Page 21 - Boca ViewPointe - August '19
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August 2019                                                    Viewpointe, Page 21

       Les Miserables Or Learning More

       About The 2020 Elections Highlight

       The New Calendar For The Club At Boca Pointe

       By Pam Poulin,                                   of a wide range of activities from shows to concerts to   unique classes in the 14,000-square foot fitness center or
       Lifestyle Director,                              lecturers to camp-like events to keep all of our members   perhaps you passion is bridge, canasta, poker, gin rummy
       The Club at Boca Pointe,                         not only happy, but engaged in the exciting benefits of   or Mah Jongg in any one of the four card rooms.
       561-864-8517                                     club life,” says Pam Poulin, Lifestyle Director for the      “Club life is built on creating new friendships and                      Club.                                              memories while enjoying being in an adult camp-like
                                                           Maybe you remember the days you went to camp    setting,” Poulin added. “Members have received their
          Have you seen Les Miserables, Mean Girls? Or heard   or sent your children off to camp? Activities, activities   annual Club Life booklet, which highlights the robust
       The Bashevis Singers from Australia singing in Yiddish?   and more activities was the order of the day. Just look at   calendar of events and activities.”
       Or the fabulous The Bronx Wanderers? Or may be listen   your club as an adult camp, where activities are plentiful.      If you are not a member and would like to see the
       to Dr. Robert Watson discuss with 2020 election! Or take   Activities whether you are sedentary or active, club life   planned activities, feel free to call the membership office
       a course in acrylic painting!                    has something for you.                             for an appointment. Call Lori Deibel at 561-864-8539
          Those are just some  of the close  to 300  events,      If cruising is your thing, the Club has a block of cabins   or visit us at for further
       ranging from Broadway shows, to lecturers to a variety   of the Celebrity Edge with special pricing and an array of   information about the exciting benefits of enjoying the
       of activities that are scheduled for the new season at the   activities from December 1, 2019 to December 8, 2019.  private club experience without making any upfront
       Club at Boca Pointe.                                These planned activities are in addition to those who   financial commitments often associated with clubs. 
          “We put together a very exciting program that consists   enjoy golf and tennis or even a robust workout with
       The Club At Boca Pointe Opens

       High Holiday Services To All Residents

       By Helen Karpel,                                  Pointe Community who would like to celebrate the New Year   They will provide spoken prayer and music.”
       General Manager,                                  whether or not they are members of the Club,” announced      Rosh Hashanah services will be held Sunday, September
       The Club at Boca Pointe,                          Helen Karpel.                                     29, 2019, at 7:45 p.m., Monday, September 30, 2019, at 9:30
       561-864-8500                                         “Many Boca Pointe residents may not have an affiliation   a.m. and Tuesday, October 1, 2019, at 9:30 a.m. Kiddush will                       with a local synagogue, so the Club becomes a unique place   follow the Monday and Tuesday services.
                                                         to ring in the New Year. Members, non-members and their      Kol Nidre services will be held Wednesday October 8,
          You do not have to be a member of the Club at Boca   families can enjoy a meaningful High Holiday Experience   2019, at 7:30 p.m. Yom Kippur services are on October
       Pointe to celebrate the High Holidays!            at the Club.                                      9, 2019, at 9:30 a.m. Yizkor service is included for ticket
          “The High Holidays are a very special time of the year,      “The services are run in a traditional manner with Rabbi   holders. Concluding services (Neilah services) are set for
       and we felt it is important to invite ALL residents of the Boca   Lawrence Shuval and Cantor Sharon Alcalay-Leibovici.   5:00 p.m.
                                                                                                             children under the age of 12.
                                                                                                             Tickets are for the services $125 per adult and $65 for
                          Transponder Trouble?                                                               Hashanah Dinner on September 29, 2019 at $35 per person
                                                                                                             In addition, the club offers a special sit-down Rosh

                                                                                                           (plus tax and gratuity) from 5:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. On
                                    TRANSPONDER FEES                                                       Tuesday, October 8, 2019, there is a Kol Nidre buffet dinner,
                                                                                                           $23 per person (plus tax and gratuity), from 5:00 p.m. to 8:30
            The transponders that you use to gain entry through the gates work off of batteries. The batteries are built into the device   p.m. Break the Fast Buffet Dinner will be held immediately
         and cannot be replaced. At the end of their life, the entire device must be replaced. Most of our devices have been in use   following the services on October 9, 2019, for $28 (plus tax
         for over five years now and are beginning to fail. If your device is no longer working properly, it may be time for you to   and gratuity).
         purchase a new one. Replacement devices are sold at the discounted price of $50. Please bring your vehicle registration,      Reservations are required for all of the High Holiday
         driver’s license and a check for $50 to the BPCA management office located at 6909 SW 18th St. Suite A120.   events by calling 561-864-8503. There are no cancellations
                                                                                                           for the High Holiday tickets. 
                                             $75.00 - New transponder
                                         $50.00 - Replacement transponder
                                        $25.00 - Re-activation of transponder                                   Watch Out
                                         $5.00 – Transponder plastic holder                                   For Children!

          **Homeowners, tenants and club members will be issued a transponder to the village they reside in and into the
                                       Boca Pointe Club if they are a member**

                                  ACCEPTABLE FORMS OF PAYMENT

         How To Add Your Guests To The Gate

        By Yvonne Rivera, BPCA Administrative Assistant     To add a guest to your visitor list, you have several options:     • Add a guest for the day or permanently
           The Boca Pointe Community Association offers a      • Website-                  • Remove a guest
        few different methods to add guests to your visitors      • Cell phone app- Download ABDI/Gate Access from the      • Send a pass with barcode
        list, so please ensure that you add your guest BEFORE   app/play store                                • Receive notification of guest arrival
        they arrive. If your guest is not on the list, they may      • Access Control- Call 561-395-3392 or leave a voicemail      If you have any questions regarding access methods,
        be denied without a phone call being placed to get   message at 561-395-3369                       please call the Boca Pointe Community Association
        your approval. Phone calls are placed as a courtesy      The advantage of using or the app is the   561-395-7551 or feel free to stop in for a one-on-one
        depending on how busy the guard is when they arrive.  ability to:                                  tutorial. 
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