Page 19 - Boca Club News - July '24
P. 19

Boca Club News, Page 19
      Essays on Life: Widowhood

      By Sonia E. Ravech. Sonia is a                    find different ways to occupy their time and fill the void. I have      If there is one advantage to being a member of the
      native of Massachusetts and a                     chosen the latter.                                 Widow’s Club, it has to be the lack of accountability. For
      resident of Broken Sound for more                    Widowhood is, however, an adjustment, especially after   years I was accountable to someone. As a child, I was
      than 30 years. She is the mother                  having been married for sixty-two years. The daily routine   accountable to my parents. As a wife, I was accountable to
      of four, grandmother of seven and                 I was used to is no longer the daily routine. I miss all the   my husband. As a mother, I was accountable to my children.
      great-grandmother of four. She has                little insignificant things the most. Things like not having   As a widow, I am only accountable to myself.
      been the facilitator of the Broken                my husband around to open a new jar of pickles, or to take      If I choose to stay in bed until 10:00 a.m., I am not
      Sound Memoir Writers’ Workshop                    the barrels down to the bottom of the hill on trash day, or to   concerned that someone is waiting for me to prepare breakfast.
      for the past seven years.                         run to the convenient mart to buy a newspaper. I miss not   If I skip doing the laundry, no one will be disappointed if his
         On  June  28th,  2017,  I  became  a  member  of  the   having him around to blow the leaves off the driveway, to   or her favorite jeans are not clean and ready to wear. If I’m too
      world-famous Widow’s Club. Although the Club doesn’t   talk to about my day, to make me laugh at his silly jokes, or   lazy to shop, I can enjoy a bowl of cereal for dinner without
      discriminate, welcoming women young and old, black, brown   even to bicker and argue with over unimportant trivia.  worrying that I didn’t prepare a meal. If I want to sit and read
      and white, rich and poor, religious and atheist, intelligent and      I miss not being able to share with him all the special   all afternoon, I can do so without guilt.
      illiterate, most who join do not do so willingly. Some resist   and exciting life cycle events that have taken place over the      This lack of accountability provides a freedom I haven’t
      and enter kicking and screaming; others, like myself, accept   past six years–the marriages of three more grandchildren,   experienced before. I am grateful for my good health and
      the inevitable and vow to forge ahead.            the births of two more great-grandchildren, the purchase of   financial security. I am also fortunate to have great kids who
         After joining the Club, members have two choices. They   new homes by four of our grandchildren, the high school   live in Massachusetts, but who visit, keep in touch and care
      can isolate, feel sorry for themselves, become depressed and   and college graduations, the special birthdays–all the family   about my wellbeing; however, I am determined to live my
      lonely; or they can learn to live within their new normal and   milestones we used to celebrate together.  remaining years as independently as possible.
                                                                                                              I sometimes feel guilty that I have chosen to live so far
                                                                                                           away in Florida for eight months of the year, and the other
                                                                                                           four on Cape Cod. I know the kids worry that I am alone, but
                                               Our 38
                                                                                                           I appreciate the warm climate that Florida provides, and the
                                   Annual                                                                  peace and serenity I experience when I am on the Cape. My
                                                                                                           greatest fear is that I will become a burden for my children.
                                                                                                           I pray I will be able to stay in my own homes and maintain
                                                                                                           my independence until it is my time.
                   Summer Sale
                   Summer Sale                                                                               reminiscing about the past more, remembering all the intimate
                                                                                                             Since  I  joined  the Widow’s  Club,  I  do  find  myself
                                                                                                           moments. Thank goodness my brain is still alert enough to
                                                                                                           recall all those unique memories. I still enjoy planting and
                                                                                                           weeding, although I don’t have the energy I once had. I
                                                                                                           still can drive, although I don’t like driving long distances
                                                                                                           or at night. I like to read and to write, and after Covid-19
                                                                                                           I appreciate being able to continue to participate in those
                                                                                                           activities that bring me pleasure.
                                                                                                              Although I have been a member of the Widow’s Club for
                                                                                                           six years, it is not a Club in which I choose to be an active
                                                                                                           participant. I prefer to enjoy my membership in the Grateful
                                                                                                           to be Alive Club, a club in which I hope to maintain my
                                                                                                           membership for many more productive years.

                                                                                                            Film Review from page 18

                                                                                                               I usually have
                                                                                                            to  watch  dozens
                                                                                                            of films to find
                                                                                                            one worth writing
                                                                                                            about. So when I
                                                                                                            read the two- or
                                                                                                            description of this
                                                                                                            movie’s story line
                                                                                                            I looked forward
                                                                                                            to a change of

                                                                                                            it had received
                                                                                                            pace, even though
                                                                                                            only mixed critical
                                                                                                            reviews when
                                                                     Lenses on 1  Pair

                                                                                                            originally released.
                                                                                                            laughs from this comedy to make the time on Netflix
                                                                                                            And sure enough, both my wife, Linda, and I got enough

                                                                                                            definitely worthwhile.
                                                                     Lenses on 2  Pair

                                                                                                               The “Nonna” in the title refers to the elderly Grandma

                                                                                                            in an Italian family that has gathered together at a
                *Except Cartier & Maui Jim                                                                  restaurant at her request because she has an important
                                                                                                            announcement to make. The others are: her daughter,
                    Rx or Non-Rx                                   Lenses on 3  or More                     Anna; Anna’s husband, Carlo…and their two teen-agers
                                                                                                            (Grandma’s grandchildren), Alessandra and Emilio.
                         Expires 08/21/24                               Expires 08/21/24                       Before Grandma arrives we already learn that she
                                                                                                            is very wealthy, and that the four awaiting her suspect
         KNOWN FOR OUR SELECTION • REMEMBERED FOR OUR SERVICE                                               she wants to discuss her plans for how she is going to
                                                                                                            distribute her inheritance, believed to be in the millions!
                                                                                                               So when the elderly woman—still dressed fashionably,
                                                                                                            with hair and cosmetics in stylish mode—announces
                                                                                                            instead that she has met a younger man who is apparently
                                     Never                                                                  in love with her, that they have had passionate sex, she
                                    Boring                                                                  is wildly happy, and that he has asked to marry her—the
                                                                                                            family is aghast! Especially when the lover she names
                                                                                                            is a former school boyfriend of her daughter, Anna—a
                                                                                                            man under suspicion in three countries for the possible
                                                                                                            murder of his three earlier rich wives!
                                                                                                               With two motives now—to save Grandma’s life and
                                                                                                            to protect their own interest in the eventual inheritance
                                                                                                            that might go to her husband in the event of his plan’s
                                                                                                            success—the family must now find a solution to their
                                                                                                            dilemma…even if it means learning how to commit a
                                                                                                            murder of their own.
          THE SHOPS AT BOCA CENTER ON MILITARY TRAIL | 561-394-5551 | GROVEOPTICIANS.COM                       That’s where the fun begins. And where my spoilers
                                                                                                            end. The rest is up to you.
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