Page 15 - Boca Club News - July '24
P. 15

Boca Club News, Page 15
      Grape Expectations:

      The ABCs of Chardonnay

      By  Ed  Wolfarth,  who  recently                   the Chards from Sonoma are more to my taste, lighter   quintessential summer wine it is by far (in my humble
      moved to South Florida after                       and more food friendly. Because of its location nearer the   opinion) the finest example of a Burgundian Chardonnay–
      retiring with his wife, Vicki, as                  ocean (than Napa), Sonoma wines are good alternatives   ie; Montrachet, at a fraction of the price.
      Professor of Sports Sciences &                     to summer fare. Try Chards from; Stonestreet, Chalk Hill,      So what have we learned? Chardonnay comes in many
      Physical Education at both Queens                  Simi and my favorite, Hanzell. These wines are usually   styles. Climate, soil, topography (terroir) and wine-
      College and Hofstra University. He                 fermented in stainless steel vats (very few in oak barrels)   making techniques may produce completely distinctive
      is a nationally ranked senior tennis               and are excellent accompaniments to grilled fish, salads   and different wines. There are oaked versions and Chards
      player and long-time USPTA Elite                   and most barbecue foods.                          fermented in stainless steel. If you consider yourself an
      Teaching  Professional.  Ed  has                      France. Don’t forget French Chardonnays. A steely   “ABCer”, you really need to expand your tastes and try
      written many educational and tennis articles in the past.   dry Chablis or Pouilly Fuisse are wonderful summer wines   the “other” Chardonnays.
      Over the past few years, Ed has turned his hobby of wine   with less weight and pleasant acidity. Your local wine      Happy drinking.
      collecting into a way of continuing his passion for writing   merchant should be able to suggest one at an affordable
      and has written on the subject for publications. As a self-  price. Remember, these wines should be drunk fairly
      proclaimed “wine snob,” he has collaborated on many   young, even though some Chablis can age for years and
      wine lists for private clubs and a few restaurants. Ed can   still  be  exceptional.  Beware  of  older  vintages  when,
      be reached at                   sometimes, the wine has lost its ‘zip’ and its freshness. Of
         The “ABC” (anything but Chardonnay) crowd has it   course, we cannot dismiss the great white Burgundies of
      all wrong. I like to think that Chardonnay wines are like   France, such as Montrachet, Mersault and Corton. These
      chicken. There’s broiled chicken, southern fried chicken,   are more serious whites, often aged in French oak barrels.
      chicken cacciatore, chicken wings, chicken Francaise–you      Italy. Recently, I’ve become a fan of Italian Chards. Seek
      get the picture. Chicken is a blank palette. It all depends   out slightly oaked Dreams from Jermann. Definitely look for
      on how it’s prepared and what is added, much like the   Bramito from Umbria. This Chardonnay has seen a bit of oak
      Chardonnay grape.                                  but spent more time in steel vats. And if you can find it, my
         If you have ever tasted an Italian Chardonnay or crisp,   current favorite is Cantina Terlano. The combination of fruit
      dry Chablis from Burgundy, you would never compare   and acidity makes for a beautifully balanced wine–mine and
      them to an oaky California Chardonnay. Most wine   Judith’s favorite (our drinking pal).
      drinkers would think they were completely different wines      Australia. In Australia, especially Western Australia,
      made from different grapes. The truth is that most wines,   some of the finest crafted Chardonnays are being produced.
      and their grape varietals, always taste differently. It all   Look for almost any Chard from The Margaret River
      depends on the terroir (climate, topography and soil) and   Valley. Cape Mentelle should be readily found. Vasse Felix
      wine-making techniques. Winemakers are like chemists.   is outstanding but not exported here often. Try ordering it.
      They have the ability and latitude to craft their wines. The   Leeuwin, although a bit pricey, is easily found and often
      way they are fermented, the amount of time in oak barrels   regarded as Australia’s finest Chardonnay. Look for the
      etc., are all variables that make each wine distinctive   Art Series. For a “house or party wine” that’s affordable,
      and representative of the region they come from and the   you can’t go wrong with Lindemann’s Bin 65 for less than
      specific winemaker and producer. Allow me to suggest a   $10 a bottle.
      few Chards (we’ll shorten it here for our purposes) you      New Zealand. In New Zealand, definitely seek out
      might want to try this summer.                     Kumeu  River. This  producer  makes  one  of  the  finest
         California. While I’m not a big fan of the old-style,   versions of expensive French Burgundy. Definitely one
      oaky Chardonnays from the Napa Valley in California,   of my favorites. While this oaked version may not be a

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