Page 18 - Boca ViewPointe - June '23
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Page 18, Viewpointe                                                   June 2023
       Mindful Awareness And Meditation Practices

       An Option Or An Essential?

      By Josette Veltri                                     SOLUTION: The following are 10 of the many ways      9. Have a self-directed and meaningful conversation
                                                         we can incorporate mindful awareness and meditation   with yourself throughout the day.
         “We  don’t  have  a                             practices into our daily lives  to prevent burnout,      10. Practice a Spiritual meditation – using essential
      vaccine for our mental                             compassion fatigue and mental exhaustion:         oils to remain focused on your higher power when
      health like we do for our                             1. Know your window of tolerance (stress level) that   direction and guidance are needed.
      physical health….” said                            is when to call a time-out break or when to say, “I’m done
      Lisa Carlson, immediate                            for today”.
      past president of the                                 2.  Practice  a  2,  5,  10  minutes  or  longer  Loving-
      American Public Health                             Kindness meditation to fill your cup of self-compassion
      Association and an                                 so you can provide compassion to others.
      executive  administrator                              3. Set boundaries, know when to say YES and when
      at the Emory University                            to say NO thank you.
      School of Medicine in Atlanta. And, with that being said,      4. Practice a Zen meditation – follow your breath,
      we can expect to see an increase in physical burnout, a   relaxing into the rise and fall of your belly, allowing your
      rise in emotional compassion fatigue, and more mental   mind to just be.
      exhaustion  IF we are not incorporating some sort of      5. Let go of yesterday’s un-resourceful choices without
      mindful awareness and meditation practice in our daily   judgments.                                     Mindful Awareness and Meditation Practices, an
      lives to explore and express our thoughts and feelings.      6.  Practice  an  Insightful  meditation – setting an   option or an essential? You decide!
         Dr. Andy  H.Y.  Ho,  award-winning  social  scientist,   intention to focus on throughout your day.
      educator and psychologist reminds us that integration      7.  Self-validate  –  be  present  and  mindful  to      Josette Veltri, a Boca Point resident, is a certified educator
      of mindfulness practice creates a platform for self-care   immediately acknowledge your accomplishments.  and coach on loss and transition. Her purpose, to assist clients
      and support which could cultivate sustained resilience,      8. Practice a  Mantra meditation – focus on and   heal and move forward so they can go from I Can’t to I Can, One
      compassion and growth. He states, “The practice    repeat a word or phrase throughout the day to control   Step at a Time. She can be reached at josette@nextstepnewstart.
      of  mindfulness  does  not  require  an  expensive  gym   your fluttering thoughts.                  com ( 
      membership that is rarely used, it only requires us to be
      present in the here, in the now, in the present moment….”
         Many of my readers know I am not a doom and gloom
      reporter but after attending multiple stress-related webinars
      I was both alarmed and reassured. Below find 2 questions
      that if answered truthfully are telling and they are followed
      by information that is encouraging  IF mindfulness,
      meditation and self-care are practiced on a daily basis.                                             Wednesday, June 21
         1- How do you start your day? (a) I watch repeated
      news reports, (b) I practice a 2 to 3-minute mediation
      exercise. If you answered (a), you are setting yourself
      up for overload and irritability. If you answered (b), you
      have set yourself up to notice what you are noticing so
      you can catch and reframe unresourceful mind chatters.
         2 - How often do you pause throughout your day to
      connect/reconnect with you? (a) I have no time to take
      time-out breaks and go from task to task, (b) I check-in
      throughout the day and after completing my tasks. If you
      answered (a) you are setting yourself up for burnout. If
      you answered (b), you are living mindfully aware of your
      emotional states, adjusting/readjusting thoughts, feelings
      and actions.
         FACT: Stress that continues without relief can lead
      to a disturbance of the body’s natural balance leading to
      physical symptoms. The research found that prolonged
      stress is linked to heart disease, cancer, lung and liver
      ailments, accidents, and more.

        Seeking Viewpointe                                 Are You Freaking Out About Your


        By Lisa Cammaleri                                  Elderly Parents Or Loved Ones?

           Do you have an interesting story to share?                                   I have solutions and answers to all your questions (even
           The Viewpointe is always looking for new and talented                        the ones you don't know to ask)
        writers to submit articles on current events, the social scene,
        restaurants, movies, family matters, village life, etc…
           We welcome news from Village Boards about activities                         You don't have to face these obstacles alone...... I have
        or events in their community, which would be of interest to                     been helping families for 15 years and I have also been a
        Boca Pointe residents.                                                          caregiver for my parents.
           Please submit your article to lisa.cammaleri@fsresidential.
        com for review and consideration.                                                         As a Certified Senior Advisor (CSA) ,
                                                                                         I have comprehensive experience in a wide range of issues
                                                                                                        plaguing seniors such as their
                                                                                          HEALTH, FINANCIAL CONCERNS, SOCIAL ISSUES, LONG
                                                                                            TERM CARE, REAL ESTATE, SENIOR HOUSING, GOV'T
                                                                                                   BENEFITS, & LEGAL CONSIDERATIONS.
                                                          Paul Solomon, PA, GRI, SRES, CSA
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