Page 28 - Boca ViewPointe - June '23
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Page 28, Viewpointe June 2023
Mayor’s Update: Important Summer Notes To Remember!
By Scott Singer, the 35th Mayor please make sure to check out the Boca Museum of Art If you’re not in an evacuation zone and your home has
of Boca Raton who was re- and enjoy the summer restaurant specials at Mizner! shutters or impact glass, a generator and supplies, you’re
elected without opposition for Hurricane Season: June marks the official start of in good shape and you might be able to host friends and
a final term. A south Florida Hurricane Season, and now is the best time possible to family. Two years ago, we saw millions of people trying to
native, attorney, mediator, make sure you are prepared and have a plan in place. It’s flee across the state. That’s not necessary, as the primary
and small business owner, easy to think there’s time to prepare later, but waiting to point is to avoid low-lying and coastal areas.
Scott and his wife Bella live in get prepared and buy supplies until a storm is upon us The City of Boca Raton has many ways to stay
Broken Sound with their two is likely only to cause more stress and wasted time from connected before, during, and after a storm. You can
young children. long lines waiting for empty shelves at Publix. For now, find them all now on the city’s website, We
here are some helpful tips: provide updates on Facebook, Twitter and Nextdoor.
In this month’s message First, the city’s website,, and many other You can receive emergency alerts, phone calls, and texts
from t he m a yor, we sites have lists of supplies to prepare. That canned food you from two systems – AlertBoca and AlertPBC. To do
highlight our expanded free series of Summer in the bought 10 years ago isn’t going to cut it, and do you really so, you have to sign up or we can’t reach you, so please
City events – with live performances and family movies. want to be scrounging for bottled water the day before the do so today at We also have an AM radio
We also have some helpful hurricane tips. storm? Please stock up now. Canned goods, medications, station – 1650 AM – so you’ll want to keep a battery-
Summer In The city Update: Downtown Boca’s and bottled water are always free from sales tax. powered radio handy in case a hurricane knocks out all
series of free concerts and events has started off strong Now is a great time to test your generators and shutters other channels. The city also operates a hotline where we
and is in full swing. On Friday evenings through August, to make sure they’re working, and that you have all the answer questions throughout a storm.
Mizner Park Amphitheater will host our popular series parts. Please plan to have what you’ll need if the power is We at the city work hard to reach you on many
of tribute band concerts with the music of Elvis Presley, out for a week or longer. Also, make sure to organize your different platforms so you can make informed decisions to
the Beach Boys, Van Halen, Prince, yacht rock from the important papers, including your insurance policies. As better protect your home, your business, and your family.
late ’70s and early ’80s, and Neil Diamond. we learned several years ago, please make an evacuation Please prepare now and stay connected.
We also have concert band performances from the plan now, especially if you live on the barrier island or Staying Connected: You can also stay in touch
Symphonia and FAU Summer Concert band covering low-lying areas. with me on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter at @
popular movie soundtracks, and a live Battle of the Palm Beach County has limited shelters for people ScottSingerUSA for more details on future town halls and
Bands to close out the series on Aug. 4. This in addition with special needs and pets, and they require you to my regular Minute With the Mayor updates on city news
to a wide array of ticketed events, including Brit Floyd register ahead of time, so consider doing so now. We and events. Of course, I’d love to hear from you anytime,
Concert, the Goo Goo Dolls with O.A.R., Jason Mraz, don’t want anyone to worry about where to go as a storm so please feel free to email me at
Billy Currington, and 3 Doors Down. All of the details heads this way. Your opinions matter to me. Thanks, and enjoy a safe and
are available at While downtown, Please bear in mind that not everyone has to evacuate. fun summer! n
Council Corner: Electric Vehicle Charging Stations
By Fran Nachlas, • A commitment to working with all stakeholders to public communities will be prepared for our current and
Boca Raton City Council deliver on science-based action.* future individual transportation needs.
Member/CRA Vice-Chair • A commitment to achieving a fair share of 50 percent So where can you charge your EV in Boca Raton?
global reduction in emissions by 2030 and reaching zero Currently, our city offers EV Charging Stations at the
It’s been six months carbon by 2050. Downtown and Spanish River Libraries, Spanish River
since I began serving our Clearly, taking responsible action on EV infrastructure Beach Park, Red Reef Park, South Beach Park, City Hall
wonderful city of Boca in both the public and private realm is vital to keep Boca and the City’s Municipal Services Building. You can also
Raton, and we’ve been Raton leading the way economically and environmentally. find a map of available charging stations by downloading
busy! O ur Strategic To this end, at our April 25 City Council meeting Ordinance the ChargePoint App (Text “EV” to MYFPL (69375)
Planning sessions recently 5644 was adopted, “in recognition of the need to provide to receive a link to the FPL EVolution/ChargePoint
having been completed, we charging infrastructure to support the use of electric connection.).
now are back to our regular vehicles and the benefit of electric vehicles for the reduction As always, I’m available by email (fnachlas@myboca.
city council meeting schedule with a focused approach. of greenhouse gas emissions and improvement of air quality us) or by phone (561) 221-7902, and I’d love to hear from
When my youngest son recently purchased his first in the city.” This policy will ensure our private as well as you. Have a wonderful summer! n
new car, he chose an EV electric vehicle. With the
incentives available for purchasing an EV it was a smart B’H
financial move, in addition to the opportunity to play a Sabra Wall Decor
small part in a sustainable future. It was an easy decision
for him, but what about the rest of us?
Many vehicle manufacturers plan to have a large EstimatEs
portion of their fleet becoming EV in the next decade, and
some even earlier. EV charging stations are being added
in private homes, parking lots and parks. Choices for EV Painting & More ...
abound – from Mini Coopers to the snazziest Rolls Royce
model – yet the rate of comprehensive EV infrastructure
improvement to actually enable the widespread use of the • Popcorn Ceiling • Wallpaper Removal
technology continues to concern the public. Boca Raton
has recognized the need and is responding. • Knock Down
Here’s some background for you. Our first EV parking • Drywall Repair
ordinance was adopted in December 2017, and in March
2022 the City of Boca Raton joined the Cities Race to Cell: (954) 931-4716 Licensed & Insured
Zero Pledge ( As Office: (561) 395-3057 CC: 03-11120-P-K
part of this initiative, Boca Raton’s approach will confirm
a proactive, common-sense approach:
• Immediately begin implementing specific inclusive
climate policies across buildings, transport, waste, clean
energy, food, nature, and other key sectors. ª
• A commitment to forward-looking climate action in
urban planning and decision-making. Two Boca Raton Offices: 151 N. Ocean Blvd. • 21073 Powerline Rd. #63
Your Speed? Ilene Polito... your pet friendly Realtor.
With every house sold a donation
Please obey all posted speed limit is made to our local pet rescue.
signs throughout Boca Pointe for the #dontshopdoadopt
safety of our residents. As a reminder,
the speed limits are as follows: IN CONTRACT
Boca Pointe Drive 30mph
3/3 2 car garage
Promenade Drive 20mph Ilene Polito Beautifully updated
SPEEDING FINES ARE (561) 302-6669 Call for details