Page 14 - Boca ViewPointe - June '23
P. 14
Page 14, Viewpointe June 2023
From The Desk Of Commissioner Marci Woodward
A Message from Marci to the vote. I followed my conscience and I appreciate all the The old pipes will be abandoned and bridge demolition
support that has followed. You may not believe it matters, will continue following testing and approval from the
I want to take a moment but it does to me and I thank you. Florida Department of Health.
to thank everyone who sent This item returns to the board at the end of August. Roadway drainage pipes have been installed on the
me support, encouragement On a lighter note, a huge congratulations to the South west side of El Rio Canal and will be completed once the
and gratitude over the last Florida Regional Transportation Authority for receiving old mains are grouted and out of service.
few weeks. nearly $72 million to replace 24 rail vehicles, representing The revised project schedule now shows completion
My “no” vote on the GL 32% of Tri-Rail’s fleet. in October 2023.
swap in the Ag Reserve came This is a momentous occasion for the future of this agency I live nearby and recognize the impact this project is
after months of meetings, and public transportation. I am excited to get on board! having on residents and businesses and will continue to
researching, questioning, monitor it closely and provide updates.
tours and more research. Palmetto Park Bridge Update
I concluded that allowing Mental Health Matters
the development in the Below is a recent update from the Engineering and
previously preserved area known as Hyder West in the Ag Public Works Department on the Palmetto Park Road Experts agree that our nation is facing a mental health
Reserve was not something I could support. Bridge project. crisis, and community resources are more critical than ever.
There were many enticements in the north part of the county The bridge reconstruction necessitated re-routing of In our area, 211 Palm Beach/Treasure Coast, a
and civic uses offered in the south to justify this significant certain utilities (i.e., water main) since they are attached to nationally accredited 24/7 suicide and community
policy change. However, there is the crux, and this was about the south bridge (eastbound travel) and needed to be done hotline, provides free and confidential crisis intervention,
the change in the policy of our managed growth tier system. prior to removing the remaining south bridge structure. assessment and referrals to community agencies.
The area known as the Ag Reserve is 22,000+ acres The contractor has completed the installation of the In addition to mental health services, they offer
between Boca Raton, Delray Beach, Boynton Beach and the wastewater pipelines, however during a pressure test a assistance with food, medical clinics, senior services,
Loxahatchee National Wildlife Refuge. number of defective pipes were identified. Replacements
It was identified as an area that needed a more restrictive have been installed and are being tested. From The Desk Of on page 15
growth plan due to its proximity to the Everglades and, at
the time, its agricultural uses. I will not get bogged down on
original vision was primarily successful. We now stand at Food For Thought:
the development rules for this tier, but needless to say, the
60% preservation land in the Ag Reserve, and that was until
If we want to return sold/transferred development An Appetite For New Ideas
this most recent vote.
rights in the Ag Reserve, we should do our due diligence
to make deliberate and thoughtful changes to the By Steve Wertheimer (a resident of El Dorado) SUNY professor, and similar guest experts.
comprehensive plan as a board of county commissioners. These sessions spark polite debate and analytical
This is not something to be upended for one project For nearly three decades, a group of Boca Pointe questioning, resulting in a broadening of understanding
and one developer. This is about something other than residents have met at one o’clock on Monday to talk and wider knowledge about issues affecting all of us.
whether GL builds good communities and will deliver about the issues of the day and to discuss history, If you would be interested in joining Cerebrations
on the promises of water projects, parks, civic donations literature, culture, and current events. and expanding your intellectual horizons, we would
and workforce housing. It is our job to look at the county The group, Cerebrations, has in recent months had welcome you. Call Steve Wertheimer (561) 715-2762
as a whole and not choose winners and losers based on presentations from the Mexican and Canadian consul- or Ralph Levin (312) 350-4012 for more information.
districts. generals, the Mayor and Tax Collector of Palm Beach Learning is a lifelong adventure. Let the experience
We have a comprehensive plan for a reason, and if County, a Department of Defense security analyst, a begin!
modifications need to be made to address changes in
circumstance, that is where we should begin. In an effort
to create an equal playing field and continue to allow
managed growth, everyone should play by the same rules.
If the rules are not working, we should change them,
not make exceptions for a select few. Most importantly,
we need the awareness and foresight to understand the
consequences of those changes.
I promised myself that an issue must stand on its own
merits, no matter how much I may like the presenter, and
it has to make sense to me in a way I can make it make
sense to you, or I will not vote for it.
This project, for me, failed on both fronts. It was not an
easy decision, and I lost countless hours of sleep leading up
On behalf of The Club at Boca Pointe we would like to
remind our residents that NO walking, running, bicycle
riding or dog walking is permitted on the
golf course or golf cart paths. For safety
reasons, the paths are for golf carts only.
Thank you for cooperating with The
Club's policy.
Dear Boca Pointe
Dog Owners:
We have had a few recent complaints
from residents who have had
uncomfortable encounters with
dogs off leash around
the property. We are
reaching out to our
residents to remind them
of our rules concerning
keeping dogs on leashes and cleaning pet litter. As a
resident of Boca Pointe you must: Keep your dog on a
Leash. All dogs must be controlled on a leash by an able-
bodied person, at all times, whenever the dog is on property.
Also, you must clean up and properly dispose of pet waste
when your pet relieves itself. Knowing and abiding by our
community’s animal-related ordinances will help make our
neighborhood a better place for everyone. Thank you!