Page 28 - Boca ViewPointe - August '19
P. 28

Page 28, Viewpointe                                                  August 2019

        PBCFR Yellow                                       Residents Are Registered on

        Dot Program                               Are You?

           Have you ever wondered, what would                If you have never registered on the Community   web site Residents Only page and click on the “User
        happen if you got into a car crash and            Association web site, call Access Control for our   Profile” link.
        you were unconscious? Have you                    “Community Code,” then go to      Once you are a registered user, to log onto the web
        thought to yourself…how would                     Click on the “Not registered yet?” link right under the   site, you simply go to and you will
        anyone know what my  medical                      log in box.                                      find the User name and Password boxes in the top right
        history is; or how would they know                   If you think you are registered, but just can’t   hand corner. Fill in your information, then click on the
        about the medications I am taking; or the         remember your User Name and Password, click on the   small blue forward arrow. The log in is “case sensitive.”
        medicines I’m allergic to; or better yet,         “Forgot your password?” link and it will be mailed to      If you are a smartphone user, we now have a mobile
        how would they know what hospital                 the email address you used when you registered.  version of the web site for your use that even includes
        that I want to go to…? Who would                     Want to update your email address or add your   a Comment Form. Let us know what you think and give
        call my family and let them know I’ve             mobile number to receive text messages? Go to the   us your suggestions for improvements. 
        been hurt? How would they even know
        how to get in touch with my family?
           The good news is that you don’t have to
        wonder or worry about that anymore. Palm Beach County
        Fire Rescue supports a new Program called the Yellow Dot.
        The Yellow Dot gets important information into the hands
        of emergency responders quickly and it can save your life!
           If you are involved in a car accident and can’t
        communicate, first responders can look in your glove
        compartment box for the “Yellow Dot” pamphlet where
        you have written essential medical information about
           This information can help rescue crews decide the
        best approach to your emergency treatment. This is
        especially important after a car accident where you may be
        unconscious, in shock, or simply unable to communicate
           When you can’t talk to Emergency Responders to
        provide them with vital medical information, the Yellow
        Dot is your tool to provide personalized information on
        your behalf!
           This is how it works…just follow three steps.
           1- Fill out the form on the Yellow Dot pamphlet.
           2- Put the Yellow Dot pamphlet form in your glove
        compartment box.
           3- Place the sticker on the back/rear windshield in the
        lower left hand corner so emergency responders can see
        it quickly and easily when approaching from behind.
        *Important Tips*
           * Keep the Yellow Dot pamphlet updated as
        information changes.
           ** How many do you need??? (i.e. One Yellow Dot
        sticker per vehicle & One Yellow Dot pamphlet for each
           You can stop in to any Palm Beach County Fire Station
        to pick up Yellow Dot pamphlets and stickers for your
        household. For quantities more than that, please call our
        Community Education Office at 561-616-7033.
           If your club or organization would like a presentation
        about the Yellow Dot, to learn more about additional
        resources available, and to have an opportunity to ask
        questions, please call 561-616-7051. Yellow Dot Sticker/
        Pamphlet sets will be brought to the presentation for
        audience attendees. Quantities can be discussed when
        presentations are booked.
                           Making Your Safety My Priority,
                                 Elyse Weintraub Brown,
               Community Education Specialist, South County,
                           Palm Beach County Fire Rescue


        My mother has been a Boca Pointe
        resident & club member for almost
        20 years. I love this community. I’m
        passionate about helping others & making
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        Bruce Toledo             Experience real connection &
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        REALTOR AssOciATE
        cell: 954-830-7277
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