Page 13 - Boca Club News - July '24
P. 13

Boca Club News, Page 13
      Medical Matters: Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

      By Richard Nagler, M.D., a member                 pregnancy and menopause, and particularly frequent   bending the wrist all the way up or down avoided. Good
      of Broken Sound Club and retired                  computer keyboard usage all contribute to developing the   posture and avoiding cold is recommended.
      physician. After graduating from the              condition.                                            Treatment consists of simple measures such as taking
      University of Pennsylvania and New                   In addition, it may be associated with amyloidosis,   more frequent breaks to rest the hands, avoiding activities
      York University’s School of Medicine,             diabetes,  rheumatoid  arthritis,  thyroid  dysfunction,   that worsen symptoms and application of cold packs to
      Dr. Nagler served his internship and              peripheral neuropathy, an injury to the wrist with ligament   reduce swelling. Wrist splinting, which holds the wrist still
      residency at Baltimore City Hospital              damage and cervical nerve root compression. Carpal Tunnel   especially at night while sleeping, is especially helpful.
      and Johns Hopkins. He followed that               Syndrome must be differentiated from the rarer Quervain   NSAIDs can afford some short-term relief. The injection
      with a Fellowship in Gastroenterology             tenosynovitis involving the tendons that control the thumb.   of steroids into the carpal tunnel with the needle under
      at Yale University School of Medicine, and was then Chief   The diagnosis is made using the Finkelstein test, which   ultrasound direction can effectively relieve inflammation,
      of Gastroenterology at Fitzimmons General Army Hospital   involves bending the thumb across the palm of the hand   swelling and pressure on the median nerve.
      in Denver. He returned to the Yale Medical School for one   and then bending the fingers down over the thumb to make      However, ultimately most patients will eventually need
      year as an Assistant Professor of Medicine before opening   a fist stretching the tendons and causing pain in the wrist.  surgery to afford lasting relief. It can be done by one of two
      his own successful private practice in Internal Medicine      In Carpal Tunnel Syndrome the wrist will often be tender   methods. Endoscopic surgery uses a telescope-like device
      and Gastroenterology. During that time, he also served for   to touch, swollen, warm or discolored. The thumb and three   with a tiny camera attached to visualize the interior of the
      ten years as Chief of Medicine at Huntington Hospital in   fingers should be tested for sensation and strength. A simple   carpal tunnel. The ligament pressing on the median nerve
      Huntington, N.Y.                                  diagnostic test is often employed using a reflex hammer to   can then be cut with one or two small incisions.
         Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is a condition where the median   tap on the median nerve in the wrist that causes the fingers      Open surgery involves making an incision in the palm of
      nerve is compressed as it passes through the carpal tunnel   to tingle or feel an electric shock. A nerve conduction or   the hand over the carpal tunnel and cutting the ligament to
      in the wrist. The carpal tunnel is formed by the carpal bones   velocity test measures how fast an electrical signal travels   free it from the median nerve. The risks in these procedures
      at the bottom of the wrist and the transverse carpal ligament   along a nerve to muscle. The longer it takes the greater the   are incomplete release of the median nerve from the
      across the top of the wrist. The median nerve extends the   damage to the nerve. For diagnosis, a nerve conduction   ligament, wound infection, scar formation and injury to the
      entire length of the arm ending in the hand and supplies both   study Electro myography (EMG) measures muscle response   nerve or surrounding blood vessels.
      sensory and motor function to the thumb and middle three   to electrical activity in response to a nerve’s stimulation      The healing process can take from weeks to several
      fingers of the hand, but not to the pinkie. Women are three   of the muscle. One or more small electrodes are inserted   months where ligament tissue gradually grows back, but
      times more likely to have carpal tunnel syndrome than men.  through the skin into the muscle and a computer will   with more room for the median nerve to function normally.
         Symptoms start out slowly, usually at night, but as they   translate these signals into graphs or numerical values that   Soreness and some weakness usually resolve in time.
      inevitably worsen they will be present during the day as well.   can determine the degree of damage. Ultrasound x-rays      Post-op, the hand and wrist are wrapped and put in a
      Included are numbness, tingling, burning, weakness and a cold   and an MRI can all reveal a swollen or compressed median   splint for a couple of weeks to keep from moving the wrist
      sensation even when the hand feels warm to the touch. Difficulty   nerve, as well as arthritis or a small previously unrecognized   up and down. Patients should sleep with the hand elevated
      grasping things due to weakened muscles, trouble buttoning a   small fracture.                       and move fingers to help prevent stiffness. They should
      shirt, holding on to the steering wheel of a car, a newspaper or      There are some preventive measures that can be   avoid forceful hand motions or extreme wrist positions until
      a phone, gaming such as golf and racket sports, gardening and   helpful. Relax one’s grip as often as possible, especially   healing has been achieved.
      repetitive workplace tasks are all adversely affected.  when involved with a cash register, prolonged typing at      With the endoscopic method, return to normal is usually
         It usually occurs spontaneously, but certain medications   a computer keyboard or even handwriting. The wrist and   of shorter duration. How long the median nerve was
      (especially chemotherapy), obesity fluid retention in   hand should be gently stretched and bent periodically and   compressed does adversely affect the time of full recovery.
      Legal: New Condominium and HOA Laws

      By Michael J Posner, Esq., a partner                 Several high-profile lawsuits filed by condominium   owners sought to take control of the common elements
      in Ward Damon P.L., a mid-sized real              owners in mixed-use condominiums over who controls the   (parking areas, lobbies, elevators and the like) from the
      estate and business-oriented law firm             building’s common elements led the legislature to adopt a law   developer, while the developers argued that they should
      serving all of Florida, with offices in           that favors developer control. A mixed-use condominium is a   control these elements (all along charging the residential
      Palm Beach and Lee Counties. They                 condominium that contains both commercial and residential   unit owners for a share of the cost, which many unit owners
      specialize in real estate law and                 units. Unlike a purely residential development where the   claim is excessive). The new law clarifies that the developer
      can assist buyers and sellers with                developer turns over control of the common elements to   retains control over the common elements if provided for in
      closing and financing of residential              the unit owners after selling ninety percent of the units, a   the Declaration.
      and commercial real estate including              mixed-use project frequently has components such as a hotel,      The new law clarifies rules regarding a condominium’s
      remote closings. They can be reached at (561) 594-1452 or   restaurants, retail stores and related uses that the developer   official records, including the disclosure of email addresses
      at                         runs or leases out to third parties. This means the developer   if an owner has consented to electronic transmission of
         Several new laws affecting condominiums and    (or the developer’s successor) remains involved in the project   notice, requires an association to make a good faith effort to
      homeowner’s associations will go into effect after Governor   long term.                             locate lost or destroyed records, requires any response to a
      DeSantis signed House Bills 1021 and 1203, which went into      This has led to lawsuits regarding the maintenance and   records request to include a checklist of all records provided
      effect July 1st.                                  cost of the shared common elements. The residential unit   and lowers the threshold from 150 units to 25 units for an
                                                                                                           association to maintain specified records available on the
                                                                                                           association’s website or on a mobile device.
                                                                                                             in criminal penalties on board members.
                                                                                                             In addition, willful action to withhold records can result
                             ARCHIVE GALLERIES                                                               units will now require at least four meetings a year wherein
                                                                                                             Board meetings of condominiums with ten or more

                                                                                                           members will be able to ask questions concerning the status
                                                                                                           of construction or repair projects, revenues and expenditures,
                                                                                                           and other condominium issues. Assessment meeting agendas
                PAYS HIGHER PRICES FOR FINE ART AND ANTIQUES                                               will now have to include the cost and purpose of proposed
                                                                                                           assessments and a copy of any proposed contract.
                                                                                                              Suspension of voting rights as a result of nonpayment of a
          • Oil Paintings                   • Sterling Silver              • Collectibles                  fee or other monetary obligation now requires written notice
          • Oriental Rugs                   • Objects of Art               • Fine Crystal                  at least 90 days prior to the election. The new law also allows
          • Tapestries                      • Sculptures                   • Orientalia                    for electronic voting in elections by using an electronic means
                                                                                                           of consent.
          • Fine Furniture                  • Bronzes                      • Tiffany Items                    Finally, on the sale of a condominium unit, the seller
          • Service Plates                  • Porcelain                    • Clocks                        must now provide the buyer, in addition to the other required
                                                                                                           documents, the annual financial statement and annual budget
                                                                                                           of the condominium association.
                     We Also Purchase Men’s And Ladies’ Items Including:                                      The new homeowner’s association law, which also went
                                                                                                           into effect on July 1st, addresses several contentious issues
              • Old Watches • Cufflinks • Smoking Items • Coins • Antique Jewelry                          including parking and fines. Many homeowner’s associations
            • Designer Handbags • Fine Modern Jewelry • Vintage Costume Jewelry                            ban work and pickup trucks from parking on the homeowner’s
                                                                                                           driveway. These restrictions will no longer be valid. In
                                                                                                           addition, a first responder’s assigned vehicle will not be
                              One Piece Or Entire Contents Purchased                                       prohibited from parking on public roads or rights-of-way
                                                                                                           within the homeowners’ association property.
                                                                                                             Directors in homeowner’s associations will now have
                  CALL NOW FOR A FREE CONSULTATION, NO OBLIGATION                                            to complete an education course within 90 days after being
                                                                                                           elected or appointed. In addition, directors will have to
                                                                                                           complete four to eight hours of continuing education annually.
                CASH                      561-498-7536                                COURTEOUS               With regard to official records, associations with 100 or
              PAYMENTS                                                                  IN HOME            more parcels must maintain a digital copy of official records
           UPON REQUEST                                                                 SERVICE            for download on the association’s website or through an

                                                                                                           Legal on page 14
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