Page 29 - Boca ViewPointe - August '19
P. 29

August 2019                                                    Viewpointe, Page 29
       Sit Less Move More

      By Oris Martin                                     problems with your hip joints.                       • For short trips in the neighborhood walk or bicycle
                                                            Although sitting at a desk may be an inescapable part      • Walk around when you’re on the phone
         Sitting is worse for your health than smoking! That   of your job, there are still ways to lower your risks by      • Set the timer on your phone or activity device to
      does not mean that you should take up smoking as a   incorporating small amounts of exercise into your day.   remind you to get up after an hour and do an exercise, such
      healthy behavior, but it shows that being sedentary is   Research has shown that adding movement for as little as   as marching in place or jumping jacks. These exercises
      injurious to your health. Several longevity studies have   ten minutes a day can significantly impact your health.   would raise your heart rate and increase your caloric
      identified a link between a sedentary lifestyle and obesity,      The  American College of Sports Medicine   expenditure.
      heart disease, type II diabetes, and colon, lung and uterine   recommendations for physical activity for adults are      Even if you are active there may be times when you are
      cancer.                                            150 minutes of moderate to vigorous activity per week.   forced to sit for extended periods such as on an airplane
         What level of activity defines a sedentary lifestyle? A   Doing a little is better than doing nothing at all. If you’re   flight or a car trip. There is a danger of developing deep
      sedentary lifestyle is one in which the person has little or   not getting enough activity the simplest way is to begin   vein thrombosis (DVT) which is a blood clot that develops
      no physical activity, with prolonged sedentary behavior   incorporating activity into your day.      in the legs and can be life threatening when it travels to
      defined as sitting at a desk or in front of the TV for over      • At work stand rather than sit whenever possible as   other areas of your body such as your lungs resulting in
      six hours per day. Most people who work in an office sit   you use your computer or phone            pulmonary embolism. Try standing at least once every
      at least that many hours at their workstations.       • Take the stairs instead of the elevator      hour to stretch, and when going to the bathroom walk to
         Too much sitting also affects your body in other ways.      • Go for a walk outside during your lunch break  the one that’s farthest away from your seat.
      Muscles in your hips, lower back, legs and buttocks which      • Whenever possible walk over to speak to a co-worker      Being active prevents many of the chronic lifestyle
      are very important for walking and stabilization become   rather than sending an email               diseases, and it will allow you to be healthy and pain free
      weak. Your hip flexor muscles also shorten leading to      • Parking further away from wherever you’re going  way into your senior years. 
       Stream Free Movies From The Comfort Of Home

       With A Boca Raton Public Library Card

          Streaming movies from home can often put a dent in      The library                              up, instructions are provided for setting up the streaming
       your budget, but a Boca Raton Public Library card offers   also of fers                             services on your TV (and other devices), depending on
       access to thousands of films and TV shows at no cost.   Hoopla, which                               the brand of your TV, etc.
       Plus, you can view them from anywhere with a Wi-Fi   allows each                                       Thousands of movies, including the latest hits, are
       connection!                                       c a r d h o l d e r                               also available on DVDs at a charge of $1 for seven days
          Kanopy is a Library-provided service that offers more   to stream and                            of rental from both the Spanish River and Downtown
       than 30,000 award-winning documentaries, classic and   download up                                  Library branches.
       popular movies, film-festival favorites, foreign-language   to eight movies                            Free movie streaming at your convenience is just one
       films, rare independent releases, and educational kids’   or  TV  shows                             of the many perks of having a Boca Raton Public Library
       TV shows.  The collection also includes  The Great   e a c h  m on t h.                             card. Visit for more information on how to
       Courses and 50 films from the Criterion Collection. Each   The collection                           get a library card and to access Kanopy and Hoopla. 
       cardholder in the family is allowed six films per calendar   includes thousands of titles from every genre, with new
       month. After pressing  “Play,”  you have three days to   titles added daily. Movies can be streamed immediately
       watch the movie as many times as you would like—plus   or downloaded to phones or tablets for later viewing.
       unlimited kids’ videos and TV shows! Kanopy content      You can sign up for Kanopy or Hoopla – or both      CCCC
       can be streamed online, or on Roku, iOS and Android   services! – and enjoy them year-round, as long as you
       devices, Chromecast, and Apple TV.                have a valid Boca Raton Library card. When you sign

                                                Encantada                                                                la cornichE
        Contemporary courtyard home with a four car garage situated on a private lot on the Hillsboro Canal. The home has  La Corniche’s courtyard style pool home with 3 bedrooms
        four bedrooms plus an office and five and a half baths. In the main part of the home is the master suite, guest bedroom  and  3½  baths!  This  property  features  a  4-year-old  roof!
        and office. The guest house has two bedrooms, each with walk-in closets, private bathrooms and an adjoining study.  Hurricane impact sliders in master suite, guest house, family
        16 ft. ceilings, hurricane shutters, a gourmet kitchen with gas cooking, high end appliances, double ovens, New quartz  room & living room. An open kitchen family room concept
        counters, a wet bar, an open/kitchen family room concept, and a split bedroom plan!  The master suite has two separate  with beautiful bone color wood cabinets & granite counters.
        bathrooms & two large walk in closets. 2 zones of a/c just replaced in 2019 and the guest house zone is newer!  A pool,  There are two bedrooms in the main house and one bedroom
        spa and summer kitchen in the huge courtyard patio is perfect for entertaining! This fabulous home can be purchased  in the guest cottage.
        with designer furniture! Great for empty nesters with visiting children or grandchildren!                        Asking $625,000.
                                               Asking $940,000.

        Magnificent golf course views from the large living room with wall to wall glass & a wraparound patio! This 2 bedroom/2
        bath is on the ground floor with absolutely no steps! Spacious closets, split bedrooms, knockdown ceilings & walls!
        Beautifully renovated master bathroom and kitchen! Neutral bone tile floors!                            Nancy Ghen
                                               Asking $339,000.

                                                                                                                561-271-5140 cell

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