Page 30 - Boca ViewPointe - June '23
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Page 30, Viewpointe                                                   June 2023
       Travel: Around The World In 80-Plus Days

       By Jessica Flores. Jessica                           Imagine  stopping  every  day  in  a  new  port-of-call,   unlimited premium spirits and wine, prepaid gratuities,
       has worked in the travel and                      experiencing riding a camel in the desert, rafting down a   specialty restaurants, airport/ship transfers, unlimited WiFi,
       tourism industry for well                         river in New Zealand, getting a massage in Bali, eating Dim   door-to-door luggage service, unlimited laundry services,
       over a decade. She holds                          Sum in Hong Kong, or viewing the Big Five in Africa ... all   phone time, and onboard medical services.
       both Bachelors and Master’s                       in one vacation.                                     Prices for these world cruises vary based on the cruise
       Degrees in Hospitality &                             Your Home At Sea: Going on a world cruise is an exciting   line, cabin type and itinerary, but typically range from
       Tourism  Management. As                           and unforgettable experience. There are several cruise lines   $50,000 to $90,000 per person. However, the experience of
       owner of AWAY Travel in Boca                      that offer luxury world cruises, including Oceania Cruises,   traveling the world and exploring multiple destinations in
       Raton, Jessica and staff bring                    Regent Seven Seas Cruises, Silver Seas and Seabourn.   one trip is truly priceless.
       25 years of personal travel                          Oceania Cruises offers a 180-day around the world cruise      Wheels Down: When you think about all the benefits
       experience  to  an  exclusive                     called “Around the World in 180 Days.” This cruise departs   you get for taking a long cruise trip you can easily see why
       clientele  looking  for  luxury                   from Miami and visits 96 ports in 33 countries across four   so many go on this lengthy vacation away from home. The
       travel planning. Ready for your own journey to begin?   continents. The itinerary includes visits to iconic destinations   durations range from 80 days to 135 days. And the fares
                                                         such as Sydney, Bali, Hong Kong, Tokyo, Cape Town and   average around $70,000 per person depending on your cabin
       To: Luxury Travelers                              Rio de Janeiro. The cruise is on the Insignia ship, which   needs. But where else can you unwind and escape the stress
       From: Onboard A World Cruise                      accommodates up to 684 guests.                    of everyday life? Here you can take the time to relax and
                                                            Regent Seven Seas Cruises also offers a world cruise,   rejuvenate while enjoying the many amenities and activities
                                                         which is called the “World Cruise 2024-2025.” This cruise   on board.
                                                         is a 143-night journey departing from Miami, and travels      For the next few months you’ll be on an adventure of
                                                         to  72  ports  in  28  countries  across  six  continents. The   a lifetime, seeing different destinations, exploring new
                                                         itinerary includes stops at destinations such as Bali, Sydney,   cultures, doing things you never dreamed of. All this with the
                                                         Auckland, Hong Kong, Tokyo, Bangkok, Mumbai, and   convenience of never needing to pack and unpack, enjoying
                                                         Athens. The cruise is on the Seven Seas Mariner ship, which   amazing cuisines, meeting new people from various parts of
                                                         accommodates up to 700 guests.                    the world, and knowing that it’s truly home away from home.
                                                            Enjoy 133 days on Silverseas’ Silver Shadow with a      A great travel advisor knows there is a lot of planning
                                                         round-trip sailing from San Francisco. During that time the   and extra assistance needed for such a huge trip. They can
                                                         ship will visit 65 ports in 14 countries, including Fiji, New   make restaurant reservations abroad, quote travel insurance,
                                                         Zealand, Australia, Indonesia, Singapore, Malaysia, Vietnam,   assist with private excursions, and most important be a travel
         Pack Your Bags: As a young girl I always dreamed of   China, Japan and Canada.                    advocate when an unpredictable situation may arise.
      hopefully experiencing the excitement of traveling the world.      Here is a list of what most luxury cruise ships offer their      So, if you ever desire to expand your travel experiences,
      I remember in my youth seeing several movies that inspired   passengers on world cruises: Free business class air, pre-  close your eyes, click your heels three times and set sail on
      me to choose this career such as: Under the Tuscan Sun, Out   cruise hotel stays, exclusive and unlimited shore excursions,   an unforgettable voyage around the world. n
      of Africa, Eat, Pray, Love, The Bucket List, to name a few.
      For most people it takes a lifetime to see all these wonderful                                                    Celebrate the
      locations. But for those who are late to travel, there is one
      way to catch up. I now have clients who are opting to take
      a “world cruise.”                                                                                            Birth of Our Flag!
         I know it seems like a big commitment. But it’s the perfect
      way to get not one slice, but the whole pie of what the world                                                      June 14th is
      has to offer. If you are at the stage of your life when you seem
      to have less responsibilities and more time, then this might                                                          Flag Day
      be a perfect adventure. I happen to know a couple who did
      such a trip in their 90s.

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