Page 17 - Boca Club News - July '24
P. 17

Boca Club News, Page 17

            Pet Matters
            Pet Matters

      You and Your Pet:

      My Pet Ate What? …What do I Do?

      By Robert Fryer, DVM, Emergency Veterinarian at Calusa      Dogs and cats are curious and sometimes even   retrievable? What do we do when our dog swallows
      Veterinary Center, 6900 Congress Avenue, Boca Raton, FL   mischievous. Dirty laundry is a common fascination for   grandpa’s heart medication? What do we do when our cat
      33487 (561) 999-3000.            dogs. Strings and ribbons are quite interesting to cats. The   licks the medical marijuana butter? Truth be told, there are
         Is your pet perfect? Of course she is! Does your pet listen   kitchen and bathroom trash cans can be irresistible to puppies.   products all around the house that are toxic to our pets:
      and mind well? Of course he does! Are your pets trustworthy   Plastic bags, rubber bands and hair ties can be really enticing   human pharmaceuticals, chocolate bars, medical marijuana
      and well-mannered? Of course they are! Might your pets   to kittens. The bait on that fishhook looks really appetizing   products, Cane Toads (outside), household cleaners, plants
      ingest something toxic or harmful? Of course not!  to our canine fishing buddy.                      and flowers, alcohol, fruits, pest control products and illicit
         We all want to believe that our pets are good decision      When our dogs ingest that dirty sock and our cats swallow   drugs. What happens when our curious and mischievous pets
      makers. We certainly do not expect our pets to do anything   the colorful ribbon, we can resolve the problem with surgery.   get into these products?
      that would be harmful to themselves. But the truth is that our   As Veterinarians, we are trained and skilled at removing non-     We are fortunate to have Veterinarians specifically
      furry family members are often not the best decision makers   digestible objects from the bellies of our pets.  trained in Toxicology and they are only a phone call away.
      and can absolutely put themselves in harm’s way.     What happens if the ingested object is not surgically   The ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center and the Pet
                                                                                                           Poison Helpline are available 24/7 for consultations. When
                                                                                                           our furry friends ingest something potentially harmful we
                                                                                                           can get reliable advice from trained professionals within
                                                                                                           minutes. These poison control centers work together with
                                                                                                           your Veterinarian to provide the best care for your pet when
                                                                                                           time is of the essence. In an emergency a consultation with
                                                                                                           a Poison Control Center provides critical information for
                                                                                                           immediate (and often life-saving) treatment of your pet.
                                                                                                              In the emergency room at Calusa Veterinary Center we
                                                                                                           have successfully managed multiple marijuana ingestions,
                                                                                                           chocolate ingestions, illicit drug exposures, pest control
                                                                                                           product ingestions, human pharmaceutical ingestions and
                                                                                                           veterinary medication overdoses. In nearly all situations the
                                                                                                           timely involvement of the Pet Poison Control Center provided
                                                                                                           critical and valuable information for the immediate treatment
                                                                                                           of the pet.
                                                                                                              If your dog or cat ingests something potentially harmful,
                                                                                                           immediately call one of the Pet Poison Control Centers. These
                                                                                                           hotlines provide immediate assistance and advice for your
                                                                                                           pet’s care to both you and your Veterinarian.
                                                                                                              ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center: (888) 426-4435.
                                                                                                           Pet Poison Hotline: (855) 764-7661. Keep these numbers
                                                                                                           in a permanently convenient place with you at all times, for
                                                                                                           your pet’s sake and yours.

                                                                                                                 A Free Opportunity
                                                                                                                   For Animal

                                                                                                                      Lovers ...

                                                                                                                 Now Feed 6 Shelter Dogs and Cats
                                                                                                                   Every Day at No Cost to You ...

                                                                                                             in Less Than a Minute ...with just “Click”
                                                                                                                Want to feel really good about yourself? If, like
                                                                                                             most of us, those TV announcements bring tears to
                                                                                                             your eyes with photos of sad shelter dogs and cats in
                                                                                                             small cages, hoping somehow to be brought into loving
                                                                                                             homes – when you wish over and over again that you
                                                                                                             could somehow bring joy into their lives, here is an act
                                                                                                             of loving kindness that will cost you absolutely nothing
                                                                                                             ... and take less than a minute a day.
                                                                                                                Visit the website:
                                                                                                             and click on the words “Click here to feed a dog or
                                                                                                             cat.” A “button” will appear on your screen, and all
                                                                                                             you have to do is click on it once. Each time a person
                                                                                                             clicks on that button, the website’s sponsors provide
                                                                                                             bowls of food, free, to feed 6 dogs and cats.
                                                                                                                That’s all there is to it. In only seconds each day,
                                                                                                             you can see to it that 6 animals are fed. The folks
                                                                                                             who run the website never bother you with tons of
                                                                                                             promotional e-mails. You can, if you wish, click on
                                                                                                             a link that sends a daily reminder to you. I did that;
                                                                                                             the reminder is e-mailed, and that is it. No hard-sell
                                                                                                             follow-ups. And if you realize how good it will make
                                                                                                             you feel to be able to do at least something for these
                                                                                                             poor, loving creatures who are there through no fault
                                                                                                             of their own (some have been rescued from abusive
                                                                                                             owners), imagine how even bowls of food will help
                                                                                                             make the animals feel
                                                                                                                Please take just
                                                                                                             seconds a day to lift 6
                                                                                                             animals’ spirits ... and
                                                                                                             your own. Thanks.
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