Page 17 - Boca ViewPointe - June '23
P. 17
June 2023 Viewpointe, Page 17
Feng Shui
By Milagros Gutierrez de Herrera P.H.D. disorder or alteration of objects that are out of place. family’s clothing, which in case of not being used due
However, not everyone thinks the same and some people to some defect and is not wanted or can be repaired, be
Welcome back to the fascinating world of Feng Shui: are not affected in the same way, and there are even those donated to whoever can do it.
In this new meeting we will talk about the importance who think that it is something unimportant. We must include in this review objects of various
of maintaining order in things and cleanliness. This comes This explanation of the order and cleanliness of materials that constitute our homes, art, utilitarian objects,
up because many people do not take into account the today’s article comes from the subject we have been in short, everything that makes up our environments and
prevalence of these customs. addressing. Although at first hand it seems a trivial issue, spaces, whether home, commercial or others.
Talking about order and cleanliness is quite a it is relevant to note that both activities lead us to have BALANCE SHOULD ALWAYS BE YOUR GUIDE
subjective issue because each person has a different a better quality of life, greater enjoyment of our spaces, WHEN APPLYING THE FENG SHUI CURES.
position, however in this new dialogue we will try to without falling into other issues but as a role model, our Until the next installment, wishing you a better quality
address the aforementioned terms. children will thank us in one future, when they go to of life and with it a better mental health. Do not hesitate
But what are order and cleanliness as concepts? We college and their home life depends solely on them, they to contact us to tell us about your experiences when
are going to analyze them separately. will keep these models instilled in the family home. applying the cures or for a diagnosis.
Taken from the Wikipedia page ... “In philosophy, But, you may wonder, what relationship exists between
order (in Greek cosmos) is what opposes chaos” ... order and cleanliness and the ancient science of Feng Shui? Author Milagros Gutierrez de Herrera, Feng
Sometimes in our homes there is chaos, analyzing this Well I will tell you that 100 percent, because the Shui Specialist, is a resident of the Plum. Email:
term there can be chaos when we get up in the morning energy or shi, requires “spaces” to flow and in this flow
and we go quickly to work and the house or home is left it goes through the environment and thereby cleaning the
in a state of disorder, that is, of chaos, the bathroom, sha, or negative energy, which is the primary disease of
the kitchen and the room, which in many cases can be Feng Shui.
several, if the family has other members, such as children, Whenever we are consulted about Feng Shui and
seniors or pets. Then we return home at the end of the day its “cures”, the first diagnosis is related to order and
to restart routine family activities and sometimes chaos cleanliness, an issue that users do not always see because
continues and with it the spiral of disorder, which, if they think they are of less importance.
we do not stop and gather and put order back, can reach In previous articles we have developed some of the
“chaotic” levels. areas of Feng Shui, and so far we have always emphasized
In this sense, we want to advise a daily routine that the activities of order and cleanliness, because otherwise
allows that the activities of collecting and cleaning do the flow of energy stagnates and can lead to negative
not accumulate, in a systematic way and thus promote in situations and even serious illnesses.
other members of the family a day that contributes to the We do not want to be alarmists but, in the diagnosis of
family environment and enjoyment of the various rooms a “sick” house, in most cases this lack of having a routine
of the home. of order and cleaning influences, harmful locations,
On the other hand, cleaning is the activity, as is well broken objects, cracks, damaged in their operation, placed
known, which is to remove dirt from a place or object. in wrong places, they are the negative sum of a sha or
This activity is aimed at cleaning stains, dust, and mold, negative energy, which we do not want in our spaces.
among other things. Based on these suggestions, we must review, with
All this leads us to rethink that both order and a critical eye, our environments, carefully observing
cleanliness are two activities, which could be a the painting of walls, furniture, doors and their frames,
consequence of the other, that is, when we order and windows and everything that configures our house, office,
observe that there is little hygiene in the place, we or space to have a positive impact or that flow the Chi,
undertake to clean and clean the space in question. There positive energy.
are even people whose peace of mind is marked by order In addition to this, also check the furniture fabrics,
because they do not feel well in a place where there is curtains, rugs, textile objects in general, including the