Page 24 - Boca ViewPointe - August '19
P. 24

Page 24, Viewpointe                                                  August 2019
      This Is Fact NOT Fiction

       By Sheila M Cooperman,                               It is not just about killing the ants, it is more important      With this said the traits required to becoming a good
       LMHC, Licensed                                    to figure out just how they are coming in.        psychologist or professional in psychology entails an
       Psychotherapist                                      Yet, this is not how mental health is handled in our   individual who is an abstract thinker, not detailed.
                                                         society. Feeling badly, no one tries to figure out what is      Since this is not the same for an MD, it is not
          The entire subject of                          going on and how you arrived at this condition.   surprising, that they cannot process anything with
       mental health seems to                               Nope, you are just suggested by someone or many   you. Instead, they are  very good  at pulling  out their
       boggle the  mind for  so                          people to go to a psychiatrist. In your mind, maybe you   prescription pad and writing down the name of the most
       many. They are fine, until                        are thinking this will give you an opportunity to discuss   trending anti-depressant.
       they are not fine.  This                          something with this psychiatrist.                    The reality is most people will just accept this, and
       transition may begin from                            You should know that unless the psychiatrist chose   think the doctor has their best interest at heart. Okay, that
       childhood or adolescence                          psychology as an elective, they have absolutely no classes   is subject for another article.
       or even later.                                    like that in their required curriculum. In addition, being      Since you do not think or have heard there are any
          It seems never to be questioned, “why” these mental   a doctor is all about detail. This is contrary to those   other options, you decide to fill the prescription and begin
       health symptoms have now presented. The main focus is   individuals that join the psychology profession, where   taking this medication. And again, you still have no idea
       usually just to make them go away.                it is all about the abstract.                     how long you will have to take it, since you have no idea
          But, tell me is this how you would treat a leak in your      The reality  is  99% of  people  are  either abstract or   how you got here in the first place.
       home? You enter your house and discover there is water   detailed thinkers. Maybe 1% of society has a brain that
       all over the floor. Sure, you wipe it up, and go on with   can be both. It is very rare.            This Is Fact NOT Fiction on page 25
       your life. A few hours later, you notice there is water on
       the floor and you wipe it up again.
          For 99% of the people in our society, it does not end
       there. That becomes only the beginning, because we need
       to find out where the water is coming from. We also know
       that every time water is on our floor, it can be getting
       worse. We begin our discovery and investigation, just
       “why” there is water, and what is “actually happening.”
          Yet, most when it comes to their mental health
       functioning only begin to seek help when things become
       really bad. It appears they seem to care more about their
       floors than themselves.
          Do you wait until there is so much water on the floor
       before you begin to investigate “what is causing it?”
          Nope, you begin immediately.
          Yet, most will wait until they are experiencing severe
       mental health issues, before they seek help.
          This has been the infrastructure of my counseling
       practice and all the places I have worked. It is unfortunate,
       that people do not recognize symptoms will most likely
       become more severe instead of better.
          The question is “why” do we have so many people
       with mental health symptoms these days. That is a topic
       for another article.
          Let’s face it; there have always been stresses, and life
       issues that created struggles. For decades there have been
       difficulties, but we have not had this type of mental health
       epidemic. Some of these events have led to shootings,
       and people dying.
          Unlike  many,  I  am  extremely  analytic  and  need  to
       find the cause. I am that individual that when I see a
       few ants walking on my counter, I recognize these are
       the scouts. They are checking to see if the coast is clear
       before 100-1,000’s of his little friends and family make
       an appearance.
          So instead of wiping him out, I sit and watch them
       until I can figure out where and how they are entering
       my home. Because let’s face it, their whole existence is
       trying to get into our homes, and our job is trying to keep
       them out.
          My point is we don’t just wipe them out, we try to
       uncover why and how they first crawled in.         LIST YOUR              %
          This is the same, well it should be when it comes to            1
       mental health. It is not just about wiping the water off   HOME FOR
       the floor. It is more important in the long term to figure
       where the water is coming from.

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