Page 30 - Boca ViewPointe - August '19
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Page 30, Viewpointe                                                  August 2019
      I Didn’t Know That ... Bet You Didn’t Know It Either

      Fascinating trivia facts                           initial public offering, or IPO, on March 13, 1986, would   How Much Is The World’s Most Expensive Plane Ticket?
      compiled by Stanley                                be worth more than $1.6 million today. That includes price      $38,000. That’s how much you’ll pay Etihad Airways to
      Morgenbesser                                       appreciation and dividends.                       bring you from Mumbai to New York City via Abu Dhabi.
                                                         Which Is  The Most  Visited Destination In  The   While this will only fly you in one direction, at least you’ll
      What Is  The Largest                               Caribbean?                                        get to do it in a luxurious suite that includes a bedroom,
      Lottery  Jackpot Won                                  The most-visited destination by far in the Caribbean is   shower room, and lounge for two guests on the world’s largest
      In The United States To                            the Dominican Republic. Home to Punta Cana and Puerto   passenger plane. The living room boasts a 32-inch flat-screen
      Date?                                              Plata, over 6.2 million people visited the island in 2017,   TV and a reclining leather sofa. The ticket price includes a
         The mother of all U.S.                          taking advantage of its many beaches and recreational   private butler and chauffeur service to and from the airport.
      jackpots was a whopping                            activities. This is almost double the next most-visited   Which Is, Or Was, The Longest Running TV Show Of
      $1.6 billion! The Jan. 13,                         destination, Cuba, which saw 3.9 million visitors in the   All Time?
      2016, Powerball jackpot                            same time frame. Close behind are Puerto Rico and Jamaica,      The longest-running show of all time was Guiding Light.
      was split between three winners from Tennessee, Florida   two tiny islands with stunning beaches and affordable   This soap opera was on the air for an incredible 57 years. The
      and California. The winners waited six months to claim their   amenities.                            show actually began on the radio, however. If those years are
      winnings. The second most massive Powerball jackpot is   Who Are The Wealthiest Athletes Of All Time?  counted, the show ran for 72 years before ending in 2009
      also the largest to see a single winner, at $758.7 million.      Michael Jordan  ($1.85  billion); Tiger Woods  ($1.7   due to low ratings. Attempting to catch up on Guiding Light
      This staggering winning ticket was sold in Massachusetts   billion); Arnold Palmer ($1.4 billion); Jack Nicklaus ($1.2   would be a full-time job! The time slot was then given to the
      and was hit on Aug. 23, 2017. Not surprisingly, the winner   billion).                               revival of Let’s Make a Deal. 
      of the jackpot kindly informed her boss that she wouldn’t
      be returning after the win.
      If You Had Invested $1,000 In Microsoft When It Went
      Public, Approximately How Much Would It Be Worth                                         561.961.4163
         Microsoft was founded in 1975 by Bill Gates and Paul
      Allen, two friends from high school. Bill Gates is now the                               MON - THURS. 11AM - 10PM
      second-richest person in the world, worth an estimated $99
      billion, thanks to the success of his software company. And                              FRI. & SAT. 11AM - 11PM
      while his wealth is an extreme example, if you had bet on
      Microsoft in its early days, your gamble would have paid                                 SUN. NOON- 10 PM
      off, too. A $1,000 investment in Microsoft on the day of its
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