Page 16 - Boca ViewPointe - June '23
P. 16

Page 16, Viewpointe                                                   June 2023

        A Nostalgic Trip                                 Resiliency:

        To Yester Year                                   Our Natural And Human Right

                                                         By Steve Handwerker                               the voices of the vast majority of Americans demand that vital
        By Harold Katz, R.Ph.                                                                              conservation measures and safeguards be in place. Our core
                                                            I believe it is common                         values as Americans embrace the natural environmental good,
           The word “nostalgic”                          knowledge that coping, in                         as well as citizen rights to engage our environment with respect
        evokes feelings of home                          mind body and emotion is                          and individual fulfillment.
        sickness, of yesteryear, of                      crucial to survive and even                          The foundations of our nation, and the people that live
        pleasant memories. It also                       thrive. However, resiliency                       on this planet comprise our Constitutional Republic. This
        causes us to remember with                       is not just about coping, it                      is embedded in the laws of the land, and for the land, which
        respect and awe events and                       also involves adapting to                         protect our natural heritage and the voice of the people/ your
        happenings from the past.                        and transforming challenges.                      voice are an ongoing and integral part of that reality. We need
           Music and songs may                           Environments also are challenged and need to be “resilient”   to work together, for a united front, and prevail on all elected
        be part of that memory.                          which is called maintaining eco system balance! This balance   officials to support and promote safeguards and measures to
        Certainly, key events, happenings, and inventions also   involves adaptation and transformational processes. We as   protect our laws of the land and its ability to be resilient in
        find a place in our memory as well.              human beings are the most influential creatures on our planet   the face of any challenges, human and otherwise. CLEAN
           Here is a list of songs for those of a certain age who will   and therefore are responsible as well as challenged to find   AIR AND CLEAN WATER IS OUR CONSTITUTIONAL
        relate to and remember those post-war times, the 1940’s:   ways to engage processes that will maintain and create balance.   AND  HUMAN  RIGHT.  THIS  NEEDS  TO  BE  THE
           1. The Boogie Woogie                          We are the ones responsible to preserve whatever remains in   COMMITMENT OF EACH ONE OF US AND ALL PUBLIC
        Bugle Boy of “Company                            precious resources on this planet.                OFFICIALS. Please let us create this united force for good!
        B”                                                  To accomplish eco system balance and the preservation of   Thank you!!
           2.  Don’t  Sit  Under                         resources in the process of supporting environmental resilience
        The Apple  Tree  (with                           we need to utilize and care for our parks, forests, oceans and      Steven E. Handwerker Ph.D. D.div, RM
        anyone else but me!)                             all bodies of water as they are all being challenged. Now more      Board Certified Licensed Psychologist
           3. This Land Is Your                          than ever our ongoing support, action and advocacy for laws      50 years experience
        Land                                             that will protect these precious resources and natural surrounds
           4. Don’t Fence Me In                          is crucial. In countless studies across decades and populations      Books and Blogs 
           5. You’ll Never Know
           6. Peg Of My Heart
           7. Accentuate The Positive                     Community Association Meetings Monthly Schedule
           8. Chattanooga Choo Choo
           9. You Always Hurt The One You Love                             (All meetings held via Zoom and in person.)
           10. Frenisi
           In the 1950’s Rock And Roll was developing, as were
        more thoughtful tunes:                                All meetings will be held electronically via Zoom and in person. The following is our regular schedule of
           1. Put Your Head On                             monthly meetings, however, sometimes meetings are cancelled or schedules are revised due to holidays, etc. If
        My Shoulders                                       you would like to attend, please call the BPCA office, (561) 395-7551, the day before the meeting to request the
           2. Jail House Rock                              Zoom link be emailed to you.
           3. Mr. Sandman
           4. That’s Amore                                   Access Control & Safety Committee                 TBD
           5. Great Balls of Fire
           6. Volare                                         Architectural Control Site Committee              TBD
           7. I’ve Got You Under
        My Skin                                              Board of Directors                                3rd Tuesday of each month at 9:30 a.m.
           8. Hound Dog
           9. Que Sera Sera                                  Budget & Finance Committee                        TBD
           10. Unforgettable
           In the 1960’s Soul, Classic, Rock, and Disco offerings
        prevailed. Here are tunes from that era:
           1. Can’t  Take My
        Eyes Off You                                        Advertise in this newspaper! Check out our website!
           2. Walk On By
           3. Tennessee Waltz                             Call (561) 746-3244 or
           4. Do You Know The
        Way to San Jose
           5.  The  Enchanted
           6. Yesterday
           7. Love Me Tender
           8.  Save  The  Last
        Dance For Me
           9. My Guy
           10. Big Spender
           The foregoing songs have been identified as “hits” for   Stylish Modern Atmosphere     Make Reservations                 happy hour
        their day. How many do you remember? How many elicit                                                                          Mon. - Thurs.
        special memories of your past? How many connect with                                                                       at Bar Only all Day
        life events that you cherish? It’s O.K. to get sentimental,
        even shed a tear. Psychologists tell us it’s good for the                                                                  Mon. - Fri.  3 - 6 pm
        heart. We know it’s good for the soul as well.                                                                                 inside Only

           Harold Katz R.Ph., Edgewater Estates.                                                                                 Lunch SpeciaLS
                                                                                                                                      every Day
                                                                                                                                       starting at  11

                      Vacation Rental
                 in San Miguel De Allende,
               Beautiful 2 bedroom, 2½ bath
                  $1,500 per week. Contact
             Georgia Lyns 561-403-9371 for info.

              Seasonal Rental @ Meridiana
                   2/2 Villa. Small pet ok.
                     $4,500 per month
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