Page 23 - Boca ViewPointe - June '23
P. 23
June 2023 Viewpointe, Page 23
Three Boca Raton Leaders Win 2023 Home Rule Hero Award
The Florida League of Cities (FLC), the united voice needs, and decisions
for Florida’s municipal governments, recently honored about local issues need
City of Boca Raton Mayor Scott Singer, Council Member to be made at the local
Yvette Drucker and Deputy City Manager George Brown level. That is Home Rule.
with the 2023 Home Rule Hero Award for their hard “It is important that
work and advocacy efforts during the 2023 Legislative we make our local voice
Session. They all worked tirelessly throughout the session heard in Tallahassee, and
to promote local voices making local choices, protect the Florida League of
the Home Rule powers of Florida’s municipalities and Cities assists us in that
advance the league’s legislative agenda. effort,” noted Deputy
“The league and its legislative team appreciate the City Manager, George
individual advocacy efforts undertaken by municipal Brown.
officials throughout the state,” said FLC Chief of Mayor Singer was Deputy City Manager George Council Member Yvette
Legislative Affairs Casey Cook. “Home Rule Heroes appointed as Mayor in Mayor Scott Singer Brown Drucker
are some of our biggest advocates for protecting local 2018 and re-elected in
decision-making. They are league members who stand 2020 and 2023. He graduated from Harvard University by their citizens. The league believes in “Local Voices
out for their high level of participation, knowledge, with a bachelor’s degree in government and received his Making Local Choices,” which focuses on the impact
and effectiveness. This year’s Home Rule Heroes J.D. from Georgetown University Law Center. As Mayor, citizens and city leaders have in improving Florida’s
continuously advocated for their communities throughout he has expanded economic development initiatives, communities. For more information, visit n
the 2023 Legislative Session.” championed a community partnership to build a new
Home Rule is the ability for a city to address local school and led efforts to bring a Brightline high-speed
problems with local solutions with minimal state rail station to the city. He is a past president of the Florida
interference. Home Rule Hero Award recipients are local League of Mayors and currently serves on various boards Attention
government officials, both elected and nonelected, who and committees.
consistently responded to the league’s request to reach Council Member Drucker was appointed to the City Dog Owners
out to members of the legislature and help give a local Council in 2020 and was elected for her first full term
perspective on an issue. in 2021. Much of her advocacy and activism in the
“Residents continue to say local leaders are the most community concentrated on children and families. On
trusted level of government because we know what City Council, she has championed transportation issues,
works on Main Street and in our communities,” said serving as a Palm Beach County Transportation Planning It is your responsibility
Mayor Singer. “We will keep making our local voices Agency Governing Board member, and various member to pick up after your
heard, especially when lawmakers in state capitals and positions with the Florida League of Cities. dog. It’s the law. Some
in Washington push big government solutions that cause Deputy City Manager George Brown‘s service with the of you have been
problems right here at home.” city began in 1977. His commitment to the community and
Council Member Yvette Drucker commented, “Now local government has been invaluable and has included negligent in doing so.
more than ever local communities are having to fight active participation in the International City Management
even harder to make local decisions in the face of new Association, the Florida City and County Management
pressure from Washington and Tallahassee. Working Association, and the Florida League of Cities, where he
with my colleagues and residents, I’m proud of the work has been a strong advocate of Home Rule for cities. Please keep our
we have done, and will continue to do, to put our local Founded in 1922, the Florida League of Cities is the Boca Pointe community
communities first.” united voice for Florida’s municipal governments. Its beautiful!
“Local government is closest to the people of Florida. goals are to promote local self-government and serve the
Each community is unique in its vision, mission, and needs of Florida’s cities, which are formed and governed
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