Page 22 - Boca ViewPointe - August '19
P. 22

Page 22, Viewpointe                                                  August 2019
      Halli’s Comments

      Melbourne, Australia                               of entertainment options,
                                                         but the city is particularly
      Another Beauty in The Land Down Under              proud of their sports, major
                                                         events, shopping, dining
      By Halli Moore                                     and their excellence in the
                                                         arts, and also the many
         Melbourne, Australia has a                      unique attractions, which
      Free City Circle Tram. That’s                      reflect their history and
      right, FREE!! These  trams                         heritage.
      skirt the perimeter of the city                       The  Colonial Tram
      grid and run in both directions                    Car Restaurant makes
      around the grid every ten                          dining an unforgettable
      minutes, seven days a week                         experience. Converted
      from 10am to 6pm taking 40                         to a restaurant in 1927,
      minutes to complete a full                         this tram on wheels is
      circuit. There are stops at every                  the only traveling tramcar
      major intersection and saves you walking if you get off at the   restaurant in the world, and
      stop nearest your destination. The regular tram services in   is a delightful, innovative
      conjunction with the free City Circle Tram and enables you to   approach to dining. It cruises the street of Melbourne while      Queen Victoria Market is the largest market in Australia
      traverse the inside of the grid and get much closer to many of   diners enjoy the fine cuisine and drink the best of Australian   with over 1,000 traders specializing in quality merchandise;
      the attractions and shopping venues in the center of the city.  wines or other beverages from their fully stocked bar. The   Australian clothing, arts and crafts, restaurants, fresh produce
         Melbourne, is considered to be one of the most livable   atmosphere is cozy, the service friendly and the décor is   and more. You can taste your way around the market and
      cities in the world because it is so convenient to get around.   inviting as the colonial period it reflects. In 1983 the restaurant   discover a world of new flavors. The Block Arcade with over
      All streets run parallel to one another, which makes it easy to   became a star attraction and a tourist symbol for Melbourne.   30 shops offers a delightful shopping experience in elegant
      find your bearings.                                Stabilizers ensure a smooth ride and, one way windows enable   surroundings. Melbourne Central is a complex with over 200
         There are so many wonderful things to see and do in this   diners to enjoy the scenery without outsiders looking in. It is a   specialty shops and the opening and closing of the Marionette
      magnificent modern metropolitan city. There is the usual host   first-class restaurant, air-conditioned, totally comfortable and   watch on the hour is a popular feature. Southbank is another
                                                         was winner of the coveted National Tourism Award. I loved   must-do whether it’s live performances at one of the theatres,
                                                         every moment on board.                            an exhibition in the gallery, a walk through the gardens, a ride
        Vehicle Information                                hotel, restaurants, bars, cinemas, nightclubs, disco, theatre   on a riverboat or a meal in one of the many fine restaurants.
                                                           The Crown entertainment complex features a luxury

                                                                                                             The National Gallery houses one of the largest collections
                                                         venues, exclusive shopping, Australia’s largest ballroom,   of art in the southern hemisphere, including a wide selection
          If you have purchased a new vehicle within the past   hotel convention and banquet facilities, a five-story atrium   of Aboriginal works. The Australian Centre for Contemporary
       6 months, please make sure the Boca Pointe Community   featuring fountains, lighting and music AND the 24-hour   Art, The Museum of Modern Art and the Melbourne
       Association management office has a copy of your current   Crown Casino. I have been to many Las Vegas casinos,   University Museum are well-known institutions too.
       vehicle registration on file. Your gate transponder is linked   but never one this large. It is incredibly exciting and very      Experience Scienceworks, Melbourne’s award-winning
       to your vehicle so it is important that we have accurate   beautiful.                               hands-on science and technology center. See Melbourne by
       information in our system. Kindly stop by in person, fax it      Our hotel, The Windsor is a very old, elegant, sophisticated   ferry and cruise the river to Scienceworks. Visit the world,
       (561) 395-5936 or email it to  and beautiful place to stay and we enjoyed it tremendously,   renowned Royal Botanic Gardens, which celebrates over
          Thank you for your cooperation!                but next time I visit Melbourne I’d like to try the Sofital,   150 years and hundreds of other places to see and explore in
                                                         a new complex of shops, restaurants and other amenities   Melbourne, Australia.
          BPCA Management team                          surrounding a luxury hotel. Their restaurant in the penthouse
                                                         affords a magnificent panoramic view of the city at night.     Halli Moore is a resident of The Palms. 

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