Page 15 - Boca ViewPointe - June '23
P. 15

June 2023                                                     Viewpointe, Page 15

       From The Desk Of from page 14                     building supply stores with emergency generators and gas      Palm Beach County has seven constitutional officers
                                                         stations that remain open.                        who manage their departments separately from the Board
      foreclosure prevention, parenting information and special      • AlertPBC  is  the  county’s  Emergency Alert  &   of County Commissioners including:
      need services.                                     Notification System that notifies users of imminent threats      • Clerk of the Circuit Court & Comptroller
         Another resource available is the county’s Community   via text message, email, or telephone calls.     • Property Appraiser
      Services Department which works in partnership with local      • Hurricane Evacuation Zone Lookup tool to find out if      • Public Defender
      agencies to assist residents with emergency services such as   you are in a hurricane evacuation zone.      • Sheriff
      food vouchers, housing, rent and utility payments.                                                      • State Attorney
         The county allocates millions of dollars for services in   Nonprofit Spotlight                       • Supervisor of Elections
      conjunction with similar agencies countywide.                                                           • Tax Collector
         If you or someone needs help, please call 211 or visit      Boca Helping Hands (BHH) is a local nonprofit dedicated      Additionally, they establish the budgets for their                                  to serving the south county community by providing food,   offices, independent of the operating budget set by the
                                                         emergency financial  assistance  (i.e.,  rent,  utilities and   Board of County Commissioners.
      Governor’s Hurricane                               childcare) and job training.                      Tax Collector
                                                           The programs are designed to meet the needs of
                                                                                                             Palm  Beach  County’s Tax  Collector Anne  Gannon
      Conference                                           individuals, children and families with the goal of creating     is  an  elected  constitutional officer with  a  distinct  and
                                                         self-sufficiency through employment.              important function for our residents.
         Palm Beach County hosted the Governor’s Hurricane      They also offer access to affordable medical, dental      Under her leadership, the office provides a wide range
      Conference at the convention center in West Palm Beach.   and behavioral care through a partnership with Genesis   of services on behalf of local, state and federal agencies,
      The event focused on hurricane planning, preparedness,   Community Health and Florida Atlantic University’s Christine   including real estate and tangible personal property taxes,
      response, recovery and mitigation.                 E. Lynn College of Nursing Community Based Clinics.  local business tax and tourist development tax.
         Colorado  State  University’s  hurricane  forecast      BHH is always in need of volunteers, donations and      Some other responsibilities include motor vehicle and
      projected  13  named  storms,  with  two  of  those  storms   food for their pantry.                 vessel services, driver licenses, digital fingerprinting, hunting
      predicted as major hurricanes.                        For more information, visit   and fishing licenses, SunPass transponders and more!
         While county emergency officials are prepared, we                                                    The office is funded solely by the fees from the services
      urge everyone to take the necessary steps in preparing   Local Government 101                        they provide, and excess revenue is distributed to local
      for a potential active hurricane season and access the                                               taxing authorities in proportion to the amount of tax levied.
      resources below.                                   Constitutional Officers                              For more information, visit
         • PBC DART (app) provides vital information such as      Constitutional Officers were established by the Florida      If you require assistance, please contact our office
      storm surge evacuation areas, flood zones, shelter locations,   Constitution and are independently elected officials.   at 561-355-2204 or email

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          UNDER CONTRACT                                                             CLOSED

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                                               Direct: 561-445-4483

                                                                         101 Palmetto Road, Boca Raton

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