RESEARCH                 Book Club: The Next Chapter

                                                ST       By Rayna Becker                                   Goodie Basket filled  with  assorted  bags of candy,
            A NEW SEASON FOR THE
                                                                                                           popcorn, chips, a gas card, movie tickets and so much
                                                           The Boca Pointe Chapter of the Pap Corps went to
          and HERE'S WHAT WE HAVE                          the  movies  on  May  12th  to  see  the  follow-up  to The   more. The lucky raffle winner was Ronni Ratsprecher.
                                                                                                           Belinda  Coon,  our  co-president,  also  presented  our
                 PLANNED SO FAR:                         Book Club. The fabulous cast included Diane Keaton,   member Pat Dean with a special certificate and thanked
                                                         Jane Fonda, Candice Bergen and Mary Steenburgen. The   her for her generosity to The Boca Pointe Chapter of The
         â  FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 2023,                   movie began at a special early hour just for us and we   Pap Corps, Champions for Cancer Research.
            BOOK & AUTHOR AT EDGEWATER                   had our very own theater.                            The  event  was  co-chaired  by  Claire Taylor,  Karen
                                                            Following  the  movie  we  drove  to Anthony’s  Coal   Felser  and  me,  Rayna  Becker. Thank  you  to  all  those
         â  DECEMBER 13, 2023 ANNUAL                     Fired Pizza for lunch. Raffles were sold there by Barbara   who attended this terrific fund-raiser for cancer research
            CARD PARTY                                   Wickstein and Belinda Coon. There was one enormous   at Sylvester Comprehensive Cancer Center in Miami. 

         â JANUARY 13, 2024, CHAPTER

         â FEBRUARY 9, 2024, FASHION SHOW



         â WINE & CHEESE FOR NEW &                                     Staging Your Home to Sell
                                                                             The formula for getting high offers
            DATE TBD                                                                  on your home is simple!

            (All dates are tentative at this time)                            Listed below are good places to start:

                                                              * Remove all personal photographs

                                                              * Deep clean the home and insert plug-in air fresheners in every room

                                                              * Declutter counters, walls, display cabinets and floors
        25+ years industry experience
                                                              * Remove and replace carpet if it is soiled and smells.
        Beth S. Sigel                                                              For more Home Staging ideas,

          Boca Pointe Resident                                                        call me at (561) 445-8743.
         Medicare Supplements
         Medicare Advantage Plans
         Individual Health Insurance                                                Boca Pointe resident and Realtor
         Long Term Care
         Dental & Vision Plans
                   (954) 261-4648                                                    Nicole Marks, Realtor, GRI                                           561-445-8743                                 
        “We  do  not  offer  every  plan  in  your  area.  Any  information  we  provide
        is  limited  to  those  plans  we  do  offer  in  your  area.  Please  contact
        1-800-Medicare or to get information on all your options.”
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