Page 27 - Boca ViewPointe - June '23
P. 27

June 2023                                                     Viewpointe, Page 27
      Boca Teen Twins Collected Nearly 65,000 Bowls Of Cereal

      For Boca Helping Hands During Annual Cereal Drive

         Cereal4All, which runs an annual cereal drive organized
      by twin brothers Jett and Luke Justin, collected nearly 65,000
      bowls of cereal during its annual cereal drive this Spring and
      donated it to Boca Helping Hands (BHH). This donation
      means that Boca Helping Hands will be able to provide
      clients with 6,418 boxes of cereal. The Justins, 15-year-old
      twin brothers and Boca Raton residents, attend American
      Heritage School in Delray Beach.
         This year, the Justin brothers expanded their organization
      nationally to have schools in Connecticut, Arizona, New
      York, Nevada,  Washington, and California organize
      Cereal4All cereal drives to benefit local food banks in those
      areas. Across the United States, Cereal4All drives collected
      10,127 boxes of cereal.
         The Justin brothers have recently established partnerships
      with  several  businesses. Target  donated  gift  cards  to
      participating schools to buy school supplies; Publix provided   West Boca Raton Community High School
      cereal parties for K-5 schools’ top-donating classrooms; the
      Miami Heat provided game tickets for students who donated      “We created Cereal4all to fight hunger around
      to drives, chosen through a drawing; and Rapids Water Park   America’s breakfast tables because millions of American
      provided tickets for a drawing.                    families suffer from food insecurity, which means they   Boca Raton Elementary
                                                         can’t always afford enough meals for everyone in their
                                                         homes. Those  families  depend  on  food  banks  to  help   were bothered by the reality that millions of families and
                                                         ease their hunger issues. Since breakfast food is one of   kids might not have daily access to breakfast and that
                                                         the least donated items to food banks, that means pantry   moment of happiness in their day,” said Jett Justin.
                                                         bags of meals distributed to families in need are often      Jett  and  Luke  organized  their  first  cereal  drive  for
                                                         missing breakfast food,” said Luke Justin.        BHH in 2016 at their school, Calusa Elementary, when
                                                            Local  schools  that  participated  in  the  cereal  drive   they were just 8 years old. Despite their busy high school
                                                         included  Village Academy Center in Delray, Calusa   schedules and being active members in the Boca Raton
                                                         Elementary,  Sunrise  Park  Elementary,  St.  Joan  of Arc   Civil Air Patrol Squadron, the Justin brothers devote a
                                                         Catholic School, Morikami Park Elementary, Whispering   significant amount of time to working on Cereal4all so
                                                         Pines  Elementary,  Grandview  Preparatory  School,   they can expand their impact and help provide even more
                                                         West Boca High School, Katz Hillel Day School, FAU   relief to families struggling with food insecurity.
                                                         Community  Service  Club,  Boca  Raton  Elementary,       “Running a nonprofit can be hard work, but Cereal4all
                                                         Addison Mizner School, and Blue Lake Elementary.  is one of the most fulfilling things my brother and I do.
                                                            “My brother and I learned about the breakfast food   There’s really no better feeling than making a positive
                                                         shortage in 2016 while volunteering in the food bank   difference in someone else’s life,” said Luke Justin.
                                                         at Boca Helping Hands, and it had a big effect on us   About Boca Helping Hands
                                                         because, like most young people, we love cereal. Cereal      Now in its 25th year of operation, Boca Helping Hands
      Boca Raton Elementary                              is about breakfast, but it’s also about happiness, so we   (BHH) is a community-based nonprofit that provides food,
                                       ME                                                                  job training, access to healthcare and financial assistance
                        VT                                                                                 to  help  individuals  and families  improve their  quality
                                                                                                           of life and build financial stability.Through its various
                               NH                                                                          programs, BHH assists nearly 35,000 people annually.
                                                                                                              Boca Helping Hands is a partner agency of The Town
                                                  As the #1 family-owned real estate company               of Palm Beach United Way. Since 1945, the Town of Palm
                                                  As the #1 family-owned real estate company               Beach United Way has been committed to improving
                                                  in  Florida  and  the  Northeast,  nobody  connects
                           MA                     in Florida and the Northeast, nobody connects            lives and building strong communities throughout Palm
                                                  home buyers from the Northeast to Florida better
                                                  home buyers from the Northeast to Florida better
                                                  than William Raveis.
          NY                                                                                               Beach County by focusing on programs and priorities
                    CT           RI               than William Raveis.                                     that promote education, health, and financial stability.
                                                                                                              Boca Helping Hands holds accreditation for Sound
                                                                                                           Nonprofit Management from Nonprofits First, has a 2022
                                                                                                           Gold Seal of Transparency from Candid/GuideStar, and
                                                                                                           was named a Four-Star Charity by Charity Navigator for
                                                                                                           the 16th consecutive year in 2022. Boca Helping Hands is
                                                                                                           located at 1500 N.W. 1st Court, Boca Raton, FL 33432. For
                                                                                                           more information, please visit n


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                      The Northeast is the #1 Source of  Residents
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                 Migrating to Palm Beach County and Martin County

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                                                                                                            Vehicle Information

                                     the C&C Team                                                              If  you  have  purchased  a  new  vehicle  within  the
                                                                                                            past 6 months, please make sure the Boca Pointe
                                                                                                            Community Association management office has a copy
                         Christina Soave | C: 561.577.2805                                                  of your current vehicle registration on file. Your gate
                         Cynthia Hauber | C: 561.827.7130                                                   transponder is linked to your vehicle so it is important
        |                                           that  we  have  accurate  information  in  our  system.
                                                                         Please fax it to (561) 395-5936 or email it to admin@
                    193 E Palmetto Park Rd | Boca Raton | FL 33432                                
                                                                                                               Thank  you  for  your
                     CALL FOR A FREE MARKET ANALYSIS OF YOUR HOME                                              BPCA Management team 

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