Page 25 - Boca ViewPointe - August '19
P. 25

August 2019                                                    Viewpointe, Page 25

      Move Over LAW (FS 316.126)

      By Elyse Weintraub Brown,                          more, oftentimes the emergency they are           emergency? The Answer is …you must yield the right of way.
      Community Education                                driving to is actually in the roadway.            When it is safe to do so, move over as close as reasonable
      Specialist, Palm Beach                             Although they are helping others and              to the closest edge of the curb of the roadway, clear of any
      County Fire Rescue                                 rendering aid, they are also at risk              intersection and then stop. When this happens on highways
      (561) 616-7051 or                                  of being injured and killed on our                and interstates, rather than stop, slow down and then safely                                 roadways by motorists. Help protect               move over so that the emergency vehicle can pass.
                                                         them…because if they can’t help you in              Are you unsure about what you are supposed to do when
         This message is brought                         your time of need…who will?                       you are driving on a roadway with multiple lanes, and you
      to you by your friendly                            Learn the Move Over LAW (FS 316.126)              see a fire truck or rescue truck working an emergency ON
      Firefighters from Palm Beach                         Are you unsure about what you are supposed to do when   THE SIDE OF THE ROAD? The Answer is….When it is safe
      County Fire Rescue….                               you are driving on a local roadway, and you see DRIVING   to do, merge away from a vehicle working on the side of the
         Every day firefighters and                      BEHIND YOU a fire truck or other emergency vehicle   roadway to provide an empty travel lane for the emergency
      other emergency responders drive to emergencies. What’s   with lights flashing and sirens wailing on the way to an   worker. If you are not able to safely move over, you must
                                                                                                           slow down to a speed of 20 MPH below the posted speed
                                                                                                           limit unless directed otherwise by a law enforcement officer.
         This Is Fact NOT Fiction from page 24           like mental confusion and memory issues. My favorite      On a two-lane roadway…Where there is NO lane of travel
                                                         still remains the brain electric zaps.            in the same direction to merge over to, you are REQUIRED
            Now, you have entered the game show arena,      Who doesn’t like electric pulsating zaps going to   to slow down to a speed that is 20 miles per hour less than
         beginning with which side-effect will I get to   their head at arbitrary times? This all sounds like really   the posted speed limit. If the speed limit is 20 miles per hour
         experience. I wonder will this medication actually   fun to me. My clients did not enjoy this roller-coaster   or less, you must slow down to five miles per hour.
         help me? Why should you not be confused, you know   ride, and they really wanted to gain control of their      In the State of Florida, drivers must also move over for
         nothing more now, than you knew before.         lives. They would shortly recognize things were not   sanitation vehicles and utility service vehicles performing
            And if you are like most people, you will soon   what they seemed.                             tasks related to their services, and wreckers displaying
         enter the game show, “Spin the Wheel” and let’s see      They learned that Mental health is not the illusive,   amber rotating or flashing lights performing a recovery or
         just which medication you will land on next. This is   event Most want you to believe.  They became   loading on the roadside.
         how it will be, how many medications will you have to   knowledgeable of their own situations, and conditions     Violating the Move Over Law can result in a fine and points
         “try” before finding one that only causes side-effects   and how they got there. They realized Just like every   on your license; and worse, because it puts rescuers, civilians,
         you can bare.                                   story, there is a beginning, middle and always more   and other motorists at risk of serious injury and even death.
            You will recognize they may work, you may begin   than one possible end.                       For everyone’s safety, share the Move Over Law with others.
         to feel less depressed, anxious perhaps, but also feel      Finally, they felt in control and could take over   Help us…help You! 
         nothing when your child or grandchild does something   direction of their own lives, writing just how they
         cute.                                           wanted their story to continue and should end.       Stamp and Coin Club
            How long will you remain on these medications?
         You will recognize when you are tired of taking them,      Sheila M Cooperman LMHC has been a licensed
         that all your original symptoms will return, and maybe   psychotherapist for over 20+ years. She is holistic,     Boca Raton Stamp & Coin Club asks you to start
         even some new ones.                             and  practices  psycho-dynamic  process.  She  does   a new hobby.
            So, here you are one new prisoner of your condition   not believe in the use of medication for mental     Visit with us at the Stratford Courts Auditorium
         and your medications. For those that get fed up, and   health conditions, unless it is a thought disorder.   located at 6343 Via Sonrisa del Sur, off S.W. 18th
         decide to stop taking some medications, then the real   She can be contacted at Naturallywellinc@gmail.  Street, between Powerline Road and Military Trail.
         fun time can begin.                             com, or for questions or      We meet the second and fourth Thursday each month
            You can experience withdrawal effects, whether   comments. She has successfully helped thousands of   at 7 p.m. Please call membership coordinator Harvey
         they are mild like nausea, or headaches, or more severe   adults, children and adolescents.        Golinger at (561) 752-4922. 
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