Page 26 - Boca ViewPointe - August '19
P. 26

Page 26, Viewpointe                                                  August 2019
       To The Residents Of Boca Pointe:

          This letter is to cover some issues that have arisen as of      Children don’t necessarily tell their parents everything      Many parents don’t want to admit if their child has
       late. There are some innocent appearing games that your   and it’s important that you explore issues with your children,   ADD or Anxiety or even Depression. Please if you have
       children can download and play on their computers or   such as the stress they are under at school and home. Children   any feelings that maybe your child or children maybe
       cellphones, they are “Mo-Mo” and “The Blue Whale”. These   are what is called “Egocentric”, it means that they feel   experiencing any added stressors of any kind don’t hesitate
       games are DANGEROUS! They start out by being a simple   everything is their fault, whether it is or not. This is why you   to explore and get help. These types of issues build and
       game and slowly work their way into telling the child playing   need to have discussions with your children and help them   become overwhelming to children and adults. Don’t be
       them to do things “bad things” or something will happen to   to feel that they can open up to you about anything without   afraid of labeling, seek help if needed or if just suspected
       their family. As responsible parents it’s necessary for you   negative consequences from you. Children have a tendency   of a possible problem.
       to be aware of what your children are playing and watching   to feel afraid to tell their parents about a lot of things. For      In today’s society it’s easy to put your children into a lot
       on their computers and cellphones. If you look these up you   example: recently your children had to take a three day test   of programs thinking that it’s best for them, when it may
       will find that there have been numerous incidents caused by   called the FSA and this was very stressful for them. They   not be what they want or need, it can be very overwhelming
       these games.                                      were afraid if they didn’t do well that their parents would be   to them. Talk to your children and listen to them, and ask
                                                         upset with them. Bullying and who your children hangout   them how they feel – they may have a lot more to say than
        Update Regarding                                 with are also important issues to be explored with your   you would think. Please share these things with your friends
                                                         children. Listen to their teachers and request updates on
                                                                                                           and family outside of our community.
                                                                                                                                            Dennis Rockwell,
                                                         your children’s progress. My recommendation is that you
        Condominium                                      explore issues such as these with your children and this will                   Rev, PhD, LCSW, PA
                                                         help them and you feel closer to each other.
                                                                                                                                          Lic. SW0004553 
        Term Limits

           As you may recall, the Florida legislature, in 2018,
        adopted several new changes to the law, including
        imposing term limits on directors for condominium
        associations. Effective July 1, 2018, the law prohibits
        condominium board members from serving more than
        eight (8) consecutive terms. There are exceptions to this
        term limitation. First, if there are not enough candidates
        running for the vacancies available such that no election
        would be necessary, then directors are allowed to continue
        serving even past eight (8) terms. Further, if any candidate
        receives two thirds (2/3) or more of the votes cast in an
        election, he or she remains entitled to continue serving
        past the eight (8) term limitation.
           Although most practitioners agreed that laws should
        only apply prospectively, shortly after the passage of
        this law, the Department of Business and Professional
        Regulations (DBPR) issued a Declaratory Statement
        indicating that the law would be applied retroactively
        to prohibit directors from continuing to serve if they
        had  already  served  eight  (8) terms.  However,  the
        DBPR has recently reversed course and has now
        issued a determination that the law will only be applied
        prospectively. This means that the first term counted in
        the eight (8) term limitation would be the first term that a
        director is elected to after the July 1, 2018 effective date
        of the law.
           For homeowners’ associations, there is no comparable
        provision in Chapter 720 regarding term limits. Therefore,
        directors may continue to serve as many terms as they are
        elected to in a homeowner’s association.
           Of course, there are limited qualifications on director
        eligibility in both Chapter 718 and Chapter 720. For
        both condominiums and homeowner associations, if a
        candidate is delinquent in the payment of any assessment
        or other monetary obligation owed to the association on
        the last day on which he or she could nominate himself
        or herself to serve on the board, such candidate will be
        prohibited from being included on the ballot. Further, to
        the extent that any candidate is a convicted felon who has
        not had his or her civil rights restored for the previous five
        (5) years, such person shall also be prohibited from being
        listed on the ballot. Otherwise, under both condominium
        and homeowner’s association law, all other members of
        the association are eligible to be listed on the ballot.
           It is very important for associations to consult with
        legal counsel when preparing for annual meetings and
        elections to determine candidate eligibility for placement           Jeffrey S. Fromowitz, M.D., F.A.A.D.
        on the ballot.
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        Nancy Feldman  Boca Pointe neighbors.
                                                           Dermatology of Boca 14.pmd  1                               1/19/2012, 9:22 AM
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